We sat down recently with Stachys to interview Paul about his life, ministry, impact of his teaching, and concerns for today’s world.1
Stachys: So Paul, you had quite a life. Tell us a bit about your story.
Paul: Thank you. I grew up in Tarsus, in Cilicia, located in south central Turkey. I was born a Jew of the tribe of Benjamin (Philippians 3.5) and named Saul, after Israel’s first king, who was of my tribe. I also was born with Roman citizenship, a benefit which would save my life (Acts 22.25-30). I demonstrated academic promise and was sent to Jerusalem to study to be a Pharisee under the famous Rabbi Gamaliel, grandson of the great Hillel (Acts 22.3).
Stachys: How did that go? Were you a good student?
Paul: Yes. I excelled. I became a member of the Council as soon as it was possible and advanced in Judaism above my peers (Galatians 1.14). I was (smiling) a “rising star.”
Stachys: You were present when Stephen came to trial before the Sanhedrin?
Paul: Yes. Quite a day. Stephen gave a brilliant summary of Israel’s history. He knew his Tanakh and one could not but be impressed with him. We killed him. I stood by the robes of those who stoned him (Acts 7.58).
Stachys: How did you feel about that?
Paul: I applauded it (Acts 8.1). I was zealous to uphold the Law.
Stachys: Was this action legal?
Paul: No. As Dr. Luke recounted, we were enraged. But blasphemy was punishable by death. The Council would have convicted Stephen. It was easy to rationalize our actions.
Stachys: So you were ok with this?
Paul: Definitely. I was committed to destroying those following Jesus of Nazareth, all of “the Way.” I broke into their houses, imprisoned, tortured, and killed them.
Stachys: Did you confine your actions to Jerusalem?
Paul: Initially, yes. But I had a burning zeal for our traditions. I went to the high priest and requested documents to authorize me to pursue followers of the Way beyond the borders of Israel. Once I obtained these letters I left for Damascus.
Stachys: How did that go?
Paul: Not as I expected. (laughter)
Paul: As I neared Damascus–it was about noon–an intense light shown around me–so bright it dimmed the sun. I fell to the ground and heard a voice speaking to me in Hebrew which said, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.” I replied, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ The voice replied, ‘I am Jesus whom you are persecuting. Get up and stand on your feet; for this purpose I have appeared to you, to appoint you a minister and a witness not only to the things which you have seen, but also to the things in which I will appear to you; rescuing you from the Jewish people and from the Gentiles, to whom I am sending you, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me’” (Acts 9.3-9, 22.6-11, 26.13-18).
Stachys: Wow. What next?
Paul: I was in shock. I could not see. I was blind.
Stachys: What about those with you? How were they affected?
Paul: They saw the light but were not blinded. They heard the sound of a voice but did not understand it. Since I was blind, they led me to Damascus to a house on Straight Street owned by a man named Judas. I was blind for three days. I did not eat or drink. All I could do was pray. While in prayer, I had a vision: a man named Ananias came and laid his hand on me to give me my sight (Acts 9.11-12, 22.6-11).
Stachys: So did this happen?
Paul: Yes. While I was recovering, the Lord appeared to Ananias. He told him about me, where I was, and to come to me.
Stachys: Did he come?
Paul: Yes–but not without protest. He knew my reputation for ruthlessness. Ananias objected, saying, “Lord, I have heard from many about this man, how much harm he did to Your saints at Jerusalem; and here he has authority from the chief priests to bind all who call on Your name” (Acts 9.13-14). But the Lord calmed Ananias’ fears and said, “Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel; for I will show him how much he must suffer for My name’s sake” (Acts 9.15-16). Ananias obeyed and came to the house.
Stachys: Then what happened?
Paul: He placed his hands upon me and said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road by which you were coming, has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” ‘Brother Saul, receive your sight!’ When I looked upon him he said, ‘The God of our fathers has appointed you to know His will and to see the Righteous One and to hear an utterance from His mouth. For you will be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard. Now, why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name’” (Acts 9.17-18, 22.13-16).
Stachys: Then what happened?
Paul: It was amazing. As soon as he spoke, I regained my sight. I was baptized. After this, I ate and began to regain my strength. While recovering, I visited with other believers and told them what had happened. When strong enough, I went to the synagogue and proclaimed Christ was the Son of God (Acts 9.20).
Stachys: That must have been a shock!
Paul: Quite. Those who heard me could not believe they were hearing Saul of Tarsus. They said, “Is this not he who in Jerusalem destroyed those who called on this name, and who had come here for the purpose of bringing them bound before the chief priests?” The Jews confronted me. They were what I had been just a few days before. When I showed them from the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ they were confounded (Acts 9.20-22).
Stachys: The Lord has quite a sense of irony. After this happened, did you go to Jerusalem and consult with the Twelve?
Paul: Well, it is logical to think this would have been the first thing I did. But God had other plans for me. He sent me to Arabia–to the desert–to Sinai, where Moses received the Law (Galatians 1.16-17, 4.25). The risen Lord isolated me from the Twelve. He had a totally different purpose for me. He began to reveal what being “apostle of Gentiles” (Romans 11.13) meant. After I received His instruction, I left Arabia and returned to Damascus.
Stachys: What did you do there?
Paul: I continued to teach in the synagogues. The Jews could not refute my arguments so they plotted to kill me. I had become Stephen. Fortunately, I learned of this plot and escaped at night with the help of the disciples. They lowered me down the city wall in a large basket.
Stachys: More excitement!
Paul: Well, even more was to come.
Stachys: What next?
Paul: I went to Jerusalem. I wished to fellowship with the believers there. But they were afraid of me and doubted I was a believer. Barnabas, however, believed me and took me to the those who had believed in Christ and described how I had seen the Lord on the road, that He had talked to me, and how in Damascus I had spoken boldly in His name (Acts 9.26-27).
Stachys: Did you meet with the Twelve?
Paul: Only Peter. I also met James–the Lord’s half-brother, known as “James the Just.” I stayed with Peter fifteen days (Galatians 1.18).
Stachys: What did you do while in Jerusalem?
Paul: I proclaimed Jesus as the Messiah. The Hellenistic Jews opposed me and tried to kill me (Acts 9.29). One day, while praying in the Temple, I fell into a trance and saw the Lord saying to me, ‘Make haste and get out of Jerusalem quickly because they will not accept your testimony about Me.’ I protested saying, ‘Lord, they know that in one synagogue after another I used to imprison and beat those who believed in You. When the blood of Your witness Stephen was being shed, I also was standing by approving, and watching out for the coats of those who were slaying him.’ But the Lord said, ‘Go! For I will send you far away to the Gentiles’” (Acts 22.17-21). It took me a long time to learn the truth of His words. I loved my people. I thought, if I, Saul of Tarsus, could be changed, they could. Surely they will listen to me! It was not to be.
Stachys: So how long did it take to learn this truth?
Paul: It took a long time. I did not appreciate it fully until the Lord imprisoned me in Rome (Ephesians 3.1, 4.1). Luke recorded our missionary journeys in Acts and my priority of going to Jews first with the gospel. When they rejected it, I would turn to the Gentiles (Acts 13.13-47, 18.5-6, 28.17-29). I resisted God’s warnings about going to Jerusalem (Acts 20.22-23, 21.4, 7-14) and got into trouble, just as the Holy Spirit had warned. To save myself from being killed by the Jews, I had to use my Roman citizenship and appeal my case directly to Caesar (Acts 22.22-29, 25.11). The Roman commander moved me from Jerusalem to Caesarea to foil another plot of the Jews to kill me. I was imprisoned there for two years and during that time I met Governors Felix, Festus, and King Agrippa. Finally, they sent me to Rome for my appeal to the Emperor. During the voyage, a terrible storm arose. It wrecked our ship but the Lord was with us and we lost no lives. When I arrived in Rome, I immediately met with the Jews–my final meeting with them. It became clear, just as the Lord said, that they would not listen (Acts 28.17-29). This was in about 61 A.D. For the next two years I was under house arrest (a rented house) as Rome’s prisoner. During this time, I spoke with many of Caesar’s guards. Several came to know the Lord (Philippians 4.22). Sometimes they wondered who was the prisoner.
Stachys: Can we talk about your teachings?
Paul: By all means. The Lord revealed to me doctrines, which I termed “secrets” (μυστήριον). I designated them so because that is what they were. The Lord had not revealed them to Israel’s prophets, nor to the Twelve. He also had kept them hidden during His earthly ministry. They were revelations the ascended Lord revealed exclusively to me.
Stachys: What were these secrets?
Paul: One was the gospel of the grace of God–that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead (Acts 20.24; Galatians 1.11-12) Another was salvation by faith alone–believing the good news that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead for our justification (1 Corinthians 15.1-4).
Stachys: Peter and the Eleven did not know this gospel and salvation by faith alone?
Paul: No. Peter and the rest preached the gospel of the kingdom which had begun with John the Baptist. That gospel focused upon the identity of Christ–who He was–the Messiah, the Son of God. They looked for the establishment of the kingdom of God on earth with Christ ruling as King (Matthew 6.10). I received my gospel directly from the risen Lord (Galatians 1.11-12). It focused upon His work–that He died for our sins and rose from the dead. The faith part of the gospel of the kingdom was believing Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God (Matthew 16.16; John 11.27; Acts 8.37). But in addition, that gospel also required repentance, keeping the Law, and water baptism for salvation (Mark 1.4, 16.16; Luke 10.25-28; Acts 2.38; Acts 15.1, 5). My gospel (Romans 2.16, 16.25; Galatians 2.2, 7; 2 Corinthians 4.3; 2 Thessalonians 2.14; 2 Timothy 2.8) requires but one thing: trust in the death and resurrection of Christ. When Peter preached the Lord’s death, he did not preach it as good news but as a Jewish crime (Acts 2.22-24, 3.13-15). He demanded the nation repent of it (Acts 2.36-38). For Peter, the significance of the Lord’s resurrection was He could return and establish His kingdom on earth–if the Jewish people would repent (Acts 3.19-20, 25-26). The gospel the Lord gave me proclaims His death and resurrection as good news (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). My gospel is a gospel of grace and faith alone (Romans 1.16-17, 3.22, 26, 28, 4.5; Ephesians 2.8-9; 1 Corinthians 15.1-4). The Twelve had no idea Christ’s death and resurrection had paid for the sins of the world and that God had reconciled the world to Himself (2 Corinthians 5.14-21). This truth remained hidden until the glorified Lord revealed it to me. The Twelve learned this truth from me (2 Peter 3.15-16).
Stachys: Wow. That’s not what most people have been taught.
Paul: Well, that’s not my fault (smiling). I wrote these things in my letters. They are there for anyone to read. In my first letter to Timothy, I wrote I was the first (πρῶτος), God’s prototype or pattern (ὑποτύπωσις), for those who would follow in this new salvation (1 Timothy 1.15-16). To the Corinthians, in 1 Corinthians 3.10-11, I expressed this truth with an illustration of architecture. I wrote them, “as a wise master-builder, I laid the foundation” (ὡς σοφὸς ἀρχιτέκτων θεμέλιον ἔθηκα). The foundation is Christ Himself, specifically His work on the cross and resurrection. The Church, the body of Christ, is the creation which came into being based on His death and resurrection. The Lord also revealed to me many other truths He had kept hidden.
Stachys: What were these?
Paul: Well, to continue, one was the Church, the body of Christ, in which those who believe my gospel become members of His body. No difference exists between Jew and Gentile in this relationship (Galatians 3.27-28). This was unknown to the Twelve.
Stachys: Peter did not know about the Church? Some teach that the Church came out of Peter.
Paul: Well, no one thought so in my day, especially Peter. Peter knew nothing of the Church. Peter and the rest of the Twelve never had a ministry to Gentiles. Peter, James, John, and Jude wrote to Jews and never mentioned the Church, the body of Christ, in their letters. Peter left Jerusalem to visit Cornelius only through direct communication and prodding from the Lord. And after he returned, the believing Jews in Jerusalem upbraided him for having gone (Acts 10-11). God designated me as the apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11.13) and designated the Twelve as apostles of Israel (Matthew 19.28; Galatians 2.7-9). The ascended Christ revealed to me, not Peter or the other apostles, the secret of the Church, the body of Christ (Ephesians 3.2-7; 1.22-23; Colossians 1.19; 1 Corinthians 12.12-27; Galatians 3.28).
Stachys: The Church did not begin at Pentecost?
Paul: Read Luke’s account. What is the definition of the Church, the body of Christ? It is that body in which Jew and Gentile are equal in Christ. Whom did Peter address at Pentecost? Jews or Gentiles? He addressed Jews. Pentecost, or the Festival of Weeks, was a Jewish feast day, held 50 days after Passover. Peter called on the Jewish nation to repent from the murder of the Messiah (Acts 2.5, 14, 22, 36-39). If this was the birth of the Church, why did Peter not address Gentiles? We find the same thing in Peter’s second sermon, in Acts 3. He addressed Jews only (Acts 3.12, 25). Throughout his messages, he quoted the prophets. The Jewish prophets meant nothing to Gentiles. If the Church came into existence at Pentecost, why did no evangelism of Gentiles occur? Read the Scriptures. Peter and the Twelve never had a ministry to Gentiles.
Stachys: Few seem to know this. What else?
Paul: The Lord revealed to me that when one believes my gospel he is identified in Christ’s death and in His resurrection (Romans 6.3-5, 8). This identification is the basis of our hope of resurrection and the key to victory in the Christian life (Romans 6.6-7). Peter and the other apostles knew nothing of this identification truth–of believers being baptized and identified in His death and resurrection.
Stachys: Other truths?
Paul: Several more. The Lord revealed that the one who believes my gospel is under new administration: Grace, not Law (Romans 6.14). God gave the Mosaic Law to Israel, not to Gentiles. The Law’s primary purpose was to condemn and to reveal sin. It had no power to make one better. Peter and the Eleven continued to practice Judaism under the Law of Moses. They knew nothing of a new administration of Grace which replaced the Mosaic Law. Peter finally understood at the Council of Jerusalem that through my gospel one is saved by trusting in Christ’s death and resurrection alone, apart from the works of the Law. Once he saw this, he sided with me (Acts 15.7-11).
Stachys: The Law was bad?
Paul: Heavens, no! The Law was holy, righteous, and good (Romans 7.12). The problem was not with the Law but with us. This is another truth the Lord revealed to me alone. The nature we inherit from Adam cannot keep the Law. I learned this truth through hard experience and wrote about it in Romans 7. When the Law encounters our fallen, Adamic nature it excites sin. It does so because our fallen nature, which I also called the flesh, is in rebellion against God (Romans 7.8, 11, 21, 23, 25). To counter this and conform us into the image of Christ, God has given us a new nature (Romans 7.22; 2 Corinthians 5.17) and placed us under the administration of grace (Romans 6.14). By this arrangement, we can more ably obey Christ. This new relationship operates through faith, hope, and love. The love of Christ constrains us (2 Corinthians 5.14) and through the superintending work of the Holy Spirit, God transforms and sanctifies us to Himself (Romans 8.29), in a way the Law never could (Galatians 5.16-26). We are to “reckon” or “consider” (λογίζομαι) ourselves dead to sin but alive to God (Romans 6.11). This is an act of faith and the key to sanctification and living the Christian life.
Stachys: What about national Israel? What is their future? Do they have a future?
Paul: Yes! God’s covenants and purposes for Israel will be fulfilled. When God establishes a plan and makes a promise, He keeps it (Romans 11.29). At present, national Israel is blind. God revealed this secret to me and I wrote about it in Romans 9-11. When God called Abraham, He began a new program. He laid the foundation for the creation of the Jewish people. He revealed Himself to them and gave them covenantal promises. God promised they would become a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Exodus 19.6; Isaiah 61.4-6). He promised they would become the preeminent nation upon the earth and that He Himself will reign as their King and rule the earth (Deuteronomy 28.1, 13; Zechariah 14.9). But at the present time, they are blind (Romans 11.7-8). God removed them (they removed themselves by rejecting Him) from the place of blessing and placed Gentiles into that position. But God will reestablish them into the place of blessing (Romans 11.11-12, 25-27). One day, they will recognize Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah. They will repent and be saved (Matthew 23.37-39; Zechariah 12.10-14, 13.6; Romans 11.26). The prophecies and all God’s promises to Israel will be fulfilled. But this cannot occur until the Lord removes the Church, the body of Christ (Romans 11.25-26). Therefore, the future of Israel is bright!
Stachys: What do you mean, “removes the Church?”
Paul: We can close with this secret–the believer’s great hope (Titus 2.13)–the return of the Lord and the resurrection of our bodies. People get confused about the subject of the Lord’s return. The Lord revealed to me His return for His Church, the body of Christ. This return was a secret and an entirely different event from His return which the prophets taught and which He taught in His earthly ministry. That return will occur at the end of the Tribulation, to deliver Israel and the nations. The return the Lord revealed to me comes before the Tribulation. The Lord will deliver the Church from His wrath (1 Thessalonians 1.10, 5.9). This return was secret (1 Corinthians 15.51). The Rapture and the 2nd Advent are separate events and cannot be harmonized. The word translated “Rapture” comes from the word ἁρπάζω I used when I taught the Thessalonians this wonderful truth (1 Thessalonians 4.13-18). It means to seize or snatch away, which describes what the Lord will do for believers–He will snatch them from the grave and from their mortal bodies and transform them to have resurrection bodies. In my follow-up letter (2 Thessalonians), I wrote to correct the false teaching that the persecution they were experiencing was the Tribulation, the Day of the Lord, I used the word ἀποστασία for “Rapture.”
Stachys: Can you say a bit more why did you use these words? Snatch away and departure from what?
Paul: Jewish theology has two great themes: One is the kingdom of God on earth, in which Christ will rule and Israel will be supreme among the nations, and the other is the Day of the Lord. The Day of the Lord encompasses a long period. It begins with the seven-year Tribulation and continues to God’s creation of the New Heavens and New Earth. But most of its focus is upon the Tribulation–when God will exercise His wrath upon the earth. David was the first to write about it in Psalm 2–which is a short course and summary of Jewish theology–no extra charge for that (laughter). But before God pours out His wrath upon the earth He will remove His body, the Church. No believer of my gospel will experience the judgments in those terrible seven years. I taught the Thessalonians this comforting truth (1 Thessalonians 1.10, 5.9) and used ἁρπάζω to describe how the Lord will “snatch away” believers to meet Him in the air before He begins to vex the earth. This amazing truth means one generation of believers will not experience physical death. I had hoped to experience this myself but had no idea the Lord would extend His program of the Church for so long. I used ἀποστασία to correct the false teaching the Thessalonians had received that they were experiencing the Tribulation. Believers will depart (ἀποστασία) before the Antichrist, the Beast is revealed (2 Thessalonians 2.1-3). They will experience none of the events of the seven years of God’s wrath.
Stachys: Why do so few know these things? Why is there so much confusion?
Paul: Several reasons account for the confusion. The primary reason is the failure to recognize the vast differences in my ministry and the ministry of Peter and the Eleven, or put another way, God’s program for Israel. When one reads my doctrines and the secrets the Lord revealed to me–God’s program for the Church, the body of Christ–into His covenantal program for Israel, the result is confusion. The two programs are entirely different and cannot be mixed. If they are, confusion results. I dealt with this regarding the gospel at the Council of Jerusalem in 51 A.D. Fortunately, God had prepared Peter for that battle long before, when He commanded him to go to Cornelius’ house. Because God gave him that experience, he was able to grasp what I was saying and come to my aid. Beyond justification, on the matter of the believer’s sanctification, I wrote the whole book of Galatians. The Galatians, influenced by the Judaizers, were being taught that believers of my gospel had to obey the Mosaic Law. They were abandoning my teachings of grace and placing themselves under the Law. They thought they could be conformed into the image of Christ through the Law. I fought that battle but lost. I lost all of Asia. I had spent so much time there–in Galatia, Ephesus, Colossae, Iconium, Derbe, Lystra, Antioch Pisidia–I lost them.
Stachys: You lost them?
Paul: Yes. It was a bitter pill and heart-wrenching to see these believers abandon their freedom in Christ and the truths of grace for the yoke of the Law. I wrote Timothy of this great tragedy (2 Timothy 1.15, 4.14-16). The syncretism in Christendom today–the mixing of Law and Grace, conflating God’s program for the Church and His program for Israel, failure to distinguish the Rapture and the Second Coming, not understanding salvation by faith alone from salvation by faith and works, thinking God has replaced Israel with the Church, believing Peter and I preached the same gospel, the teaching that Peter and the Eleven ministered to Gentiles–I could go on–all these have their roots in the battle I fought in my lifetime. Confusion results from failure to understand the Scriptures–to understand my letters–to see God saved and commissioned me as THE apostle of the Gentiles and that with me He began an entirely new program, the Church, the body of Christ.
Stachys: Thank you. This is sobering. It also is an encouragement to concentrate on your letters and study the truths the Lord revealed to you. Finally, what are your thoughts about today, what concerns you most?
Paul: I am the epitome of God’s love and grace. I was so misguided. I thought I was doing God’s will but had become a religious monster. But God loved me. He chose and commissioned me to reveal His grace and revelations He had kept secret–to all–Jews and Gentiles. God chose me to be to the Church what Abraham and Moses were to Israel. My greatest concern is for those without Christ, without hope, and without eternal life. God wishes all to be saved and come to the truth (1 Timothy 2.4). Christ has done all the work and has made salvation so simple. One need only trust in His work–in His death and resurrection (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). Living the Christian life is not easy. But God has provided freedom in Christ. Peter noted at the Council of Jerusalem that the Law was a burden, a yoke (Acts 15.10). It was. I know. I was a Pharisee. But those who believe my gospel are under grace. They are free. God has given us the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide us. As we came to life by faith, we are to live by faith. God is Life. The more we trust Him the more alive we become. He is our blessed hope–and He is coming–soon!
1 This fictional interview serves as a vehicle to present Paul’s life and doctrines. Luke’s account in Acts is distinctly Jewish and differs in emphasis from Paul’s letters. Luke’s intended audience was Jews and his purpose was to explain Israel’s fall from God’s favor and why the kingdom of God did not come. Paul’s letters addressed Gentiles primarily. In them, we find Church doctrine–doctrines the risen Lord gave for the Church, the body of Christ.
©2015 Don Samdahl. Anyone is free to reproduce this material and distribute it, but it may not be sold.
Updated 2017-04-04
Hello Don,
What a great article! Your pros encompasses the entire New Testament in a very orderly manner. You have been able to demonstrate how the Old Testament pointed to Jesus and the King and the Kingdom while Paul reveals the new program that includes Jew and Gentile alike.
Tradition and denomination have totally conflated the simple plan that the Bible reveals if people will only trust in God’s Word. As we read in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
Right division as stated in 2 Timothy 2:15 has to be understood and adhered to before one can make any sense of the Book. People even conflate the meaning of the words “rightly dividing” and gloss over the importance of this first step of true understanding.
Thank you for your time, devotion and scholarly articles that are changing lives.
Jack S.
Meridian, ID
Thanks as always for your kind words.
Don…..who was Stachys?
See Romans 16.9.
I so enjoy when you post a new article. This one seems like a great approach to explaining Paul’s unique ministry. I appreciate your scholarly approach to research and writing, and am tempted to study Greek. However, I am not sure that my 60-year-old brain could learn it. Keep up the great work, Don.
Thank you for your kind words. Greek is work.
Paul: thank GOD your mind and my 79 year old minds are the mind of CHRIST that we recieve, beinging a member of the Body Of CHRIST. Isn’t that just awesome of our FATHER!!! grace & peace.
This sounds like a skit I can use in my Sunday school, getting two students to play the parts of Paul and the one asking questions
G’Day Don,
I loved this article. I immediately sent it through to a friend who said the following…
“I think he should have written something like this much earlier on as it pulls together all the doctrines into one cohesive ‘article’ (if you can call it that, it’s more like script). If he had launched his website with an overview like this it could have helped answer a questions which people have asked. At first I thought it was a bit weird the way he presented it, but after thinking about it a while it makes a lot of sense – I can see 2 people reading this out as part of a church service. I’ve been wondering how best to sum up all the teachings he’s presented on his website and communicate it in a way that makes sense to those that have never heard this stuff before. It would be difficult to preach/teach it in a regular church setting as most people would be left with more questions than answers. You really need to break down the old foundations, build new ones and explain it all in one go, otherwise it’s very confusing, but something like this could really work well.”
I totally agree with him and would add the following.
Have you thought about adding links throughout the article to all the other pertinent articles you have written so readers can link in the fuller body of doctrine you have presented on this site. With the links inserted, this article would serve as a fantastic launchpad to most of your articles.
Just a thought..:)
But again let me say very well done Don and thank you.
God Bless
Ron G
Thanks so much for your words and suggestions.
Thank you and very well done ! May God Bless You
Many thanks.
I liked the way you assimilated the differences between the teachings of Paul and of the Apostles. This conversational approach is helpful in understanding the differences.
Perhaps you can help me with something that I am trying to understand.
Jews are to be given an earthly kingdom and the Church more of a heavenly inheritance or calling.
But what of the believing Jews that currently make up the Church? Has their inheritance changed from earthly to heavenly because they now believe and will be raptured?
In essence my question is: Will believing Jews remain with the Church and wherever it may be residing (with the Lord) or will they inherit the Kingdom of God on earth (perhaps apart from the Church) and be a part of the other Jews who became believers in Messiah during the tribulation?
If this question cannot be answered, I understand.
Thank you.
Thanks. Believing Jews today are no different than believing Gentiles. We are both members of the Church, the body of Christ, and will have heavenly blessings.
I want to thank you for all your articles! What a blessing to have found them, for they have helped me so much in my understanding of the scriptures.
Thank you. Grace and peace.
Amazing idea!
Amazed that the only verse you have from Jesus states “your house is left unto desolate”.
I prefer to listen to Jesus, the law, prophets and apostles before I jump on the Paul bandwagon. I am a gentile and Peter was to teach the gentiles. Jesus said all things that He heard from the Father were given to the apostles.
True that there are two groups and two messages. Paul is teaching a different gospel.
I also cite Matthew 19.28 but I do not know why this matters. The problem with your comment is that it has no Scriptural support. Jesus never had a ministry to Gentiles and neither did Peter or any of the other Twelve. They ministered to Jews. Peter wrote to Jews, not Gentiles (1 Peter 1.1). You are correct Paul taught a different gospel. That is why there was the controversy of the Jerusalem Council (Acts 15). Peter concluded they were wrong and Paul was right (see my article, The Great Hinge).
Hello Don,
Your article is very well organized and answers many questions concerning Paul’s gospel. My question has to do with the first secret you point out which is “the gospel of the grace of God – that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead.” 1 Cor 15:3 states that Christ “died for our sins according to the scriptures”. Luke 24:45 points out that Jesus gave the disciples understanding. “Then he opened their minds to understand the scriptures”. Didn’t the twelve know that Jesus died for our sins? Isaiah 53 says Christ bore the sins of many although this chapter was focused exclusively on Israel and not the whole world. Is it possible that they knew of his dying for sins but the mystery of the gospel was that faith in Christ alone apart from the law would save people and they didn’t know this until the council in Jerusalem in Acts 15.
Thank you for your time.
Do you not think the Twelve, if they knew Christ died for our sins, would have proclaimed it? The Lord opened their eyes to Scriptures regarding the prophetic, kingdom program. What Peter proclaimed at Pentecost was that God had raised Jesus from the dead so He could be King–if Israel repented. Peter did not tell them Christ died for their sins. Read James, probably the earliest book in the NT canon. Can you find any proclamation that Christ died for our sins?
I see your point. Peter said a lot on the day of Pentecost but he never told anyone that Jesus died in their place for their sins. Paul said that Christ died for our sins “according to the scriptures”. Isn’t this a reference to the Old Testament? Would you say he was given special revelation of these scriptures of something that was there but hidden from the twelve?
The only passage in the OT that provides a clue about Christ’s dying for sin is Isaiah 53. The prophets had no idea what this meant and neither did the Twelve. That passage speaks only of Jews not Gentiles. The Lord gave Paul special revelation about the nature and extent of His work on the cross. Paul is a whole different animal than the Twelve and God revealed to him things the Twelve were wholly ignorant of. Paul called these things “secrets.” See my article, Paul’s “Mystery”.
Hi Don,
If Peter did not minister to Gentiles, what was he doing eating with them when the bus load of Pharasees arrived from James in Jerusalem?
I know that Paul rebuked him for his hypocrisy, but my question is what was he doing in their homes if he totally rejected them?
See the earlier verses, Galatians 2.7-9. While it is impossible to know the particulars, Jewish believers certainly were in the Antioch church. Peter most likely went to minister to them. The agreement was not that Peter would not have contact with Gentiles but that his ministry would be to Jews. Peter did not reject Gentiles for he certainly knew Gentiles had been saved. The issue in Acts 15 was over the issue of whether Gentiles could be saved by faith alone as Paul’s gospel maintained. That issue had been resolved (Acts 15.11). The result of that resolution probably removed a lot of the barriers so that Peter felt more comfortable associating with them. But when the James’ party arrived he got cold feet. This demonstrates just how strong a hold the Law held.
Also, if you read Acts 10, it is very clear that Peter DID have a ministry with the Gentiles. He was sent to Cornelius and his house, who were Gentiles, to preach the Gospel. His entire house received the Holy Ghost with evidence of speaking in tongues and were baptized in Jesus’ name. Peter didn’t want to go because they were Gentiles but God gave him a vision saying that the Gospel was not only for the Jews anymore but it was to be shared with the Gentiles.
This is the only instance of any of the Twelve going to Gentiles. A one contact experience does not constitute a ministry. We have no Biblical record of any of the Twelve ever ministering to Gentiles.
I’ve had some point me to Acts 11:19-20 as evidence regarding this issue. There seems to be something involving the use of “and” or “but” in verse 20.
Could you comment?
The issue in these verses is whether the text reads Hellenists (Greek-speaking Jews) or Hellenes (Greeks/Gentiles). It seems to me that the text makes better sense for the latter. Those who went to address Gentiles were not of the Twelve, but Jews from Cyprus and Cyrene. This salvation of Gentiles prompted the Twelve to send Barnabas to verify this. After he verified they were believers he went to find Paul.
Doctrine also, like you have written before that it was not the problem that Gentiles could NOT be saved; it was preached by the disciples that they had to be saved by faith + works.
I think it is a hard one to come to the point (for many) of realization that when we believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection + 0 that we are given the Holy Spirit. He lives INSIDE of us; we are predestined to good works/good fruit (however long that takes). The Holy Spirit gives power; our job is to listen and trust- then walk accordingly. Many Christians (and some who call themselves so) don’t understand that God is the Changer; even in sanctification He is calling the shots. The Holy Spirit gives us understanding, rebuke, counseling, teaching, comfort, etc… Abraham was accredited with salvation for believing and in his walk he continued to trust EVEN when he made some trouble by lying. He was not perfect, but he kept believing that God would deliver in His promise.
We are to believe that God will deliver what He promised = becoming more like Him and eternal life with Him.
If we do not inherit the Kingdom because ours is a heavenly calling, why does Paul mention it as an inheritance in Galatians…
Gal 5:19 – 21 “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”
See my article, The Kingdom of God. The kingdom of God encompasses both heaven and earth. Only Israel was promised an earthly kingdom.
Hie Don
Once again thank you for showing us the importance of rightly dividing the Word!.
I just find it difficult to understand how in the churches today the ‘doctrine’ of tithing is exalted, with Abraham and Malachi 3:10 as the basis.This beats me,please Sir would you please shed some light in all this..
I apologize for posing this question here,I realised I couldn’t find a tithe related article yet in my studying your work.
Thank you in advance Don
Some are ignorant of the Scriptures. Others try to manipulate people. Paul wrote giving is a matter of the heart (2 Corinthians 9.6-7). Giving should be an action prompted by love and the Holy Spirit.
I find it confusing to call all Israelites Jews(tribe of Judah)It is more scripturaly accurate to call the twelve tribes Israelites,not Jews.Judah was one tribe of twelve tribes of Israel.Not all Israelites are Jews,but all Jews are Israelites according to the flesh.Paul was a Benjamite but lived in Judea so was considered a Jew.But the Israelites of the diaspora were not Jews but Israelites,at least for the most part.Furthermore,Abraham wasnt a Jew,Isaac wasnt a Jew,Jacob wasnt a jew,but his son Judah,his tribe later became known as Jews in 2nd Kings 16:6.So why do people tend to call all Israel Jews when that is not accurate?? Also there were two sons of Joseph who were given each a half tribe status in Israel.
Such a statement reveals a low opinion of Jesus Christ. Christ is named King of the Jews many times in the Gospels. As such He was King of Israel, not just Judah. The word יְהוּדִי originally referred to members of the tribe of Judah. But for over 2,600 years the word has referred to all Israel. That is why Israelites are called Jews. Those who teach otherwise are ignorant of the Scriptures or false teachers.
I love this!
I would translate your text to greek and share it with the kids on Sunday school!
Really inspiring !!
Excellent! May the Lord bless you and the children. Paul spent a lot of time in Greece and had a special love for the Greeks.
Dear Don
Thank you so much for this article it reflects a labor of Love you have for those that have been mistaught. Your theological study is deeply appreciated. My our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST bless you and all your house. I look forward to reading all you articles with renewed vigor. Love and Peace
Outstanding. Paul’s doctrine in Romans has been the stumbling block in my understanding Romans for years. This sheds new light on it.
Hi Don,
Brandon again here.
I really enjoy these articles, man.
I wanted to say something regarding the issue with pauls gospel having been a mystery, and Isaiah 53 which tells us about the Messiah suffering.
Pauls gospel (1 cor 15) is about being saved by grace through faith alone.
But what about the jews before Pauls Gospel? Or tribulation saints? Doesnt it say they should stop sacrificing animals because of Jesus’s atonement but should still make sure they dont fall away? Hebrews 6. It says it is impossible once fallen away for them to renew them to repentance again because they will crucify Jesus in themselves all over again and put him to shame.
My point is:
Despite the atonement of Jesus, those under the gospel of the Kingdom still needed to maintain their salvation.
Us who have the gospel of the grace of God today, we dont need to worry about that.
If this is not correct Don, could you please correct me? Its the only way i could make sense of pauls gospel being a mystery (savex by grace through faith plus 0) and isaiah 53.
Salvation before Paul was based upon faith and works. I deal with this in Faith vs. Works in James: Resolving the Problem. The Tribulation saints will be saved by believing the gospel of the kingdom (Matthew 24.14)–believing Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, rather than the Beast. See Understanding the Book of Revelation. The main point of Hebrews was to convince the Jews that Judaism offered no hope outside of Jesus of Nazareth. He was the Messiah and that salvation depended upon Him.
I know no Greek. I read 1 Cor 2 6,8 and it says ‘princes of this age’. I’m reading a book by a smart person (MH) and this is what he says. “In another Greek translation of Daniel, a text many scholars consider even older that the Septuagint currently in use, the prince of Persia and Israel’s prince, Michael, are both described with the Greek word archon. These are the terms Paul uses when describing the ‘rulers of this age’ (1 Cor 2:6, 8) , the rulers ‘in heavenly places (Eph 3:10) and ‘the ruler of the authority of the air’ Eph 2:2.
Are the ‘princes of this age (world) divine or human?
The Scriptures are clear that behind the schene heavenly beings have engaged in human history. But in the case of 1 Corinthians 2.6, 8, I think Paul has in mind humans. In the other cases, I think Paul has heavenly beings in mind.
Hello Don and Joe,
Why do you think it speaks of 1. Cor. 2:6,8 speaks of human men?
Just curious why would it matter to humans? It makes more sense to me if he’s talking about the heavenly realm, because they are the ones to be replaced by what Jesus accomplished on the cross and resurrection, and what is being made of the body in this age of Grace. It is probably why there is so much opposition to Paul’s gospel. Scripture delves deeper even into this in Eph. 1:1-10, 2:5,6, 3:8-11 . The eternal purpose of Christ I believe is that both realms, heaven and earth will be under the headship of ChristJesus.
Thus, I think the passage speaks of the heavenly realm:)
Men crucified Christ, 1 Corinthians 2.8. The passages Paul wrote of the powers of darkness in heavenly places are clearly identified as such.
If I could have a conversation with Paul one of the things I’d like to ask is when he was let over the wall at Damascus? Before the three years in the wilderness or after the 3 years. Don, do you have any thoughts? If I’m not wrong I think FF Bruce says in his book on Paul that something must have happened in the desert/wilderness that made someone angry and he was later found in Damascus had to sneak away. Vivid imagination?
btw. I ordered your book. The one I was asking about. I saw the term ‘book’ at the top of the site. I think it speaks highly of you not shamelessly promoting it after I had asked. You could have… but you didn’t.
I think the escape over the wall was after Paul went and returned from Arabia (Galatians 1.16-17). Hope you enjoy the book. Thanks for ordering.
Brother Dom, thank you so much for all the great work you are doing! I was a religious legalist blind ignorant man for the first years since my salvation. I was saved, yes, but oh! so confused! But in His mercy, last year God guided me to an online little book, “The Bible: the Big Picture” by Lori and John Verstegen and that was the beginning of my rightly dividing the Word of Truth! I was in a few Baptist churches through the years (and a Pentecostal one; don’t make tell you about that congregation!) but they NEVER taught me anything like right division! I knew the Word of God is the Truth, but I couldn’t understand how contradictory statements could be all true today! Of course, I was taught that the Christian Church is Spiritual Israel and absurd things like that. Even today, I talk about rightly dividing the Word of God and about the unique ministry of Apostle Paul to other brothers and even the Pastor and they either don’t believe me or they do a lot of scriptural juggling to justify their wrong beliefs… It saddens me so much! And I ask myself… if I understood the Truth so easily after so many years of being deceived, why don’t others believe the biblical support I present when I tell them about it? Why they still cling to the evidently false and wrong and confusing denominational doctrines, when it is so easy to debunk them and prove them wrong? Why do they prefer to believe that ALL the Bible was written TO us today and that Israel and the Body of Christ are the same organism and that we have to keep confessing our sins daily and that we are saved without works but at the same time we need to do good works to keep being saved (?!?!?!) and that we can lose our salvation if we lose our faith and that the Gospel of Paul and the Gospel of the Twelve is the same one and on and on and on? So very sad… Here in Calgary, Canada, there is not ONE single church in which they teach the Word rightly divided; as a matter of fact I think there is not one in the whole country! Once again, brother, thank you so much for your hard work and thanks to God for giving you this ministry! Blessings!
Thank you for your encouraging note! Isn’t it wonderful to see how God has laid out His marvelous plan and how the seeming contradictions disappear? It is hard to understand why people cling to traditions which are clearly false when the truth is presented. I have the same questions as you. May the Lord continue to bless you. I don’t want to appear self-promoting but my new book may be of interest to you also. See
Hi bro Don, hope and pray you are fine, Can You please shed some light on this situation:
Paul ministers with Mark from the gospel kingdom. How can Mark live and preach both gospel of grace of Paul, and still be a jewish kingdom saint, can u also explain a little in characters with the same dilemna, like Aquila and Priscilla, Barnabas, please give me your best answer, it is something that keeps bothering me, thanks
The best answer is that Acts is a time of transition. Read Acts 13. Does Paul say to keep the Law, to repent and be baptized?
Hi Doctirne. I have a question for you.
So 1 Corinthians 9:20-22 is Paul talking about his preaching. He says when he preached to the Jews, he lived as though he was under the law, but specifies that he was not truly under the Law (The Old Testament Law). But when he mentions his preaching to those not under the law (gentiles), he says he preached as one outside the law, but “not being outside the Law of God but under the Law of Christ.” So he says he preached as though he was not under the old testament Law, but he was following a different Law, the Law of Christ.
I know you would say that 1 Corinthians is a “transitional” book, but doesn’t saying that give you license to cherry pick which verses you like out of 1 Corinthians and those you don’t like?
So, for the sake of argument, let’s say it is transitional, and Paul was under the Law of Christ at first, but then he wasn’t. Can you show me anywhere in scripture where Paul mentions how we’re not under the Law of Christ specifically anymore?
Paul’s teaching about the Law is consistent. Throughout his letters he stated that believers of his gospel are not under the Mosaic Law. He wrote the entire book of Galatians to express this reality. Romans 6.14 is Paul’s most pithy statement of this truth. Paul never considered himself under the Law. On occasion, he voluntarily placed himself under the Law in hopes of winning Jews to Christ. But he was under no obligation. He did it solely out of love. This was the same attitude he taught regarding foods offered to idols.
In Acts 26:15-17 Paul recites his Damascus road experience again. In this passage a portion of the verse the risen Lord says to Paul, “and of those things in the which I will appear unto thee”.
Do you believe this is evidence the Lord revealed information in a progressive manner? I believe Paul allowed himself to be baptized early (Acts 9) but by the time of 1 Corinthians he says, “Christ sent me not to baptize.
Thank you for your work
Paul received several revelations from the Lord (2 Corinthians 12.1, 7; Galatians 1.12, 2.1; Ephesians 3.3) and these occurred at different times. So, yes. Paul was saved under the gospel of the kingdom which required water baptism.
Concerning Paul being saved under the Kingdom Gospel, I too believe he was, but I also believe he was the Only Apostle to Transition from that Salvation to the Gospel Salvation he himself Preached.. It is my understanding that Paul will not be able to enter the Millennial Kingdom Because he was Consenting unto Stephens death and committed the Unpardonable Sin against the Holy Ghost in acts chp 7.. As such Paul’s Destiny is Heavenly Like ours.. I have heard Many in the Grace Movement Cover this topic concerning Why Israel was set aside.. 3 strikes they were out.. Israel must continue to Repent because they still have sins yet to be forgiven as a nation.. That it why Peter states that their sins are only remissed(remission), not completely atoned(Blotted out) for as they will be at the times of refreshing during the restitution of all things when Christ comes to set up His earthly Kingdom.. Israels salvation is Future tense as a result.. Peter also states in paul’s defense in acts chp 15 he believes “But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.” Peter may have came to Pauls defense for his ministry, but i don’t believe he decided they must be saved like the Gentiles and the reason i say this is because he says “Shall be”… That’s Future tense and fits perfectly with what he proclaimed in Acts 2&3.. Our Salvation is not Future tense.. We have NOW received the Atonement.. Israel has not and will not until His Return for Israel.. Thoughts?
Yes, Paul was saved under the gospel of the kingdom. As for the unpardonable sin, a lot of confusion seems to exist in the Grace movement about this. The unpardonable sin, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, is worship of the Beast and taking his mark in the Tribulation. This is clear from Revelation 14. The unpardonable sinc can only be committed by those who experience the Tribulation. The apostles did not think Acts 7 ended Israel’s hope of repentance. This is clear from the letters of Peter, James, John, and Jude. As for Acts 15.11, see my article, The Great Hinge. I have a new book I am about to publish which should clear up all the confusion.
I just wanted to let you know I’m thrilled you are publishing another book as I have your books Paul and God’s Programs and they have helped me tremendously. You as well as Les Feldick have encouraged my love and study of the scripture so much. I am forever grateful for God using you to open my understanding.
Thank you for your kind words. I hope the new book will bless you as you grow in His grace, love, and understanding.
Doctrine, If I were having a conversation with Paul I’d ask him what is meant here. When did God first visit the Gentiles to take from them a people for his name? Acts 15
14 Simeon has related how God first visited the Gentiles, to take from them a people for his name. 15 And with this the words of the prophets agree, just as it is written,
“‘After this I will return,
and I will rebuild the tent of David that has fallen;
I will rebuild its ruins,
and I will restore it,
Basically, all James was saying was that the conversion of Gentiles was in agreement with God’s prophetic plan to save Gentiles. James did not understand all that was going on but recognized God had acted with Peter at Cornelius’ house and that He was acting through Paul to save Gentiles.
Wow Joe. That’s a good thought. I was just reading that this morning and had to go look at Is.54:1-5, and Amos 9… It seems to be just as Don says. It seems like Luke in Acts and Paul even in Romans uses OT scripture to agree with his teaching. It doesn’t “fulfill” it but it agrees. This takes a good bit of time to figure out lol! It seems apparent James did not quite understand.
I still have to think On Acts 21! That passage is hard to figure out what James is doing exactly, being the agreement from Acts 15 is in play. That is , Gal.2 seems to delineate the council meeting in Acts 15. Don, I’m wondering if you have had further clarity on this in Acts 21?
God bless everyone!
The question of salvation was settled in Acts 15. But the believing Jews in Jerusalem continued to teach that Jews had to keep the Law, not for salvation, but in their daily walk. Paul was teaching that Jews saved by his gospel were not to keep the Law (being under grace), hence James’ statement. But Paul went along with James because he did not want his ministry to hinder Jews saved under the gospel of the kingdom. As we know, this all turned out badly. I do not think Paul should have gone to Jerusalem (he was repeatedly warned what would happen) but it is easy to understand why he did: he loved the Jews and was willing to die if only they would accept Jesus as the Messiah.
Thanks Don.😊. I did notice James said in Acts 21…
20 And when they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and said unto him, Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of JEWS THERE ARE WHICH BELIEVE; and they are all zealous of the law:
That’s a reasonable explanation. He was warned about what would happen there. His desire to save his brethren (Israel) was very strong. God’s grace does teach us to love. It’s great to have Paul as our pattern.
It’s interesting too that in Gal.2:11-14 it appears that Peter was walking according to “the gospel” at the time before the Jews came to Antioch which toppled Peter and even Barnabas
for a time. That must have been very difficult.
Yes. Those saved under the gospel of the kingdom were under an entirely different program and it was extremely difficult for them to understand Paul’s ministry. What is described in Galatians 2 with Peter and Barnabas demonstrates this. This fact has been completely lost in Christendom. It explains what Peter wrote in 2 Peter 3.15-16.
Bobbi said, ” I do not think Paul should have gone to Jerusalem (he was repeatedly warned what would happen)” ….If we’re talking about Acts 15 does the warning apply here? Maybe I’m confused.
Wasn’t this warning at the end of Paul’s 3rd missionary journey that led to his arrest and not the trip to Jerusalem from Antioch for the Jerusalem conference?…(I think it was from Antioch)
The warnings not to go to Jerusalem were in Acts 20-21.
Don, did Paul actually kill Christians? Is this what Acts 22:4 means?
Yes, Paul had Jews executed for believing Jesus was the Messiah.
Hi Doctrine Don,
I wonder if next time you are talking to Paul if you could ask him to clear up his position on head coverings. Was he talking into the culture of the day, or did he mean his statements as instruction until the end of the church age.?
Thanks so much
A woman wearing a head covering in Paul’s day was a cultural symbol of a woman’s subordination. Not today. A woman wearing a head covering has only fashion significance. So it does not apply for us. Paul wrote that God, by nature, had denoted this creative truth. Women have long hair, men short.
Thank you Don
I don’t really understand the last bit of this. A man’s hair can grow just as long as a woman’s. What part is down to nature?
What Paul meant was what was innate. Yes, a man can grow hair as long as a woman but throughout history this has not been the case. While there are exceptions, men usually have short hair and women long. The natural inclination is for men to cut their hair and for women to let it grow.
I must say, what at one time seemed so complicated and confusing is now almost simplistic in essence. The Holy Spirit has truly blessed you with spiritual discernment of the scriptures.I thank the Holy Spirit every day since he has brought me to you and your teachings! You are truly an anointed teacher of God Almighty.- A quick note; by God’s grace and mercy I have had the privilege to disciple members of my family since they were young and now grown adult men and women with families. I have shared you with every one of them! I’ve never felt this safe with any other teacher of the scriptures. I have liberally and confidently endorsed you to my family and any and all the Holy Spirit have brought across my path. Thank you for your faithfulness, May God continue to bless and protect you!
God bless you!🕊
OK I see.
The hair length reflects the innate differences between male and female.
Many thanks
I must admit reading that the church was not established at Pentecost seemed confusing to me at first, especially since almost every commentary I’ve ever read says otherwise. Your article “What was Pentecost” not only cleared this up for me but also contains information which compliments and adds to this entire article. I’ve been studying these two distinct programs for a while now (at first with some skepticism) and its such a revelation to see the true light. No more confusion and contradictions just a crystal clear view of God’s word. Thank you and others (i.e. Les Feldick, Grace Ambassadors etc.) who make these truths known along with solid scriptural evidence.
G Beck,
2,000 years of tradition and false teaching is hard to overcome. Only a faithful study of the Scriptures and a willingness to trust them over tradition can win this battle. God bless you in your understanding.
“It is quite true that Paul taught justification apart from works. But he did not teach Christian living apart from works. Nor did he affirm that those works flowed inevitably from justifying faith. Paul instructed Titus: This is a faithful saying, and these things I want to affirm constantly, that those who have believed in God should be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable to men (Titus 3:8). (Zane Hodges, ‘Grace in Eclipse: A Study on Eternal Rewards’, pgs 40-41,)
I believe the ‘good works’ of believers performed through the power of the HS are the basis for the rewards we receive at the Bema seat. Good works performed outside the power of the HS, even by believers, are wood, hay and stubble. Good works performed in the ‘flesh’ are evil. Allowing millions of poor people into our country illegally may be considered humanitarian to many and it may actually help them but is it good works performed by the HS? The Catholic Church acting as an NGO certainly thinks so.
Those allowing illegal immigration are criminals. They should be arrested and tried. The normal punishment for allowing someone into the country illegally is a year’s prison. That equates to millions of years of prison time for those doing this.
Don, I’d go further by stating it’s outright treason and deserving of the death penalty. I declare overtly my pro nationalist ‘Trumpian’ America first beliefs. The Biden administration is guilty of betrayal by allowing this open border travesty to continue, along with selling U.S. oil to china, bowing to the diabolical dictates of the satanic DAVOS/Klaus Schwab (a real life megalomaniacal James Bond villian) ‘elites’, etc. No wonder globalists like George Sorros are wreaking havoc on America. The U.S. Deep State basically serves it’s globalist masters. But justice will eventually come. Hopefully soon.
Don, were Hymenaeus and Alexander guilty of excessive profanity when Paul gave them over to satan in 1 Timothy 1:20? Does “… that they may learn not to blaspheme” refer to their profanity or verbally mocking God by being sacreligious? Or maybe both?
Revile God and Paul’s message. See Acts 13.45, 18.6; Romans 2.24, 3.8; 1 Corinthians 4.13, 10.30; 1 Timothy 6.1; Titus 2.5.
Thank the LORD, you have changed my theology of Paul’s gospel vs the Kingdom which is so imperitive. It leaves me wondering how many are truly lost between law and grace? Keep up your article writing because it’s a great study tool. I may have studied 10 more years and not understood these key differences. Wonderful article.
Thank you for your kind words. May God continue to enlighten you according to His marvelous grace.
Don, here’s a good quote from Dr. Heiser’s ‘The Unseen Realm’ regarding 1 Corinthians 5:5; “What does Paul mean… With respect to the “destruction of the flesh,” Paul often used the word “flesh” (sarkos) to refer to the physical body, but he sometimes used it to refer to the self-deception of trusting in our own works to merit God’s favor, or an ungodly manner of life. Since there is no indication that someone expelled from the church was going to die immediately as a result, this second usage makes the most sense in 1 Corinthians 5. Paul is insisting that the unrepentant person be dismissed from the church to live in his or her sin and endure the consequences of the behavior. Since salvation was not based in any way on human merit, the erring believer would be saved in the end, but care must be taken to avoid self-destructive sinful behavior from leading other believers astray.” (Michael S. Heiser, ‘The Unseen Realm,’ 2015, pg. 342)
I disagree. I am confident Paul meant the physical body, that the man would die if he did not repent. This is in line with what Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 11.29-30.
Acts 20:35
From what I understand these words of Jesus are not found in the gospels. How would Paul have known? Obviously from word of mouth… from people who had learned from Jesus or from revelation.
Makes one wonder what else was known but not recorded.
Progressives say, “Jesus never spoke of homosexuality”. Paul did.
John wrote that all that Jesus said or did would fill all the books. We only have a slice of His teachings. Jesus spoke about homosexuality, providing the bedrock, foundational argument about human sexuality. His statements remove all possibility of God’s acceptance of homosexuality (cf. Matthew 19.3-6; Mark 10.2-9). See my article: Homosexuality.