The Apostle Paul likened God’s place of blessing to Israel and to Gentiles to an olive tree.
Paul used the illustration of an olive tree in Romans 11 to disclose one of Scripture’s most important doctrines. Understanding what Paul taught by this illustration is critical for the serious student of the Bible. By the olive tree example, Paul revealed God’s sovereign plan for Israel and Gentiles. He revealed Israel’s place in God’s plan (past, present, and future) and how Gentiles have received a new relationship with God.
According to God’s prophetic, Old Testament program, outlined in Psalm 2, Gentiles were to be blessed through God’s covenant with Abraham (Genesis 12.1-3). Gentile blessing in the Old Testament was, therefore, dependent upon Israel’s obedience to God. After Israel’s rejection of their Messiah (Acts 2.22-24, 3.13-15, 7.51-53) and the offered kingdom of God, God commissioned Saul of Tarsus, who became Paul the Apostle. The ascended Lord revealed to Paul a new plan of blessing for Gentiles. This new plan was not based upon Israel’s obedience but was a result of their disobedience. Instead of pouring out His wrath according to the Old Testament prophetic program (cf. Joel 2, which Peter had quoted on the Day of Pentecost), God poured out His mercy through the salvation of Paul. The risen Lord commissioned Paul as “the Apostle to the Gentiles” (Romans 11.13) and Paul proclaimed the “gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20.24; 1 Corinthians 15.1-4). Paul explained that despite Israel’s disobedience, God’s dealings with the nation had not ended. Their being set aside and God’s disapproval was temporary. God would fulfill all His promises at the proper time despite their disobedience.
The Context
Romans 11 concluded Paul’s dissertation on Israel which he began in Romans 9. The three chapters of Romans–9, 10, and 11–interrupt Paul’s main argument in his epistle. One can place chapter 12 next to chapter 8 and not miss a beat. Having said this, these three chapters are critical to understand God’s overall plan for Jews and Gentiles. In other words, while Romans 9-11 is parenthetical to Paul’s main argument, it provides a framework and the context for his main argument (Romans 1-8 and 12-16).
Paul began his argument in Romans 9 in the following manner:
1 I am telling the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience testifies with me in the Holy Spirit, 2 that I have great sorrow and unceasing grief in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh, 4 who are Israelites, to whom belongs the adoption as sons, and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Law and the temple service and the promises, 5 whose are the fathers, and from whom is the Christ according to the flesh, who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen.
We notice the following from these verses:
- Paul was brokenhearted over Israel’s unrelenting attitude of rejection of their Messiah (λύπη μοί ἐστιν μεγάλη καὶ ἀδιάλειπτος ὀδύνη). Paul was distraught to the point that if it were possible he would suffer hell to save Israel.1
- Paul’s subject was racial Israel.2 He expressed this fact as “his kinsmen according to the flesh” (ἀδελφῶν μου τῶν συγγενῶν μου κατὰ σάρκα). Paul declared that to racial Jews belonged:
a. The adoption as sons
b. The glory and the covenants
c. The giving of the Law, temple service, and the promises
They were the fathers from whom Christ had come according to the flesh. Jesus the Christ was a racial Jew. None of these blessings pertained to Gentiles. God gave them exclusively to Israel. This point is essential to establish, understand, and keep in mind throughout the three chapters. Without this foundation, one cannot understand Paul’s argument or progress further into the text.
The Text: Romans 11
God Preserves a Remnant
1 I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be! For I too am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. 2 God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew Or do you not know what the Scripture says in the passage about Elijah, how he pleads with God against Israel? 3 “Lord, THEY HAVE KILLED YOUR PROPHETS, THEY HAVE TORN DOWN YOUR ALTARS, AND I ALONE AM LEFT, AND THEY ARE SEEKING MY LIFE.” 4 But what is the divine response to him? “I HAVE KEPT for Myself SEVEN THOUSAND MEN WHO HAVE NOT BOWED THE KNEE TO BAAL.” 5 In the same way then, there has also come to be at the present time a remnant according to God’s gracious choice. 6 But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works, otherwise grace is no longer grace (Romans 11.1-6).
As noted above, Paul’s subject was national Israel (“His people”). Paul confirmed this fact with his statement that he was an Israelite (a Jew), a descendant of Abraham from the tribe of Benjamin. Paul answered his question of whether God had rejected the Jews with the strongest negative he employed (μὴ γένοιτο). Paul used this negative twice in this passage to make this point (vv. 1, 11). Despite the nation’s rejection of their Messiah, God had a future plan for national Israel independent and apart from His work of forming the Church, the body of Christ. Thus, Paul emphatically stated, “God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew.” One may ask why Paul keep hammering the point that his subject was racial Jews, national Israel? Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Paul anticipated the rise of false teachings which maintain the Church is the new Israel or that all blessings to Israel (present and future) now come through the Church. Paul made this point so strongly that one has to exert great effort and wrestle the text to get a different meaning. Those who maintain God has no future plan for national Israel have done just this. The greatest theological tragedy in the past 1,900 years is that most of Christendom has rejected Pauline theology and declared exactly the opposite what Paul wrote: Israel is independent from the Church and that God has a future plan for Israel as a national entity.3
Paul reminded his readers of God’s faithfulness to Israel by the example of Elijah. Elijah’s ministry to Israel made him angry, frustrated, and lonely. Depressed at the unfaithfulness of his people, Elijah thought he was the only believer in the entire nation. He faced 450 of Baal’s prophets and 400 prophets of the Asherah alone (1 Kings 18.19). This was tough odds for any contest. But God assured him He had 7,000 believers who had not bowed to Baal. Thus, even in this time of great spiritual darkness and decline (Ahab was king and Jezebel queen), God preserved a faithful remnant. Paul’s point was that God always has a remnant. In Paul’s day, a remnant of Jews believed Jesus was the promised Messiah (cf. Romans 9.6). This remnant was according to “God’s gracious choice” and was a result of grace rather than works.
7 What then? What Israel is seeking, it has not obtained, but those who were chosen obtained it, and the rest were hardened; 8 just as it is written, “GOD GAVE THEM A SPIRIT OF STUPOR, EYES TO SEE NOT AND EARS TO HEAR NOT, DOWN TO THIS VERY DAY.” 9 And David says, “LET THEIR TABLE BECOME A SNARE AND A TRAP, AND A STUMBLING BLOCK AND A RETRIBUTION TO THEM. 10 “LET THEIR EYES BE DARKENED TO SEE NOT, AND BEND THEIR BACKS FOREVER.”
Paul used the above verses to fortify his point. National Israel had not obtained their Messiah because they refused to repent and come to Him. However, individual Jews had obtained their Messiah for they had believed in Him. The majority of the nation became hardened. Paul used the aorist, passive, indicative of πωρόω which means to harden by reason of a callus. Metaphorically, it means they had become dull of understanding.
11 I say then, they did not stumble so as to fall, did they? May it never be! But by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make them jealous. 12 Now if their transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be! 13 But I am speaking to you who are Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle of Gentiles, I magnify my ministry, 14 if some how I might move to jealousy my fellow countrymen and save some of them. 15 For if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?
Verse 11 is a parallel of verse 1. Here, for the second time, Paul employed his strong idiomatic negative (μὴ γένοιτο) in response to his question. In the latter part of the verse, Paul explained the result of Israel’s stumbling. The first reason was so salvation might come to Gentiles. What did Paul mean by this statement? With God’s call of Abraham, God laid the foundation for the creation of a new race, the Jews. From that time forward He dealt with them exclusively (with a few exceptions). In this new plan, Gentiles were blessed through Israel on the basis of the Abrahamic covenant. This was God’s revealed plan to bless Gentiles. God had revealed no other plan in which Gentiles could be blessed apart from the favored nation. What Paul revealed in these verses was that God had now created a new plan in which Gentiles could be blessed apart from national Israel. Thus, Paul wrote, “by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles” and “if their transgression is riches for the world and their failure is riches for the Gentiles.”4 Notice Paul’s words: transgression (παράπτωμα) and failure (ἥττημα) had resulted in riches (πλοῦτος) for Gentiles. This was impossible under the Old Testament, covenant program.
In the latter part of verse 12, Paul introduced the future hope of Israel. Israel’s stumbling had resulted in Gentiles being blessed through God’s call of the Apostle Paul as “the apostle of the Gentiles” (Romans 11.13) But God had not forgotten Israel. He would fulfill His covenant promises to the nation. They would become what God intended for them (e.g., Exodus 19.4-6). God is sovereign and His plans cannot be overturned. Thus, Paul wrote that if Israel’s transgression (disobedience) had resulted in Gentile blessing, imagine what would happen when they obeyed God (πόσῳ μᾶλλον τὸ πλήρωμα αὐτῶν). Paul’s phrase was, “how much more the fullness of them” and in verse 15, τίς ἡ πρόσλημψις εἰ μὴ ζωὴ ἐκ νεκρῶν, “what will their receiving (πρόσλημψις) if not life from the dead?” The Greek noun πρόσλημψις is a ἅπαξ λεγόμενον and is related to the verb προσλαμβάνω. Paul’s used this word to mean “accept” or “receive” those who were formerly estranged (cf. Romans 14.1, 3, 15.7; Philemon 1.17).
Paul’s second explanation of how good had come from Israel’s stumbling was his hope that as “the apostle of the Gentiles” (Romans 11.13) he might cause Jews to become jealous of and long for the blessings Gentiles were receiving in Christ. Paul hoped Israel’s jealousy would lead them to Christ.
Gentiles Grafted into the Olive Tree
16 If the first piece of dough is holy, the lump is also; and if the root is holy, the branches are too. 17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree, 18 do not be arrogant toward the branches; but if you are arrogant, remember that it is not you who supports the root, but the root supports you. 19 You will say then, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 20 Quite right, they were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand by your faith Do not be conceited, but fear; 21 for if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you, either (Romans 11.16-21).
Paul began his analogy of the olive tree with an example of a lump of dough. Just as a piece of dough from the lump shares the properties of the whole lump, the branches of a tree share the properties of the root. If a lump of dough is holy, a piece of the lump is holy. If the root is holy, so too the branches.
The olive tree represented God’s place of blessing. The Abrahamic covenant is the olive tree. The Jewish nation acquired their place of blessing from the Abrahamic Covenant. Paul likened Israel as natural branches of a cultivated olive tree (Romans 11.24). God’s subsequent covenants with them (Land, Mosaic, Sabbatical, Davidic, and New) were the “cultivation.” Gentiles, on the other hand, were wild branches. Gentiles had no covenants (Ephesians 2.11-12) and God had set Gentiles aside when He called Abraham. The Abrahamic Covenant ended God’s direct dealing with Gentiles. All God’s dealings with Gentiles from that point going forward were mediated through Israel.
Due to their unbelief (stumbling, transgression) God broke off national Israel (natural branches) from the tree. God then grafted Gentiles (wild olive tree branches) into the place of blessing. Gentiles now occupy the place of blessing previously held by Israel.
Notice Paul did not mention the Church, the body of Christ, in his illustration. This place of blessing is for ALL Gentiles, not just the Church. This is an important point to apprehend and requires some reflection. In God’s covenant program, Israel occupied God’s special place of blessing. Were all Jews saved? No, most were not saved. Yet they occupied the position of blessing. In the same way, God has placed Gentiles into his special place of blessing. Are all Gentiles saved? No, most are not saved.
In the program God revealed to Israel, Gentiles could be blessed only through a relationship or association with Israel. In God’s program of the Church, the body of Christ, both Jews and Gentiles are blessed by believing the gospel of grace (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). Peter’s remarkable statement at the Council of Jerusalem confirmed this fact (cf. Acts 15.7-12). Such a statement would have been impossible in the Jerusalem church before the Council. Two things are noteworthy:
- One plan operates at a time. When natural branches were on the tree, wild branches were not. Wild branches were grafted in when the natural branches were broken off.
- Most of those blessed by God in the Old Testament program were Jews. That was the status quo for 2,000 years. Since the time of Paul, most who have been blessed by God are Gentiles–the new status quo for the past 2,000 years.
In verse 17, Paul issued a warning to the wild branches (Gentiles):
- Warning to Gentiles: Do not boast against (κατακαυχάομαι) the natural branches (Israel).
- Question: Why not?
- Answer: Because the wild branches (Gentiles) do not support the root (God, the Abrahamic covenant, the source of blessing)–the root supports the branches.
- Objection: But the natural branches, (i.e., Israel) were broken off so that I, the wild branches (i.e., Gentiles) might be grafted in.
- Rebuttal: Correct–but remember–the natural branches (Israel) were removed because of unbelief. The wild branches (Gentiles) stand only by faith. Don’t be conceited but fear. If God broke off the natural branches (Israel) do you think He would not remove wild branches (Gentiles)?
22 Behold then the kindness and severity of God; to those who fell, severity, but to you, God’s kindness, if you continue in His kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off. 23 And they also, if they do not continue in their unbelief, will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these who are the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree? (Romans 11.22-24)
The kindness of God was grafting wild branches (Gentiles) into the olive tree. His severity was breaking off the natural branches (Israel) from this place of blessing. God’s kindness is experienced upon response (faith) to His kindness. Paul warned Gentiles, like Israel, only stand by faith.
Both verses 22 and 23 are third class conditional sentences, “more probable future condition” (ἐὰν plus the verb in the protasis in the subjunctive mood). The “if” is assumed to be probable or true. Thus, Paul assumed Gentiles, in particular, the Church, would continue in faith (v. 22), just as he assumed Israel would not continue in unbelief (v. 23) but would be regrafted into the olive tree. Paul had more to write on this matter in the following verses but suffice to say at this point that He understood and relied upon God’s sovereignty from passages such as Zechariah 12.10, 13.5-6, and Matthew 23.37-39 to make his point.
Paul ended this section with the statement in verse 24: “For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and were grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these who are the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree?” In this statement, “if” is a first class condition (εἰ plus the indicative) and the condition is assumed to be true. Gentiles, likened as wild olive branches, were grafted “against nature,” i.e., without covenants, into a cultivated olive tree (the place of blessing). If this was so (and it was), Paul asked how much more likely would it be that the natural branches would be regrafted into their own tree.
25 For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery–so that you will not be wise in your own estimation–that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; 26 and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, “THE DELIVERER WILL COME FROM ZION, HE WILL REMOVE UNGODLINESS FROM JACOB.” 27 “THIS IS MY COVENANT WITH THEM, WHEN I TAKE AWAY THEIR SINS.”
As noted above, God provided Paul with the revelation that Israel’s present condition of unbelief would end. Paul knew the Old Testament promises and the words of the Lord Jesus during His earthly ministry. But the ascended Lord had revealed to him a “secret” about Israel’s blindness. Paul revealed “this secret” (τὸ μυστήριον τοῦτο) to ward off any inclination by the Church (composed chiefly of Gentiles) to be “wise in your own estimation,” i.e., the temptation to “boast against the branches” (Israel) that had been cut off. This secret was “a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; and so all Israel will be saved.” The partial hardening (πώρωσις ἀπὸ μέρους) was/is national Israel’s present condition of unbelief. It is partial for not every Jew is hardened by unbelief. Thus, the hardening affected national Israel, not individual Jews. Paul also revealed the secret of how long this condition would afflict the nation. It would continue until “the fullness of the Gentiles has come in” (ἄχρις οὗ τὸ πλήρωμα τῶν ἐθνῶν εἰσέλθῃ).
What did Paul mean by the “fullness of the Gentiles?” In light of the context of Paul’s argument, the phrase must refer to the completion of the body of Christ, the Church. No distinction in this age exists between Jew and Gentile in the body of Christ (Romans 10.12; Colossians 3.11) yet the Church is composed primarily of Gentiles. Thus, Paul employed the phrase, “fullness of the Gentiles” to refer to the Church which is composed mainly of Gentiles. God alone knows when He will complete His body but completion will occur when the last person trusts in Christ by believing Paul’s gospel of grace (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). When the body of Christ (the Church) is complete, God will remove it from the earth.
Once God removes the Church from earth He will restart His covenantal plan with national Israel and Israel’s blindness will begin to be lifted. Luke’s account in Acts 13.6-12 of Paul’s confrontation with Elymas, the Jewish the magician, was a prophetic anticipation of this truth. Paul told the false prophet he would “not see the sun for a time” (μὴ βλέπων τὸν ἥλιον ἄχρι καιροῦ). John revealed God will use the events described in the book of Revelation to convince the Jews that Jesus is the true Messiah, not the Beast. At the mid-point of the Tribulation, after 3 1/2 of the 7 years have passed, Jesus instructed the Jews to flee to the mountains when they saw the abomination of desolation (Matthew 24.15-16; Daniel 9.27, 12.11). As Jews see the words of Scripture being fulfilled, their spiritual eyes will begin to see (1 Corinthians 1.22). Some will began to recognize the one they accepted as Messiah is a pretender (John 5.43). At the end of the seven years (the end of Daniel’s 70th week–the Tribulation, the Day of the Lord, Revelation 1.10) every Jew will be saved (Romans 11.26), “all Israel will be saved”).5
When Paul stated “all Israel” (πᾶς Ἰσραὴλ) he meant “all Israel,” i.e., every Jew who is alive at the time. Peter had declared this same message to the nation on the Day of Pentecost. He told the nation, “let all the house of Israel know” (Acts 2.36). He told them they had killed their Messiah. When they asked him what they must do Peter replied,
“Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2.38)
The word “each” is ἕκαστος which means “each” or “every.” Every Jew had to repent (cf. Acts 4.10, 13.24). Peter’s message at Pentecost was a repeat of Jesus’ teaching:
37 “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, the way a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were unwilling. 38 Behold, your house is being left to you desolate! 39 For I say to you, from now on you will not see Me until you say, ‘BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!’” (Matthew 23.37-38)
In a future day, every single Jew will repent and verbalize (either aloud or in his heart) Jesus’ words. When these words are spoken, the prophecy will be fulfilled. Jesus will return and fulfill His promise as Israel’s Messiah. Thus, “all Israel” will be saved (cf. Isaiah 66.8; Ezekiel 39.25-29).
To demonstrate God’s faithfulness to save all Israel, Paul quoted the prophets:
26 and so all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, “THE DELIVERER WILL COME FROM ZION, HE WILL REMOVE UNGODLINESS FROM JACOB.”” 27 “THIS IS MY COVENANT WITH THEM, WHEN I TAKE AWAY THEIR SINS.” 28 From the standpoint of the gospel they are enemies for your sake, but from the standpoint of God’s choice they are beloved for the sake of the fathers; 29 for the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. 30 For just as you once were disobedient to God, but now have been shown mercy because of their disobedience, 31 so these also now have been disobedient, that because of the mercy shown to you they also may now be shown mercy. 32 For God has shut up all in disobedience so that He may show mercy to all.
The clear implication of the quotation “remove ungodliness from Jacob” is that the removal will be total: the entire nation. To men, events often seem out of place and without reason. But not to God. Paul concluded God will sovereignly bring all things to their proper end. No one received greater persecution from his kinsmen than Paul. Yet he concluded, “they are enemies for your sake” but “beloved for the sake of the fathers.” Paul knew God was sovereign. His statement, “the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable” is the strongest statement possible to acknowledge that God has not forgotten the Jewish nation. He created her and will keep His promises. This statement should make ashamed any who hold to replacement theology.
Paul reminded his Gentiles readers they too had been disobedient to God but that God had shown them mercy. God’s mercy came not from Israel’s obedience but because of their disobedience. As God had shown mercy to Gentiles through Israel’s disobedience, He would show mercy to Israel when they believe. He concluded: “God has shut up (συγκλείω–to entrap completely like fish in a net) all in disobedience so that He might have mercy to all.” We are all sinners (Romans 3.22-23). We all require God’s mercy. No exceptions.
33 Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! 34 For WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD, OR WHO BECAME HIS COUNSELOR? 35 Or WHO HAS FIRST GIVEN TO HIM THAT IT MIGHT BE PAID BACK TO HIM AGAIN? 36 For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things To Him be the glory forever. Amen.
Paul concluded his treatise with a paean of praise to God for his wisdom. God inhabits eternity. He is above all. Who can know His thoughts? He is the Alpha and the Omega and all things are by Him and for Him.
In this tremendous discourse, Paul taught that Gentiles had been brought into a place of blessing and mercy, not through Israel’s obedience as the Old Testament covenantal program had indicated, but through the nation’s disobedience. This blessing was wholly a result of God’s grace. He warned Gentiles not to become arrogant against Israel since their place of blessing was held by faith alone. As God had shown Gentiles mercy in grafting them into the olive tree by breaking off national Israel, He would again show mercy to them and regraft them into the place of blessing. Israel’s blindness and temporary stumbling was a secret: no one before Paul knew about it. The ascended Lord revealed this secret to Paul. Paul communicated the gospel of the grace of God to Gentiles, who are enjoying God’s blessing.
1 Paul’s attitude parallels Moses’ after Israel worshiped the golden calf while Moses was on Mt. Sinai receiving the Law from God. This event occurred shortly after God miraculously had delivered them from Egypt. Moses asked God to forgive their sin but if not to blot him out of his book, i.e., the book of life (Exodus 32.7-12, 30-32).
2 The term “Israel” is a technical term used only of the Jewish people. Neither Gentiles nor the Church is included in the term. See the author’s study, “Israel” as a Technical Term for more information.
3 During the Reformation, significant portions of Christendom returned to Paul and regained an accurate knowledge of soteriology. Tragically, the Church did not recover Pauline teaching in other areas of theology. Great error and confusion continues to exist in ecclesiology, eschatology, and pneumatology. The Church began to abandon Paul’s theology while the great apostle was alive (2 Timothy 1.15, 4.3-4) and this has continued until today.
4 Paul assumed the role of Israel in blessing Gentiles as “the apostle of the Gentles.” This is what the great apostle meant by his statement of being “untimely born” in 1 Corinthians 15.8. Representing the nation according to the Abrahamic covenant, Paul became proxy Israel of God’s blessing to Gentiles. In the Millennium, Israel will again assume this role (cf. Zechariah 8.20-23).
5 The “gospel of the kingdom,” not the “gospel of the grace of God,” (Acts 20.24) i.e., Paul’s gospel (Romans 16.25; 2.16; 2 Timothy 2.8) will be preached after the Church has been removed (cf. Matthew 24.14). This time, this gospel of repentance (Matthew 3.1-2; 4.17; Mark 1.15; Acts 2.36-38) will result in Israel’s repentance so the Lord can return and establish His kingdom on the earth (Matthew 6.10, 23.37-39 cf. Romans 11.26).
©2011 Don Samdahl. Anyone is free to reproduce this material and distribute it, but it may not be sold.
Updated April 16, 2012
wonderful subject but tell me, when you say the whole nation of Israel will be saved you mean the remnant that turn to Christ, true? or do you mean all Israelites that ever lived?, bless you, Peter
Peter, “all Israel” is the remnant Jews who are alive at Christ’s return. Jesus explained this in Matthew 24.13. The “end” is either martyrdom during the Tribulation for not worshiping the Beast and taking his mark or Christ’s return.
Em contexto Biblico, “todo Israel” são os remanescentes que não adorarama besta. Creio nao podermos interpretar todo o Israel literal.
It is literal but it does not mean every Jew. It means “all Israel” in the sense of “all true Israel,” spiritual Israel–Jews who trusted in God. In the context of the Tribulation, it means Jews who did not accept the Beast’s mark.
its so refreshing that you are very clear on lines thay have been blurred by orthodoxy i truely am blessed to read your articles .
Thank you for your kind comment, Anthony. I’m glad the article was helpful.
I have been attending the lessons by this Dr George Addorai who has published a book on the Gospel of the Kingdom …. your words concur with his.
Thank you very much for these articles. They have helped me a lot to understand my faith, Christianity and most importantly, God’s plans for us, Gentiles.
Now, I just hope to visit Israel asap.
Thanks for your kind words and I’m glad the articles have helped. I’m not familiar with Dr. Addorai.
G’Day Don,
I just read an article on Grace Ambassadors web site.(http://graceambassadors.com/books/romans/the-wild-graft-found-in-matthew-21)
Which seems to be at odds with your identification of the “wild Branches” as being the Gentiles and therefore including the Church.
Following is a part quote from this article:
“The Wild Graft and the Church……
Matthew 21 is a proper commentary to Romans 11:16-24.
In these eight verses, Paul shows that God had not cast away all Israel, but instead gave his promises to branches that could bear the fruit.
He cut off the good olive branches (scribes, priests, and unbelieving in Israel), and graft in the wild olive branches (blind, publicans, harlots, fishermen) that made up the faithful little flock.
After studying Matthew 21, there could be no other identity to the fruitful nation than the little flock of Israel.
If the branches were grafted in according to the Lord’s words in Matt 21:43, then the wild graft could not be the church which did not yet exist.
Even so, there are still those who claim to rightly divide who place the church into Israel’s tree, but they do so at great expense to the foundation of mid-Acts Pauline right division.
If the church is the wild graft in Romans 11:24, then the church must be found in Matthew 21. If the church is found in Matthew 21, then there is no right division between Israel and the Church, and the promises made to Israel are twisted to the point of breaking.”
The wild olive graft of Romans 11 is the faithful nation that bears fruit in Matthew 21. It was the people of that wild nation that continued in God’s goodness by faith to receive Israel’s kingdom.”
How would you refute this and does Mathew 21 have any bearing on Romans 9-11?
Ron G
Ever since the Abrahamic covenant Israel had been God’s favored nation. All blessings to Gentiles had to come through Israel. The Lord presented Himself to Israel as their Messiah and they rejected Him. Paul wrote that God had broken off the natural branches (Israel) from the root (God’s place of blessing and favor) and grafted in wild olive branches (Gentiles) to that place. Not all Jews were saved (Romans 9.6-7) just as not all Gentiles are saved (members of the body of Christ). National Israel is blinded but some Jews come to a knowledge of Christ and become members of the body of Christ. Matthew 21 is the Lord’s commentary on the nation which He knew would reject Him. The gospel of the kingdom dealt with Israel as a NATION. This is why Peter told the Jews at Pentecost “let ALL the house of Israel” (Acts 2.36) and “every one of you” repent (Acts 2.38). This is why Paul said that ALL Israel would be saved in Romans 11.26.
Hi Ron,
I guess I have a different take on Romans 11 than you have outlined. When you say God broke off “THE natural branches,” it suggests all Israel was cut off so that God could start something separate and distinct from the covenant promises made to Abraham and his physical descendants. But as you point out elsewhere many Jews did accept Yeshua as Messiah and were not cut off. So only SOME natural branches were rejected – those who did not have faith – and we who have come out of the nations were grafted in among the natural faith branches. We were now reckoned as Abraham’s seed “heirs according to promise” (Gal. 3:29) alongside of Isaac and all the chosen seed. We who were lost sheep were included into the “commonwealth of Israel” through faith in Israel’s Messiah. God wasn’t starting a separate faith community called the “church” – but simply excluding from the tree all those descendants who did not have faith (such as Ishmael and Esau).
Later (as you correctly point out) the grace extended to us will again be extended to them – and “thus all Israel will be saved.” We will become one flock, one shepherd. One new man. So “all Israel” will not be just Jews – but all those who have shown themselves to be the true seed of Abraham through faith in Messiah. Jew and non-Jew. Otherwise you end up with two peoples of God – the church and Israel. I don’t see that taught anywhere in Scripture.
Paul never taught that Gentiles or the Church become part of “the commonwealth of Israel.” When God gave the covenant to Abraham, He revealed Abraham would have two people: earthly and heavenly. The Olive Tree is the Abrahamic Covenant, not Israel. God has grafted Gentiles into the place of blessing formerly held by national Israel. All Israel was never saved but all Israel occupied the place of blessing. In the same way today, all Gentiles are not saved but occupy the place of blessing formerly held by Israel. The Olive Tree represents two separate programs: Israel and Gentiles. The beneficiaries in both programs are those who exercise faith: believing Israel (the natural branches) and believing Gentiles and Jews, i.e, the Church, (the wild branches). The “seed of Abraham” is NOT synonymous with Israel. The “seed of Abraham” is broader, incorporating God’s heavenly people and God’s earthly people as God described Abraham’s progeny in Genesis 13 and 15 and brought together in Genesis 22. Israel is a technical term which always and only refers to Jews. It never, ever refers to Gentiles or the Church.
If you follow the pronouns it becomes clear that Paul is talking about the Gentiles. Verse 13 specifically addresses the Gentiles and then every “you” after that is spoken to them. If it would have been addressing some other group then they would have been spoken about in this context. I think the flaw of the “grace ambassadors” articles is that it confuses categories.
“If the church is the wild graft in Romans 11:24, then the church must be found in Matthew 21” (from their article).
The teaching we have here is that the Gentiles are being grafted in, not the Church. It is important also to remember that the Jews who have been cut out because of unbelief can be grafted back in if they will believe.
Yes, Paul’s argument in Romans 11 is that at the present time God has placed Gentiles in the place of blessing that national Israel had enjoyed previously. The Church is included because its composition is 99% Gentile. Paul is laying out large scale programs: God’s dealings with Israel and with Gentiles. The article errs in its statement, “The wild olive graft of Romans 11 is the faithful nation that bears fruit in Matthew 21. It was the people of that wild nation that continued in God’s goodness by faith to receive Israel’s kingdom.” On the contrary, the “wild olive graft” is the Gentile world as opposed to Israel, the “natural branches” (Romans 11.21, 24). Paul’s commentary looked forward to when God would complete the Church, remove it, and restore repentant Israel again to the position of blessing (Matthew 23.37-39; Acts 2.36-38; Romans 11.26).
I agree with you Doctrine, for these two passages need to be rightly divided between prophecy and mystery. Romans 11:25 is mystery “For I would not, bretheren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel , until the fulness of the gentiles be come in.”
While Matthew 21 is prophecy, speaking of when the Kingdom is established is given to true Israel that abides in the true vine, Messiah Jesus.
However Grace Ambassadors ususally does a good job with right division, imho.
^^^Where are my manners… I’ve revised my comment a few times that I left out that your article was very inciteful and edifying. Thank you.
Hi Don,
If Paul meant the church is included concernig the Gentile, then in the last part of vers 22, “Otherwise you also will be cut off” also applied to the church?
Hi Don,
Can you explane what ” and you stand by the faith mean?
When Paul wrote “the faith,” the definite article with the noun, he meant his gospel, “the faith,” as defined by 1 Corinthians 15.1-4.
Yes. Paul’s point was to emphasize the position of faith, or more properly, “the faith” and warn against unbelief. The “if” statements in verses 22 and 23 are 3rd class conditions, uncertain but likely.
From my understanding there is more than one meaning for Gentile. 1. Those who were of the other heathen nations 2. Israel that was scattered and had fallen under false doctrines and false religions. Which Gentile are being talked about in Romansn9-11 and Acts 14,15?
The word “Gentile” always means a non-Jew.
Doctrine’s explanation of Paul’s olive tree example is correct and the other is not. Paul was writing to Gentiles, not Jewish believers of the “Little Flock” who some say are those “graft in.” The Jewish believers of the 12 apostle’s disciples were already “in the good olive tree” and didn’t require “grafting in.” It is the Gentile nations Paul pictures as “grafted into the place of favor” in this age of grace.
Hi Don, I printed this study out yesterday and spent all day studying, highlighting, cross-referencing, and made connections to other verses. I kept in mind all the things you said to keep in mind. You made it very clear that the Gentiles have not replaced Israel. I have a question about Rom 11:24, For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree….. Is the olive tree referenced here speaking of the Gentiles in general? Another question, do the Scriptures say why the Lord ended his direct dealing with Gentiles and formed Israel?
One of the things that occurred to me was that Deut 32:21 is the first place He spoke of provoking Israel to anger and jealousy with the Gentiles. Is this correct? How many times I have read this verse and i am just grasping the reality of it.
In Paul’s illustration we have two olives trees–one wild and one cultivated and tended. The latter represented the place of God’s care and blessings. Through it Israel was the beneficiary of the covenant promises and had the Word of God. Due to unbelief, Israel was broken off from this place of blessing and Gentiles were grafted in. The Gentiles are spoken of in general but the Church, composed primarily of Gentiles, is the particular beneficiary. Paul has 3 categories of the human race: Jews, Gentiles, the Church (1 Corinthians 10.32). He also taught that in Christ there is no Jew or Gentile. One becomes “Church”–the body of Christ. God spent 2,000 years dealing with “Gentiles.” The result was the Flood and tower of Babel. In 2,000 B.C. He initiated a new plan to form a particular race–Israel–through whom He would operate.
Thanks so much for your patience, Don. Yes, yes the first 2000 years dealing with the Gentiles. I now remember reading that. This is definitely foundational, at least in my mind. You answered my questions perfectly. I’m printing out your answer and taping it to the study. This was an amazing study, so rich in truth. I gained a great deal of understanding. I pray that I will come across local brothers and sisters who are excited about this truth. I contacted the Berean society but they don’t have anyone listed in my area, so i gave them my name. Again, thank you.
Delighted my answer was helpful.
Israel was not broken off. A PARTIAL hardening has happened to Israel, and Gentiles are grafted in AMONG the remnant of ISRAE which are left in the tree.
And what does Isaiah say? Though they be like the sands of the seashore, only a REMNANT will be saved. And salvation is found only IN Christ. Apart from His Body, the Church, there is no salvation.
And you make it sound like Jews are a special class of people different from Gentiles. Paul makes it clear that all are under sin. From one man, God made all the nations. Including Israel. Abraham was a Gentile. Isaac was a Gentile. Jacob was the first Israelite, but carried the same Gentile DNA that his fathers carried. The 2000 years that God dealt with Israel ended with the destruction of the nation and their scattering throughout the earth. How is that any better than the Gentiles? They brought no salvation to the earth, nor could they. As Isaiah says, they gave birth to wind. God’s new plan was not through Israel but through CHRIST and the Spirit. HE first saved a remnant of Israel who then brought the Gospel to the ends of the earth. That was His plan. It is already in effect. Israel has become like any other nation and must be saved in the same way, through a new birth in Christ.
The Jews were a special class. When God established the Abrahamic Covenant, He set aside the Gentile world and declared that all divine blessing would come thorough His covenant people. Paul wrote the Jews had all the advantages (Romans 3.1-4; Ephesisans 2.11-13). The Scriptures do not state that Gentiles have been grafted into Israel. The Scriptures state that Gentiles have been grafted into the place of God’s favor. Read Romans 11 again. Israel never means Gentiles and never means the Church. If you think the Jews brought no salvation to earth, you might as well rip everything from Genesis 12 through the gospel of John from your Bible. Israel never brought the gospel to the ends of the earth. Paul did. Paul was the apostle of the Gentiles and he alone had a ministry to Gentiles. He became proxy Israel, one untimely born, due to Israel’s national unbelief. Israel will become glorious in the kingdom Christ sets up on earth when God will fulfill all His covenants to them. They will become a nation of priests and evangelize Gentiles. Today, all salavation is through Paul’s gospel (1 Corinthians 15.1-4).
Hi, I know that the Body of Christ was a mystery. Would Matt21 unveil that mystery? In Matt21:43, if that nation that does bare fruit is talking about the gentiles who would become the Body of Christ, how can gentiles be labeled as a nation? Looking for some clarification regarding those associations. Thanks. I enjoy this forum.
Jesus was speaking of a future generation of Jews who will repent and accept Him (see Matthew 23.27-39). The Church, the body of Christ, was a secret until after Paul was saved. God revealed it to Paul alone. The Twelve knew nothing of the body of Christ. They never had a ministry to Gentiles. They were apostle of Israel. They never wrote of the body of Christ. What they knew of it they learned from Paul.
Thanks for the great article! It seems so clear to me.
Can you please tell me, though, what Paul means when he says, “Grafted in AMONG them”? Among who? If the broken off branches represent Israel’s program set aside, why are there any branches left on the tree when the Gentile program is grafted in?
Paul’s dissertation is about two programs: His program regarding 1) Israel and 2) Gentiles. God has set Israel aside as a program (broken off). Gentiles, as a program, have been grafted into the place of favor. Paul argued, “all Israel is not Israel” (Romans 9.6), i.e., all Jews were not believers, yet Israel occupied the place of God’s favor due to the covenants. Grafted in “among them” means Gentiles (as a program) being grafted into the place of blessing which individual believing Jews occupied.
Hi Doctrine, What then has become of all Jews over the last 2000 years.? Are we to believe that aside from a few individuals all these Jews are going to Hell because God has blinded them in part. Could Gods anger reach 2000 years into the future.?
God deals with the Jews on two different levels: nationally and individually. Individual Jews have just as much opportunity for salvation as individual Gentiles. But nationally, for Christ to return, for Him to set up His kingdom, requires that the entire nation repent (Matthew 23.37-39; Acts 2.36-39; Romans 11.26).
Sorry, Doctrine,
but I didn’t understand your point of view here:
The “gospel of the kingdom,” not the “gospel of the grace of God,” (Acts 20.24) i.e., Paul’s gospel (Romans 16.25; 2.16; 2 Timothy 2.8) will be preached after the Church has been removed (cf. Matthew 24.14).
My question:
If the gospel of the kingdom will be preached after the Church has been removed, why then Jesus said “it shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations”? Who is going to preach it to all nations after the church is removed?
Mt. 24:14 And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come.
Thank you. I miswrote and have corrected my error. The gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed after the Church is removed and it will result in Israel’s repentance. God will initially save the 144,000 who will proclaim it. How this will occur is unknown but God always leaves a witness.
I understand God can leave witnesses after the church is removed. However, how likely it is that the Gospel will be preached TO ALL NATIONS only with such witnesses?
Is it not easier to understand that the Gospel of the Kingdom is the Gospel Jesus wants us to preach (without wrong doctrines) which shall be preached by the church to all nations before the end comes?
Getting the gospel to all nations will not be a problem. The 144,000 will begin the effort and convert many. They will be supernaturally protected and empowered. They will most likely travel supernaturally as Philip did (Acts 8.40).The gospel they preach will be the gospel of the kingdom according to Jesus (Matthew 24.14). The faith part of that gospel is to believe Jesus is the King, the Son of God. No one is saved by this gospel today.
The 144,000 will be preaching to all the world. In Rev 11:3, the 2 witnesses will be preaching to all the world, and in Rev 14:6-7 it says another angel will fly through the heavens preaching the “everlasting gospel” to those that dwell on the earth “to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people.”….God has it covered. I loved this and all your great articles. thank you!
What if . . . what if God sends Elijah BEFORE the great and terrible day of the Lord and his call to Israel begins to turn [repent] the hearts of fathers and children back to the Lord BEFORE the 70th week of Daniel begins? That would give the Lord a group of repentant Jews from whom He could seal 144,000.
Bro. Clif,
It is unclear how much time will pass after God removes the Church and the Beast appears. When the Church leaves there are no believers on earth. We are not told how long it will be before anyone is saved. It may be the 144,000 are among the first. I think God has built in flexibility. Paul wrote that the secretly of the lawlessness was already at work. Satan does not know when God will remove His Church. He must prepare people in every generation to serve as the Beast.
Hi Don!
I have noticed that some teachers refer to Israel in the feminine gender and sometimes masculine. Also, they sometimes refer to Jerusalem the same way. I have always believed that Jacob is Israel and vice versa, and that Jerusalem as his rebellious wayward bride naturally would have to be feminine. I am really confused! Could you give me your thoughts on this?
Thank you so much for all the wonderful articles you have written. I am learning so much!
Thank you. This is not a subject I have studied specifically. Israel sometimes is referred to as masculine (Jeremiah 31.10) but most of time as feminine. I think that it is mostly the latter because Israel is regarded as the wife/bride of YHVH.
Someone argues the olive tree is Jesus. Is there any ground for this?
No. Ultimately, all blessing is from Christ. But the passage in view is about God’s program of blessing, not the person of blessing.
When Paul says in the Romans 11 about grafting “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” 20 Quite right, they were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand by your faith Do not be conceited, but fear; 21 for if God did not spare the natural branches, He will not spare you, either
I know that a believer cannot lose his/hers salvation so if the Body of Christ is the wild olive branch and can be “cut off” wouldn’t this mean a person can lose their salvation?
Paul is dealing with groups: Gentiles, Israel, not individuals. He is warning Gentiles not to become proud because of their new place of privilege.
Ok one more question. Gentiles have a new place of privilege for sure. We can have salvation by trusting in the finished work of Jesus. But this is an individual belief which is also open to Jews. I am having a hard time with how God would “cut off” the Gentile branches which you say is the Body of Christ unless this has something to do with the rapture and God puts an end to this dispensation of grace by cutting off the branches to take to heaven. Since we are living in the dispensation of grace and God is not dealing with any particular nation is this a warning or even a glimpse into the future where God goes back to dealing with Israel after the rapture and the Gentiles then become cut off?
The Gentile branches are more than the Body of Christ. Every Jew was not a believer but the whole race was in the place of privilege. So it is with Gentiles. The Body of Christ is the principle beneficiary but all Gentiledom is in the place of privilege. Romans 11.22 is a “future more vivid” condition (ἐὰν + subjective and future indicative) which means it is assumed likely. So, Paul’s meaning is “if (and I assume you will) continue in His kindness, else you will be cut off.” The same condition is used in verse 23. We know God will regraft Israel into the place of blessing. So, in reality is a hypothetical supposition. Paul’s main point is a warning that our privilege is a gift.
Those of of us who have the
knowledge of the 1948 reestablishment of the state of Israel in the very place God promised Abraham, after 2000 years of the dispersion of the nation is one clear biblical evidence that God is not finished with Israrl. God’s covenant promises with the nation have been and will be fulfilled.
This is an excellent article, though I have a few questions:
1. What do you say to the view that this verse “Behold then the kindness and severity of God; to those who fell, severity, but to you, God’s kindness, if you continue in His kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off. ” Romans 11:22 indicates that believers can lose their salvation. They say that before they were cut off they were in a state of holiness “For if the firstfruit is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches.” which indicates they were saved. They would argue that those people were cut off from salvation, because since their response was one of unbelief.
Could you explain to me why this passage isn’t talking about the possession of salvation, and that the cutting off wasn’t the cutting off from salvation but from something else, the blessings maybe?
2. You talked a lot about all of Israel rejecting the blessings, but many times this passage indicates that “some of the branches were broken off” not all. Does this disprove the notion that the author was talking about all of Israel collectively? Or maybe he was referring to the group of unbelieving Jews as a collective whole, and that the assigned rejection of those Jews brought in the grafting of the Gentiles?
My point is, I don’t see all of Israel losing the blessings here, because indeed there were many Jewish believers at the time, and there still are today (myself being one of them).
If you could clarify those things for me that’d be great, this article has been a great help with my understanding of this rather complicated passage!
Many thanks,
Liam S.
Paul’s subject in Romans 11 concerned programs, not individuals. There’s nothing here that relates to individual salvation, gain or loss. At the present time, God has set aside national Israel (natural branches). He grafted wild branches into his program of blessing (previously enjoyed by Israel through the covenant promises). At this time God is building His Church, the body of Christ. In this new program, Jew and Gentile are saved by believing Paul’s gospel (1 Corinthians 15.1-4) and are equal in Christ. Thus, believing Jews are blessed in the same manner as believing Gentiles. They become members of the body of Christ. At some point, God will complete the Church. When this occurs, He will remove it (Rapture). God’s program will refocus upon Israel and Gentiles. This is the subject of Revelation. The gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed (Matthew 24.14) for salvation, not Paul’s gospel of grace. God cannot fulfill His promises to national Israel until the nation repents (Matthew 23.37-39). Every single Jew will repent (Acts 2.36-30). The Lord will return and establish the promised kingdom (Matthew 6.10). In that kingdom, Israel will be preeminent among the nations of the earth (Deuteronomy 28.1, 13) and the Lord will reign as King, as David’s greater Son, as well as King of the world (Zechariah 14.9). Every Jew will be a priest as God intended (Exodus 19.5-6) and God will fulfill all the covenants promised to the nation. Israel will occupy the promised land and its borders will be the Nile, Med, Red Sea, and Euphrates (Genesis 15.18; Exodus 23.31).
Israel I don’t think is completely set aside here to receive the blessings, I think that is outside the scope of the text. I think the point of this passage was to illustrate that Israel is now no longer the only beneficiary of the covenant promises. Gentiles are now grafted in. They now have the same blessings Israel has. This I believe is indicated by the “some” used in this passage, to show that the assigned unbelief of those Jews was used to graft in the Gentiles. While those Jews were part of the natural branches, they never represented all of Israel. Meaning, those Jews who fell lost the blessings, not the entirety of Israel. The passage never says that all the Jews as a nation were guilty of unbelief, only some.
I then think it is more reasonable within the text to say that though some Jews were cut off from the blessings, while others were not.
Israel as a program has been set aside during the Church age. God deals with one program at a time. This was Paul’s point of the illustration. God placed Israel in the place of privilege for 2,000 years. Because of unbelief, He removed them (temporarily) and grafted in Gentiles into that place. For nearly 2,000 years Gentiles have enjoyed that place of privilege. Paul recognized some Jews believed–just as 7,000 had in Elijah’s day. But that was a tiny minority (1/10th of 1%). In Paul’s day they experienced God’s blessings believing the kingdom gospel (proclaimed by Jesus and the Twelve) and believing Paul’s gospel. But Acts 15 clearly states the kingdom gospel ended when Peter pronounced the words Luke recorded in Acts 15.11 (see my article, The Great Hinge). From that point on, the only blessing for Jew or Gentile was through believing Paul’s gospel. The Gentile program is about over. But as long as it exists the only blessing Jew or Gentile can receive begins with Paul’s gospel.
I understand what you are saying there, I don’t necessarily agree with your eschatology, but that’s not what I was inquiring. I was asking you about was the exegesis over that passage. If I understand it correctly, it could potentially dismantle some of the things you were talking about above, since from my understand of the text, it doesn’t say /all/ of Israel were subjected to unbelief, only some. Which would then mean only some of the Jews were cut off from the blessings, while others were not. If you get what I’m saying.
I understand your point. Some Jews believed. But God required every Jew to repent according to what Peter proclaimed at Pentecost. This was required for God to fulfill His covenant promises to Israel and establish the kingdom of God on earth. This is what Paul wrote in Romans 11.26. The fact some Jews believed had no impact on God’s changing the program. Every Jew had to repent. Isaiah wrote “can a nation be born at once?” (Isaiah 66.8). The answer is, yes. They will be born when all repent, which was the message of John the Baptist and Jesus. According to God’s prophetic program, the Day of the Lord should have come. This was what Peter proclaimed at Pentecost. But God in His mercy set it aside, saved Paul, created the Church, the body of Christ, and began a whole new program that the prophets knew nothing about. God kept it hidden. So Israel has been set aside temporarily and all blessing begin with believing Paul’s gospel. In the Church program, God does not recognize Jew or Gentile. He recognizes the Church, the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 10.32).
its very wonderfull chapter what paul says in Roman11… Thank you for sharing us..i am feeling blessed
Am struggling with this …
You said…
One plan operates at a time. When natural branches were on the tree, wild branches were not. Wild branches were grafted in when the natural branches were broken off.
But Romans 11:17 says “And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being ..”
Keyword = some. This is giving me trouble.
So is the “some” the unbelieving Israel? Because it looks like to me there are “some” still good original on the tree in this verse. If it is so then both natural and grafted are on together at the same time.
And if that is the case, what implications does that infer?
And to finish the verse
Romans 11:17 “And if some of the branches be broken off, and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert graffed in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree;”
It says both are together…? Do you see?
Thank you.
One plan operates at a time but that does not mean there was no overlap. It wasn’t that it was one way one day and the next day it another way. The gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of the grace of God operated together for a decade (from about 40 to 51 A.D.). The olive tree is essentially the Abrahamic covenant, the place of blessing. All who have believed (since the time of Abraham) are represented in this covenant.
Okay. :) Thank you. I also read somewhere that the temple door posts were made out of olive wood, which represented having to pass through the door to where God was.
So, the “some” of the original still on the tree, must be ‘the little flock’ at that time, right? And then. The wild branches are ‘all the nations’ (all gentiles). So does this mean that:
1. Israel was cast off, except the remnant, because of unbelief.
2. All gentiles are the wild grafted branches.
3. The Body of Christ is not represented in this tree? Because we are neither Jew or gentiles but a new man right?…or…?
It certainly does require much reflection as you said. I’m stuck lol.
The Body of Christ is in the tree as part of the wild olive branches since the Church is 99% Gentile. Don’t force the illustration to do too much. Basically, Paul is simply saying that Israel held the place of blessing and it has been broken off and Gentiles grafted into that place. Paul declared he was the apostle of the Gentiles because that is the vast majority in the Church.
I think what bothers me here is that he says “you Gentiles”, because in the Body, we are no longer Jew or Gentile. So why would he differentiate like that if he’s talking to the Body?
All Gentiles have been grafted into the place of blessing. While Jew and Gentile distinctions have been removed in the Church, the distinctions remain, just as they do with male and female.
Bobbi, Pauls Ministry was the Apostle to the Gentiles so its natural for him to address the Gentiles as Gentiles. It would have been strange had he said that there is neither Jew nor Greek in Christ when addressing Gentiles. Tho this is true. We are still genetically gentiles ever after coming to Christ.
Hi Don, (your quote).God then grafted Gentiles (wild olive tree branches) into the place of blessing. Gentiles now occupy the place of blessing previously held by Israel.
My question. Are these Gentiles that have been grafted in believing Gentiles. I will have many more questions but I need to ask one at a time.
Depending on your answer I may have many more questions. Thaning you.
Paul is looking at two programs. All Israel was in the place of favor. Same for Gentiles. Individual blessing is to believers.
Don and Vanessa,
I see I think what you are both saying. I have come to an understanding on this. However because of the “some” still left on the tree, I think it’s Gentile and Jew BELIEVERS being grafted in. I don’t see all gentiles here. He cut off all unbelievers so to make room for all who would believe.
Rom. 1:16For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
17For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
Gal. 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
27For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
28There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
29And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
The olive tree is the Abrahamic covenant. It is more than believing Israel and the Church, the body of Christ. Paul is writing about programs–Jew and Gentile. God placed all of Israel in a place of privilege–believers and unbelievers. Most of Israel were unbelievers but they were the natural branches. When the Jewish nation rejected the Messiah, God broke them off and placed all Gentiles into this place of privilege. The wild brances include unbelievers and believers. Obviously, believers receive the spiritual benefits of this position but all Gentiles are in it. The “some” in v. 17 are Jewish believers. They cannot be broken off because the are believers. But the Jewish nation has been removed. The “some” of v. 14 refers to Jews who would believe Paul’s gospel. Thus, the illustration deals with corporate bodies–Jew and Gentile–as well as individuals. Clear?
Wow this makes it clear that gentiles saved and unsaved were grafted in and that the tree was a place of blessing not salvific and this position actually will be removed when the church is raptured .Thanks
Hi doctrine.
Okay,wow. I got it. Finally! It is about corporate aspect. :)
Thank you.
Great! Thank you.
Brilliant,I believed what I was taught about the tree,BUT,this has resolved it for me…..I can now again move forward,I received this in my spirit and understand it….so now nobody can take it away from me….WOW….Awsome…
Glad you got this, as it is important, haha haha as you can read above, it took me a little while …lol…poor Don! But, in my favor, I’ve not forgotten it!
I have seen many arguments on both sides of the grafted branch debate – I tend to lean heavily in your favor with many of your articles – but sway opposite on this one – though do appreciate your viewpoint.
The context, Paul is talking about Israel’s promises, and their fullness. The point is that Israel can, should, and will be restored in belief – Rom 11:24
What is the tree? Who are the branches? Israel. Why are both trees olive trees?
Tree analogies are deep in Israel’s history, as are other trees (fig, olive, bramble, vine Jud 9:7-15)….. Psa 1; trees for earthly dominion (not heavenly places) in Eze 31:1-7, Dan 4:10-16, 20-27
Israel depicted as trees in prophecy – (wild) Isa 5:1-7, 5:24, Psa 80:5-19, Hos 14:6, Isa 4:2-3
God prophesied about Israel’s trees being broken– Isa 10:16-22, 32-34; Jer 11:16-17
The root and the branches are Israel’s fullness – Jer 12:2, 12:10, 14-15, Jer 23:1-6
Can a fig tree produce berries? No! Jam 3:12, we are getting olives from this tree…not a mystery body.
The olive had special place in the religion of Israel – 1 Kings 6:23, 31-33
Olive oil was a testimony of faithfulness to Israel’s covenants (not a mystery body): Exo 25:31, 27:20-21
God keeps his promise to the olive trees – Zech 4, Isa 60:2-3, 61:3
The branches that didn’t bear olives were cut off – Mal 4:1, Matt 3:10, 7:19
They were broken off because of unbelief – Psa 52:7-9, Rom 9:32-33, 10:3
We (the Body of Christ) are never described as trees. Olive oil has nothing to do with the church.
Members of the church today are a new creature, not grafted into an old one. If there is no longer jew or gentile in this age of grace, then why would the body of Christ, a new creature, be grafted into a tree that represents a long historical relationship with God under covenant promises made to Israel?
We are flesh of his flesh, bone of his bone, not branches – Eph 5:30-32
The Church is a new creation but the Abrahamic Covenant has not been abrogated. When God made that covenant, He declared ALL blessings to mankind would be mediated through Israel. That is the picture of the olive tree. The olive tree speaks of programs. It does not speak of the Church particularly but of Gentiles. Gentiles now are in the place of God’s favor where before, Israel was in that place. Romans 11.13, 17 clearly refer to Gentiles and we have been grafted into God’s place of favor and blessing.
Thank you for politely engaging. I am always open to having my mind changed on ANY topic – but I am yet to be swayed on this thus far.
I believe we are complete in Christ – new creatures – no Jew or Gentile. If one is to agree with being grafted in, then they must believe they too can be cut off, just as the branches they replaced. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit. – secured. If one adheres to accepting blessings of Israel, then why not the curses and the laws?
I believe the wild grafted in branches are those who received Christ as Messiah – this is not a new dispensational thought. George Williams’ dispensationally leaning commentary in the 1926 Student’s Commentary on the Holy Scriptures stated it long ago as well.
Paul was a Hebrew of Hebrews and knew good and well that Israel would understand the image of the olive tree in his illustration – the gentile would have no clue.
Peter, his little flock of Hebrew believers and gentile converts such as Cornelius would be partaking in the root of fatness of the good olive tree, even if the gentiles were not circumcised, even though the little flock of Israel had followed the Messiah rather than the Scribes and Pharisees.
Both the broken off branches grafted in again & the wild olive branches grafted in again are both “grafted in their own olive tree..” There is no new creature there – no “old things passed away (II COR 5:17) – just more of the same Olive Tree.
In the dispensation of Grace – Israel is no more (temporarily). We can bless Israel all we want to – and it will do nothing good or bad for us. Blessings will fall again on those who bless Israel in the Tribulation – feed the hungry, shelter the poor, etc.
I find it difficult to understand how being grafted into a tree of a nation that was declared blind / in part (Rom 11:25) could be a good thing.
(T. McLean) It is the uncircumcised in heart and ears to whom Paul speaks to in Romans chapters 9, 10 & 11. The Hebrew people who had accepted Christ as Messiah were not Paul’s concern, but rather unbelievers. “…my kinsmen according to the flesh (Rom 9:3-4) “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be save,” (Rom 10:1)
The gentiles had always been “uncircumcised in heart and ears” and Paul was their apostle.
The people of Israel who had rejected their messiah were judged to be similarly uncircumcised in hearts and ears, and they constituted a particular concern for Paul since he had been just like them. Paul wanted to see his Kinsmen according to the flesh saved (Rom 10:1).
“…for they are not all Israel, which are of Israel” (Rom 9:6) – the meant Paul’s kinsmen according to the flesh though they were the “Israel of God” but were actually the “broken off branches.” Paul wanted to provoke unbelieving Israel to receive Christ as their prophesied Messiah and to be part of he wild olive branch that God would graft in to the root and fatness which was COVENANT ISRAEL.
“If by any mean I may provoke to EMULATION them which are my flesh, and might save some of them.” (Rom 11:14). Unbelieving Israel could be provoked so that some might be saved – this appears to be what Paul was trying to do.
The word “emulate” involves wanting to be equal or to imitate a standard previously established. Since the Body of Christ is a new creature, complete in Christ, there would be no point in emulating that in which they had no part (Eph 2:12)
Paul was provoking unbelieving Israel (broken off branches) to emulate Peter’s little flock of believers and thereby become part of of the wild olive branch which could be grafted in.
Final thought – – Being grafted in to that which had fallen so that salvation could come to the ones grafted in to the fallen, to provoke the fallen to jealousy of the ones who had been grafted in is not simply circular reasoning – it makes no sense.
The great problem with your response is that Paul clearly stated in Romans 11.13, 17 that he was addressing Gentiles and that Gentiles were the wild tree/branches. The warning is for Gentiles not to become arrogant about their current place of favor and that God again will graft Israel back into its place of favor. This will occur when the nation repents and Christ rules in His kingdom. Paul’s warning regards unbelief. Everything the Church has is based upon faith. Again, Paul is speaking of programs: Israel and Gentiles. Not every Jew was saved but enjoyed a place of favor. Not every Gentile is saved but is in the place of favor.
So Abraham is the olive tree and his children from Jacob are branches that bear fruit,When they reject the messiah program and God removes those bramches (judaism) is no longer the path to God .Now gentiles who except Jesus as the son of God sent to save us from wrath can be fruitful branches when grafted in without going through Israel.
Fruit is believers converted promises earthly are still held for Jewish believers distinct from believers in Jesus who are Heavenly and inherit with the son as part of his body
I’m getting there I was traditional dispy for Decades until I saw rightly dividing which answered questions I had about verses that didn’t seem to jive with OSAS
The Abrahamic Covenant is the olive tree. God promised Abraham earthly and heavenly descendants. Jews, as the “natural branches” are the “earthly” and had priority. This was why Paul wrote, “to the Jew first,” and “what advantage the Jew? Much in every way.” Gentiles (and Jews too) who believe Paul’s gospel, that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead find salvation, become members of the Church, the body of Christ, and are Abraham’s “heavenly descendants.”
Please can you tell me, are the wild branches that get grafted in at first to the olive tree, do they include Jews that didn’t believe in God and now believe in Jesus? Are they being grafted in with the gentiles that now believe in Jesus? I’m sorry I don’t understand this, I just want to know the true explanation, thank you.
The Olive Tree is a picture of the Abrahamic Covenant. It covers two programs: Israel and Gentiles. The natural branches are Israel. The wild branches are Gentiles. All Jews were part of the Abrahamic Covenant. But all Jews were not believers and did not benefit from salvation. In the same way, all Gentiles have been grafted into the tree. But only those who believe Paul’s gospel benefit from salvation. The natural branches (Jews) were broken off due to unbelief (rejection of Christ). But they will regrafted when they believe Jesus is the Messiah at His coming. That is why Paul wrote “all Israel will be saved.”
Thank you so much, I understand now. God bless you
Don, what do you say to someone who believes that the olive tree is Christ himself?
The olive tree represents the place of favor by God. Ultimately, the place of favor is Christ. But Paul’s point in the illustration is to show that Israel occupied that place of favor by the Abrahamic covenant and that now, because of Israel’s unbelief, God has grafted Gentiles into that place of favor.
The vine is the Abrahamic Covenant. God only works with 1 program at a time…. The A.C. preceded the Mosaic Covenant, and yet is called an everlasting covenant as is the New Covenant. The A.C and M.C. were in operation at the same time just as the A.C. and the N.C. are both in operation today. The vine contains all saved Jews from all time, they are the natural branches that were not broken off. Gentiles since the resurrection are the wild by nature branches grated into the same vine until the times and days of the Gentiles are fulfilled and end. Then the 1/3 remnant Israel will be grafted back in to the vine as they look upon the One they pierced and grieve. 2/3 of Israel perishes during the 3.5 year tribulation. It is the 1/3 that are protected during the rage of satan. He is unsuccessful in reaching them and turns his attention on those who have the testimony of Jesus and follow the commands of God, the elect, saints or body of Christ. Jesus ends the time of Gentile salvation with the Sign of the Son of Man after the tribulation, Matt 24:29-31. He then sends His angels to gather with the sound of a trumpet, the 1st resurrection. This is also called the feast of trumpets with the 10 days of Awe followed by Yom Kippur, as Jesus returns from the air, the 2nd heaven, with the redeemed as the Day of the Lord begins. He will fight those whom God has gathered at Armageddon during the last 30=45 days of Daniel 12.
The times of the Gentiles will continue until Jerusalem is no longer trodden down by Gentiles. Jerusalem will be trodden down by Gentiles in the Tribulation until the 2nd Coming when Jesus Christ will finally bring Israel peace.
Luke 21:24 (KJV)
And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
Israel’s partial blindness continues until the fulness of the Gentiles. Israel must repent as a NATION. They are partially blind until they all repent. Their national repentance happens at end of tribulation from what I understand.
Romans 11:25 (KJV)
For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
Don, in light of the above, I am trying to see what and ‘the fullness of the Gentiles’ is referring to: at the end of the tribulation or the end of this dispensation and WHY.
The “times of the Gentiles” refers to the period of Gentile dominance over Israel, until the Lord reigns as Israel’s king and Israel is no longer the tail but the head. The “fullness of the Gentiles” is the place of favor God has placed Gentiles by virtue of Paul’s apostleship. As Paul explained in the olive tree example, Israel, the natural branches, has temporarily been broken off due to unbelief (rejection of the Messiah) and Gentiles, the wild branches, have been grafted into the olive tree, the place of God’s favor. As Paul stated in his last statement OT the Jews in Rome, “salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles, and that they will hear it.” The “fullness of the Gentiles” is thus the completion of the Church, the body of Christ, based on Paul’s gospel. After this, the gospel of the kingdom will return.
Romans 11:25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that BLINDNESS IN PART is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
What does “blindness in part” mean?
It doesn’t mean “temporarily blinded” as most think.
At the time Paul wrote the Roman epistle, Israel was “partly blinded”.
They were “fully blinded” when the “fulness of the Gentiles” came in.
Yes it already happened.
Israel was fully blinded when the “transition” was fully completed at the end of the record of transition (the Book of Acts).
That’s when Israel was CAST AWAY and the fullness of the Gentiles came in.
Don, do you see any merit in the reasoning presented here or is there anything I might be overlooking?
What the olive tree deals with is programs, not individuals. So “in part” means not every single Jew, only national Israel as an entity. In the same way, Gentiles in the place of favor does not mean that every Gentile is saved. The Abrahamic Covenant established that Jews would be in God’s favored place. As such they would be God’s channel to bless Gentiles. Nationally, they rejected that role for they rejected the Messiah. However, God in His mercy chose to bless Gentiles in spite of Israel’s failure. To do this, He chose Paul to become proxy Israel. The Abrahamic Covenant was kept, not nationally but with one representative Jew—Paul. He became God’s agent to bless Gentiles. Jews who believe Paul’s gospel become Church, no longer Jews, just as Gentiles who believe Paul’s gospel are no longer Gentiles, but Church. After the “completion of the Gentiles,” the completion of the Church, all Israel will be saved.
Don, in your article you state, ” In Paul’s day, a remnant of Jews believed Jesus was the promised Messiah (cf. Romans 9.6). This remnant was according to “God’s gracious choice” and was a result of grace rather than works.” THIS is the part I’m confused about. I see people teaching this verse to mean that there was a remnant of Jews believing Paul’s Gospel during his Acts ministry BECAUSE of the wording of Rom. 11:6 where it says:
6 And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace.
How is it, or why is it not of works? Wasn’t the law still in effect during Jesus earthly ministry. Wasn’t faith and works the way Israel were abiding in Christ? How was faith for believing Israel different before Jesus came and after He came?
Paul was not addressing Jews who had believed his gospel but Jews who had believed Jesus was the Christ. God’s favor began with Abraham and continued. The problem with the Jews was they thought that God’s salvation was solely on the basis of works. In the gospels we see both faith and works. This was the point Paul made in Hebrews when he wrote in Hebrews 4.2 about “not joined with faith,” that the Jews could not enter the land due to unbelief (Hebrews 3.19), and his encouragement to come to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4.16).
Thanks. I’m trying to settle that this remnant according to grace is referring to the remnant under Jesus ministry and not this dispensation. When I read Rom. 11:6 (no more of works) I immediately think of James 2:24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. Why, therefore is Rom. 11:6 say it is not of works? Can you elaborate?
The Jews were completely caught up in works and had almost completely lost the idea of God’s grace. What Paul was trying to show was that behind everything was God’s grace. Those who recognized this, “the chosen” (verse 7), had believed the gospel of the kingdom. Those who relied only on works became hardened.
Do you have any articles or can you explain how Romans 10:9-13 works? Wife and I are interested.
Calling on the name of the Lord is believing Him. Confession is acknowledging Christ and believing God raised Him from the dead.
Don, trying to have this all come together in my mind.
Romans 11:17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, being a wild olive, were grafted in among them and became partaker with them of the rich root of the olive tree,
National apostate Israel was broken off. YOU (the wild olive = ALL Gentiles .. >> but Paul is speaking to believing Gentiles, correct?) Is Paul speaking TO believing Gentiles telling THEM that ALL Gentiles (whether they believed or not) were being graffed into the olive tree (place of blessing)?
QUESTION: If so – if Gentiles were being put in that place of blessing where Israel USED to be, WHY does the wording of Romans 11:17 read, “…were graffed in AMONG them…” > among WHO??
Were Gentiles being put into a position ALONG with Israel now where either group could be blessed?
I thought it was an either/or proposition.
Help, please
The Olive Tree was the place of blessing, the Abrahamic Covenant. All Israel was in the place of blessing but only believing Israel received the full extent of that blessing. All Gentiles were grafted into the place of blessing (since Christ died for all and this was not revealed in the OT) but only believers receive the full extent of the blessing. The “among them” is all Israel for under Paul’s gospel all are saved the same way, Jew or Gentile. That is why Peter declared in Acts 15.11 that Jews had to be saved like Gentiles. Those “broken off” were Jews who refused to believe (verses 17, 20). Paul wrote that Gentiles stand by “the faith,” his gospel.
Yes, I finally get it. The same ones who were ‘broken off’ (from all the Covenants in their previously privileged position because of their unbelief) are actually the same group (all Israel) who the Gentiles are graffed in AMONG … since NOW, Israel has no privileged covenantal place, but rather, are all on the same level as ALL Gentiles in this dispensation. All are counted as Gentiles and are savable through Paul’s Gospel into the Body of Christ.
After the Mystery Church is removed, once again Israel will be the focus of God.
God’s place of blessing is to all, Jew and Gentile, through Paul’s gospel. And when one believes it, one is no longer Jew or Gentile but Church, a new category and being. God will remove the Church when it is complete and then, again, focus on Jew and Gentile. Those saved during the Tribulation will believe the gospel of the kingdom, not Paul’s gospel of grace.
Amen. Thank you
About 2 years ago you, Don, and the articles on your website were very influential in my wife and I coming to see, for the first time, after being in baptist denomination circles for over 25 years and in leadership, what it meant to see God’s two fold plan for the ages by rightly dividing the Word of truth. It was through your ministry and the ministry of the Berean Bible Society (Ricky Kurth) and Les Feldick’s ministry, BOTH of which you mentioned in your articles, that we completely saw the truth. So, thanks for what you do.
Isn’t it wonderful to see how everything fits? Do we have a great God or not? All glory to Him forever!
I like your comment John. I also was blind of almost thirty years. Thanks to you brother Don and those brother too! Bless
Thank you for the excellent article.
Kindly explain how Rev 14:6 fit in all that has been said.
The first Angels of the The Three Angels will be flying in midair, and having the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth – to every nation, tribe, language and people.
Would like to know if eternal gospel same as kingdom gospel.
Also, instead of the 144,000 Jews preaching the gospel, will it be done by the angel mentioned?
Yes, the gospel of the kingdom is the eternal gospel. That will be the message of salvation during the Tribulation. Proclamation of the gospel is the responsibility of mankind. The angel is a message (that is what the word means) and he communicates to men.
Thank you for you reply.
However I’m still stuck with the literal expression of an angel (image) John saw; and the angel was flying in mid-air and proclaiming (action) the eternal gospel directly to nations and various people on earth. Doesn’t it need an agent (messenger/angel) to preach the message, instead of message itself proclaiming message?
I have been puzzled by this verse for quite sometimes and couldn’t find an answer and was glad to find your site to have part of it clear up in regards to eternal gospel. It couldn’t be gospel of grace as the dispensation of grace would be over by then. Since the discovery of two programs from your teaching I was so glad to find out that it’s back to the gospel of kingdom.
Will be grateful if you can elaborate more to help me understand the other part. i.e. the angel in midair.
Thank you for your time.
The text does not state the angel directly proclaims the gospel. It states, “to proclaim,” an infinitive with the sense, “for the purpose of proclaiming.” The angel is announcing to heaven the gospel that is to be proclaimed. How this works out is unclear, this angel may be a messenger who gives this gospel to the 144,000 and the two witnesses. Jesus declared the gospel of the kingdom would be the salvation message during the Tribulation (Matthew 24.14), not Paul’s gospel. That change may be delivered by this angel. Two angels appear after this announcing Babylon’s fall and the doom of any who take the Beast’s mark. These three angels act as God’s messengers in heaven to announce events on earth. We do not see angels directly proclaiming the message of salvation in the Scriptures. God has relegated that task to humanity.
Let me try and make this simple
Gentiles were to be blessed through Israel’s covenant promises during the millennial kingdom.
Israel fell and was cut off, except for a small remnant, until end times. Gentile proselytes are part of that remnant of Israel.
The remnant needed to hear Paul’s message, jump ship, and enter into the Body of Christ. In Romans chapters 9,10,11 Paul is explaining why they need to jump ship and move over to the Body of Christ.
Through faith in Jesus all can now become members in the Body of Christ, and they receive the spiritual blessings of the Abrahamic covenant through a faith based relationship with Jesus, who is of the seed of Abraham.
There was no O.T. covenant made with the mystery Body of Christ that was first revealed to Paul. That the body receives the spiritual blessings doesn’t mean it was promised to the Body in the past, for the Body was a kept secret from all past ages.
Paul never describes the Body of Christ as a wild olive branch, joint-partakers with Israel, or Gentiles. Before Paul even wrote Romans he was very clear that the Body is neither Jew or Gentile.
In Romans 11 Paul is addressing Gentile proselytes who need to convert over to his Gospel.
The context for Romans 11 is physical Israel and Gentile proselytes joined to physical Israel.
The Body of Christ is a spiritual entity made up of Jews and people from all the heathen nations. In the Body, there is no longer Jew or Gentile, heathen, barbarian, Greek, or whatever.
Romans 11 does not address Gentile proselytes. Gentiles saved under the gospel of the kingdom remain in that program. One must distinguish between the root and the branches. No one is “joined” to physical Israel in Romans 11. Gentiles are joined to the olive tree. Physical Israel are the natural branches, Gentiles the wild branches. The olive tree is God’s place of blessing. Gentiles are grafted into God’s place of blessing through Paul’s being “apostle of the Gentiles.” This is accord with the Abrahamic Covenant.
Thank you again. I only have a couple of question. Those branches, gentiles that were grafted in (except the Body of Christ) what benefits do they get by this, and what are the consequences of being broken off again?
I also wonder. Can one relate Efesians 2.12 to this passage?
Gentiles have been grafted into a place of God’s favor primarily through Paul’s ministry and the creation of the Church. When God called Abraham to begin creating a new race, the Jews, Gentiles were set aside from His favor. His favor to Jews was manifested primarily in giving them His word. God’s favor to Gentiles is manifested in Paul’s apostleship, by the revelations and secrets he has given the Gentile world. Ephesians 2.13 is the great benefit. No where in the OT was it revealed that Christ would die for Gentiles. Through Paul’s revelations we learn Christ died for all.
Thanks, but WHO risks being broken off again, and what would that mean. I mean the Body of Christ is eternally secure. I have always struggled with this text.
Paul is speaking to Gentiles.
The late Les Feldick helped me with this text. The wild branches are not the church, but rather the entire non-jewish world. The olive tree is the place of God’s blessing. First it was only Israel that enjoyed this place of privilege. But now Gentiles are included as well. However, just as most Jews excluded themselves by their unbelief, so do most Gentiles today.
Yes. Paul is talking about programs. God put Israel into the place of blessing through the Abrahamic covenant. Now God has put Gentiles into that place of blessing and broken national Israel off. Individual Jews enter into the place of blessing through Paul’s gospel, becoming members of the Church, the body of Christ.