Once upon a time when there was no time God made a plan.
Everyone loves a good story. God is the greatest storyteller of them all. Countless years ago He began a drama that dwarfs all dramas in terms of plot, character, and setting by a near infinite order of magnitude. The stage and scope of God’s drama occupies the entire physical universe and all that is beyond–hidden from us. God is the archetypal writer who has written a drama with heroes and villains, life and death, triumph and tragedy. In this drama, God has given His creatures the freedom to choose. But as the writer of a novel knows the choices his characters will make, God knows the choices we will make. He chose, in his wisdom, to create as He created. His goal is to bring glory and honor to Himself so that His creation might rejoice in that glory–for we are heirs of it. In His wisdom God determined a fallen and redeemed world would be more glorious than a world which never fell. We who have trusted Him will receive His accolade, as actors receive applause at the end of the play.
Eternity, the Angelic Creation, and Creation of the Universe
God has existed eternally in perfect harmony. He exists as One in nature or essence and Three in person or role as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Godhead share attributes of sovereignty, omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, veracity, eternal life, righteousness, immutability, justice, and love. In eternity past God created sentient beings to serve Him. These were angels–spirit beings with great knowledge and power. He named the preeminent angel Lucifer, the Day Star (Isaiah 14.12). He was governor of heaven and had the privilege of orchestrating the worship of God (Ezekiel 28.11-19). Sometime after God created the angelic host, He created the physical universe (Job 38.7). At some point, Lucifer became displeased with his exalted role. He wanted more than to be the highest and most beautiful creature of God: he wanted to be God. Instead, he became Satan, the adversary of God, a twisted, fallen creature. In his rebellion, he convinced a third of the angels to follow him against God (Revelation 12.3-4). This began sin in the universe. Thus began the conflict between good and evil–evil, which is goodness gone bad, spoiled. Instead of millions of wills working in harmony, there became millions of wills in opposition to God.
The Creation of Mankind
We have no information of how long the angelic creation existed before God created man. Why did God create Man? The best answer is He created man to resolve the angelic conflict and the problem of evil. From what the Scriptures indicate, God wished to demonstrate His goodness and that man would choose Him for His own sake. This is what faith is all about. The book of Hebrews tells us it is impossible to please God apart from faith (Hebrews 11.6). The one thing God wishes from us (and the only way we can have a relationship with him) is our trust. The book of Job provides a wonderful microcosm and mini-drama of the larger drama God is playing out with the human race. When we believe God, when we exercise trust in the work of Christ for our salvation (believing the gospel–that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead, 1 Corinthians 15.1-4) we agree with God that we are incapable of pleasing or commending ourselves to Him by our own efforts. We are left to trusting and depending on His goodness and work on our behalf. This act of faith is a choice of sides. Such an act of faith is a defeat for Satan. When we put our trust in Christ we transfer our allegiance from those in rebellion against God, His enemies, whose chief is Satan, to God.
God created man perfect, without sin. He enjoyed a perfect relationship with his Creator. Satan, hating God, perceived (rightly) that man’s creation was a threat to him and his ambitions. Satan is the great enemy of both God and man and wishes to enslave and destroy the human race. He deceived Eve into eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil–the one tree’s fruit God had forbidden Adam to eat (Genesis 2.15-17). Adam, in contrast to Eve, was not deceived (Genesis 3.13; 1 Timothy 2.14); he knew what he was doing and ate in rebellion. God had warned Adam that the day he ate from the Tree he would die. Adam and Eve died immediately–not physically (that came later) but spiritually. Their relationship and communion with God, which they had enjoyed freely, without inhibition, ended. Theologians call this the Fall. From this one act, spiritual death passed to all humanity. The Scriptures reveal we are “in Adam” and that his sin imposed a death sentence upon us (1 Corinthians 15.22). God was merciful, however, and drove Adam and Eve from Eden to prevent them from eating from the Tree of Life, which had the ability to restore and rejuvenate. Without this Tree their bodies weakened and decayed until they died physically. But God gave Adam and Eve the promise in Genesis 3.15 that a redeemer would come to redeem the loss they had brought upon themselves and the human race.
God’s Dealings With Mankind
God’s first dealings with man were with all mankind. We have lost many historical records of ancient man but some archaeological evidences remain to show that early man built great civilizations. The pyramids give us some insight of their technology. In Genesis 6, we read the strange account in which the “Sons of God” cohabited with women and produced men of great strength and power called the Nephilim (literally, “fallen ones”). These Sons of God were fallen angels (Genesis 6.2, 4; Job 1.6. 2.1, 38.7) and their activity was Satan’s strategy to corrupt and destroy the human race. It was nearly successful. From these unions come our stories of gods, goddesses, demigods, etc. that have passed down through mythology and folklore. During this time the earth became so corrupt and full of violence (Genesis 6.5, 11-12) that God determined that to preserve the human race He had to destroy the existing world and began anew.
God found one righteous and genetically unpolluted family (Genesis 6.9), the family of Noah, and instructed Noah how to build a great ship, the ark, to survive the flood that God would bring. This flood destroyed all humanity except Noah and his immediate family. From this family and Noah’s sons, Shem, Japheth, and Ham, came all the races and nations of the earth. Civilization thus began again. But instead of spreading forth across the world as God had commanded (Genesis 1.22, 9.1), the people settled and consolidated at a place called Babel. There they tried to set up a world government with a united religious system to worship the heavenly host instead of God. This was the beginning of polytheism. The heavenly host are evil spiritual beings (fallen angels) behind false religion. Babel (Babylon) is the source of all religion that does not acknowledge YHVH as the one true God. To preserve the human race, God broke up this world government and religion by confusing mankind’s language (Genesis 11.6-9). The language barriers that were created divided the people and they formed nations and created nationalism. Nationalism is a divine institution which curbs evil through the balance of power of nation states.
God’s Dealings With Israel
Since humanity as a whole had rejected God, God changed His program. He began a new plan and revealed Himself to one man through whom He created a new race of people–the Jews. They would be the central actors in His plan to bless the world and defeat evil. God chose Abram, who became Abraham (Genesis 12.1-5), who responded to God in faith. God made a sovereign covenant with him (the Abrahamic Covenant, Genesis 12.1-3, 15.1-20). The elements of that covenant were that God would make Abraham great, that he and his offspring would be a blessing to all mankind, that God would bless those who blessed him and curse him who cursed him, that Abraham would have innumerable offspring (physical and spiritual), and that God would give Abraham and his offspring land, “from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.” Satan is committed to defeating God’s plan and destroying His agents. This explains why the Jewish people have been the focal point of hatred and persecution throughout history. The Jewish people occupy the center of gravity in God’s strategic plan since all of God’s spiritual blessings are mediated through the Jews and in particular, through one Jew, the Lord Jesus Christ. Though he has made numerous attempts, Satan has failed to destroy God’s covenant people. His evil plan is still in effect and will reach a crescendo during the period of time the Lord Jesus called the Tribulation (Matthew 24.15-22). Since God’s prophetic covenant promises remain unfulfilled (Abrahamic, Land, Mosaic, Sabbatic, Davidic, and New covenants) Satan’s purpose to destroy the Jews remains in effect. If he accomplishes this, God’s plan fails. God would be a liar. Anti-Semitism is Satanic. One only has to look at the nations who vote against Israel in the United Nations to understand who is running the governments of this world.
The Abrahamic Covenant formed the basis of God’s future, sovereign covenants made with Israel: the Palestinian, Davidic, and New Covenant. God’s promises were made to Abraham through the line of Jacob or Israel. For hundreds of years, God dealt with Israel, blessing them for obedience and disciplining them for disobedience. God also fought for Israel. His greatest victory for them was their deliverance from Egypt. Through Moses, God gave the Mosaic Law (Exodus 20.1-17), which revealed God’s holiness and righteousness. The Levitical sacrifices were pictures or types which pointed to Christ. The animal sacrifices “covered” sin until the death and resurrection of Christ who was the paschal lamb slain from the foundation of the world (Revelation 13.8). When Christ was finally revealed, His death and resurrection defeated the power of sin, death, and Satan. All the festivals, buildings, the Tabernacle and Temple, and all its instruments were symbols and pictures of Christ and His work.
When Jesus was born, He was proclaimed as Israel’s King by John the Baptizer. Both John and Jesus preached to Israel a message of repentance and acceptance of the King and His kingdom (Matthew 3.1-2, 4.17). Jesus’ first miracle, making wine (wine throughout the Bible was a symbol of gladness and blessing) at the wedding of Cana, was a sign of this kingdom. Rather than accept Jesus as the Messiah, the nation rejected and crucified Him. God, however, satisfied with the work of his Son, raised him from the dead. Christ’s victory over sin and death is the basis of all spiritual blessing for those who have trusted in Christ. Christ’s victory is the basis for the future physical and spiritual blessings promised to Israel in the Abrahamic, Palestinian, Sabbatic, Davidic, and New covenants. Despite repeated pleas by Jesus’ disciples for the nation to repent and accept Jesus as the Messiah after His resurrection, national Israel hardened its heart and continued to reject Him. After 40 years of testing, in 70 A.D., God judged the nation. The Romans destroyed Jerusalem, the Temple, and the nation. Israel ceased to be a nation and became scattered throughout the world (Diaspora). This status continued for almost 1900 years, until 1948, when the nation of Israel was reestablished.
God’s Creation of the Church (Body of Christ)
While God was working through the disciples of Jesus in their ministry to Israel, He also began to work in a new and different way. This change may be compared to the change God made when he called Abraham. Even though national Israel had every opportunity to accept Jesus as the Messiah, God knew they would reject His Son. In the midst of Israel’s rejection (recorded in the Gospels and Acts) God chose a man by the name of Saul. Saul, a brilliant Pharisee, was caught up in the national rejection of Jesus and became its leader and a violent opponent of Jesus’ disciples and the message they were proclaiming. He was so zealous an adversary that he petitioned and received from the Jewish authorities the power to persecute those who were following Jesus beyond the borders of Israel (Galatians 1.13-14; Acts 9.1-2, 22.3-5, 26.9-11). Nearing Damascus, the resurrected Jesus revealed Himself to Saul and changed his heart (Acts 9.3-8, 22.6-11, 26.12-18). Following that experience, he became as zealous a follower of Christ as he had been His enemy.
Through Saul, who became Paul, God revealed a new entity, a new creation, which we know as the Church or the Body of Christ (Ephesians 1.22-23 ; Colossians 1.18, 22). For hundreds of years, God had worked exclusively through the nation of Israel. If one came to God, one came through Israel. However, in light of Israel’s continued rejection of the Messiah, God’s new plan, the Church, the body of Christ, removed distinctions between Jew and Gentile. The Church was a “secret” creation, previously unknown, God revealed to Paul. Most early believers in Christ were Jews. But under the ministry of Paul, the majority changed from Jew to Gentile. God commissioned Paul as the “apostle to the Gentiles” (Romans 11.13; Galatians 2.7-9) just as Peter and Eleven had been commissioned to be apostles of Israel. Paul was given the “gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20.24), which was different from the “gospel of the kingdom” which was proclaimed by the twelve apostles, John the Baptizer, and Jesus.
To be a member of Christ’s Church is an incomprehensible blessing. Paul wrote believers of his gospel have been blessed with every spiritual blessing, are positionally seated with Christ in the heavenlies (Ephesians 1.3), have heavenly citizenship (Philippians 3.20), will one day rule angels (1 Corinthians 6.3) and are joint-heirs with Christ (Romans 8.17). The Church is the body of Christ and Christ is its Head. Every believer is in a grace relationship with God and indwelt by God the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 1.22, 5.5; Ephesians 5.14). One day God will complete the Church, the body of Christ, and take it to heaven. Following this event, known as the Rapture (the resurrection of the Church), God will return to complete His dealings with the nation of Israel.
Israel Redux
Centuries ago, God revealed to Daniel things that would happen related to future kingdoms on the earth. This was easy for God. He created space, time, and matter and lives outside its confines. God told Daniel about the rise and fall of four great empires–Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome (Daniel 2, 7). He revealed when Christ would come and when the Antichrist would come (Daniel 9). God gave Daniel a timetable measured in weeks of years of Israel’s future and was defined by seventy weeks of years. He told him that at the end of sixty-nine weeks the Messiah would be crucified. That is where we are presently with regard to Israel’s clock.
God kept the Church, the body of Christ, a secret. It was never revealed in the Old Testament or Gospels. Only God can keep a secret and He kept it a secret until He disclosed it to Paul. According to Daniel’s timetable, one week (of years) remains in Israel’s history before the return of the Messiah. That week is known as the “time of Jacob’s trouble” (Jeremiah 30.7). Jesus spoke of it as a time of great tribulation. The events Daniel foretold were expanded in detail by the revelation John received from Jesus and is recorded in the book of Revelation. During this period, the Beast, the Antichrist, will arise and deceive the world. He will be brilliant, charming, and a proponent of peace. He will appear as a friend of Israel. But in the middle of the “week” or after 3 1/2 years, he will reveal his true nature. He will seat himself in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem, in the Holy of Holies, and proclaim he is God. This will be the moment of revelation and enlightenment for Israel. They will recognize they have been deceived and that this world ruler is not the Messiah but the Antichrist. Jesus foretold these events in Matthew 24. During this period, the Jews will change their hearts and repent. Jesus gave this as the condition for His return. Thus, we know exactly when Jesus will return for His covenant people: He told us (Matthew 23.37-39).
God will seal and protect 144,000 Jews, 12,000 from each of the twelve tribes for a special ministry (Revelation 7.4-8) during this period of tribulation. They will proclaim the Messiah and many will come to trust Him. The apostle Paul, echoing Isaiah, wrote that all Israel will be saved (Romans 11.25-26; Isaiah 66.8). At the end of seven years of terrible tribulation the armies of the world will surround Israel. When the Antichrist has victory in his grasp and all hope appears lost for Israel and the world, Christ in his rôle as the Lord of Hosts, CinC Heaven and Earth, will return from heaven, deliver Israel, and destroy all who oppose Him (Revelation 19).
God’s Kingdom on Earth
For hundreds of years, God’s prophets proclaimed God’s kingdom (Isaiah 2.1-11, 11.1-10; Zechariah 14.8-9). It will be a kingdom in which God will restore the Edenic splendor of earth. Its character will be peace and righteousness. Warfare will cease and people will once again enjoy the long lifespans that were in effect before the Flood. All the blessings that God promised Israel in the covenants will be fulfilled. Jesus will reign as King in Jerusalem as David’s greater Son in fulfillment of the Davidic covenant (Zechariah 14.9). Israel will possess the land from the Nile, to the Mediterranean, to the Euphrates. God will write His laws onto hearts. The New Covenant will be established fully. During this time, Satan will be incarcerated (Revelation 20.1-3). It will be a golden age, a time of unprecedented happiness. At the end of this thousand-year age, God will free Satan. Even though mankind will have enjoyed perfect environment: no war, disease, poverty, crime, and perfect climate through Christ’s reign for a thousand years, God will release Satan and he will convince some to rebel against God. God will destroy this rebellion in quick order. God will execute His final judgment upon Satan: He will incarcerate Satan in the Lake of Fire which the Antichrist and the False Prophet already occupy. Those who have rejected Christ will stand before Him in judgment (John 5.22; Revelation 20.11-15). Each person will be judged according to his works. Their own works, as opposed to Christ’s work, will be all they have to commend themselves. It will be a court setting and God will say in effect, “What do have to commend yourself to Me?” No matter how many good works a person has done, they will be insufficient to meet divine holiness and righteousness. The works or good deeds of those being judged will be judged against the standard of the work of Christ. After these works are judged, God will open the Book of Life to see if any basis exists for those being judged. None will be found. The Lord Jesus Christ will exercise his position as Judge (John 5.22) and incarcerate them in the Lake of Fire where they will join Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet for eternity.
A New Beginning
After the final judgment, God will create a new heavens and a new earth–a new universe (Revelation 21.1-4). We do not know what it will be like or how it will be different from our present universe with regard to its physical laws or properties. We do know it will be wonderful beyond comprehension. Death will have vanished. Sun and moon will not exist as sources of light. God’s glory will light the earth. The new Jerusalem will descend from heaven and reside upon the earth. It will be immense, measuring 1,500 miles in each dimension. The Temple will be gone since reality will have entirely replaced symbol. Rather than the Temple, which was a pattern of the throne complex of God, the very throne room of God will be moved to earth. The Tree of Life, unseen since Eden, will reappear. God will have become fully victorious and the possibility of sin or evil will have ceased. All who have loved and trusted Christ will begin a new adventure of love, righteousness, and peace. All will love and adore God from a free and willing heart. John provided a picture of a heavenly scene that gives us some indication of the glory of heavenly worship:
And round about the throne were four and twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings and voices: and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God. And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto crystal: and in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were four beasts full of eyes before and behind. And the first beast was like a lion, and the second beast like a calf, and the third beast had a face as a man, and the fourth beast was like a flying eagle. And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying,
“Holy, holy, holy, LORD God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.”
And when those beasts give glory and honor and thanks to him that sat on the throne, who liveth for ever and ever, the four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,
“Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.” (Revelation 4.4-11)
And I beheld, and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders: and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands; saying with a loud voice,
“Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and blessing.”
And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying,
“Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.”
And the four beasts said,
And the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth for ever and ever (Revelation 5.11-14).
God’s story ends as all good stories end. And they lived happily ever after….
The End…
of the beginning…
and the Beginning of that which has no end.
©1998 Don Samdahl. Anyone is free to reproduce this material and distribute it, but it may not be sold.
Updated Thursday, July 21, 2016
This article is, like so many others that you have given us, extremely well written,
and I will use it & pass it on.
God bless you,
Keep up the good work,
John H. Gregory
Thank you for your kind words. May the Lord bless you.
I have recently stumbled across this blog.
I have been very impressed with the articles, particularly the clear distinction explained between the gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of grace.
In reading this wonderful summary of the plan of God I did have one question.
Why do many theologians, as you do in this article, refer to one of the covenants as the “Palestinian” covenant?
Doesn’t this suggest that there is some validity to the Palestinians claim to the taking of this name for their national aspirations when in fact they have none.
Is there a better name that could used for this covenant that would avoid any confusion on this issue?
Thank you for all the hard work you have done in putting this blog together.
I have already spent many hours reading, reviewing, and “Acts 17:11 ing” the material and I am looking forward to spending many more.
God Bless,
Ron G
Thank you. Palestine (Joel 3.4) refers to a region of land. It comes from the word Philistine who populated the area. The Palenstinian covenant is a land covenant and can be referred to as such. It has nothing to do with today’s so-called Palestinians. Technically, no Palestinians exist in the sense of a people. The term always referred to a region, rather than a people. It is like Southerners or Mid-Westerners. These are not racial or national terms like Americans, Spaniards, or English.
Biblically sound doctrines.In order to understand what is in the bible,one should understand God’s time table in human history, which is known as dispensations.
Then we will be able to rightly divide, and understand what is in the Book.
Keep up the good work.God bless you.
Many thanks for your much-thought-provoking writings.
What happens to every jew that has ever lived? will they be revived/resurrected Ez. 37 to acknowledge their tru Messiah (Zecheriah) and to then live under Him through the 1000 years?
Thank you. Jews are no different than Gentiles in this regard. Jesus taught two resurrections–one to life and one to condemnation (John 5.21-29). Jews who have trusted God will experience resurrection during the Millennial kingdom. Those who have not will be resurrected to face judgment at the Great White Throne (Revelation 20). See my article,
I am curious as to your thoughts as to why God placed the tree of knowledge in the garden? Was it just a marker to test rebellion as their had to be something to test man kinds obedience?
Difficult question and we simply have glimpses as to God’s purposes. God evidently wanted man to exercise free will–to obey and choose God for Himself or to disobey Him. Adam chose to disobey. The 2nd Adam chose to obey. Tyndale wrote about God’s redemption that God chose “to winne his enemye to ouercomme him with loue, that he might see Loue and loue againe” and that our obedience is to be with a “free, a willing, a lusty, and a louing hart.” In eternity, God will have proved His case. All there will have made that choice and no longer will there exist an inclination to choose otherwise. Read the last verses of Isaiah 66.22-24. Sobering.
Dear Don….
Love your website and use it all of the time to help in my Bible studies.
My questions are:
You say that Noah was “genetically unpolluted”and I ask how this could be?
Were not all men descended from Adam?Was his righteousness not imputed to him
because of his faith toward God?
Also when I refer people to your site they often ask me about your background and all that I can tell them is that you are a graduate of the Dallas Theological Seminary. It might be nice if you posted some information about yourself on for those who visit the website.
Dick Umstead
Thanks for your kind comments. I am glad my articles have been helpful. Noah was certainly righteous in the sense of his faith towards God but there’s more to the text than this. What I mean by “genetically unpolluted” is that his bloodline had not become compromised by inbreeding with fallen angels. The incidents of the “sons of God,” and the birth of Nephilim were Satan’s attempt to spoil the human bloodline. Noah’s family had avoided this pollution. After the Flood this activity continued (Genesis 6.4). The giants were finally destroyed in David’s time. Remember, David as a young man killed the giant Goliath. These unions are the source of the gods, demigods, etc. present in the folklore and mythologies of all nations. This also provides a better understanding as to God’s ruthless command to slaughter all the Canaanites.
Don, related to this are the claims by people such as Steven Quayle that archaeologists have found the skeletal remains of these giants. But this has largely been ridiculed by the mainstream as being internet hoaxes. Quayle and others have dubbed the discoveries as ‘forbidden archaeology.’ What do you think about this? Is the mainstream ridicule or suppression of the possibly discovered nephilim remains a part of a greater conspiracy? I’m undecided about it. But it would make sense that satan would want to discredit the discoveries in order to keep most of humanity ignorant on the issue.
I really don’t know. But this is an interesting read:
I mentioned in an earlier comment that I could hear Les Feldick’s message coming throught….as I read more I can hear phases that remind me of a Houston bible teacher by the name of Bob Theime(Thieme?) . Any connection?……fyi..Les is not an angel/woman Gen 6 teacher……
Secondly: What are your thoughts on the “Gap” theory between Gen 1 vs 1 and vs
3rd: what is your take on the different lapsarianisms? Which one would you consider yourself?
Thanks again, good job
Early in my Christian life I learned a great deal from Bob Thieme–good catch! Genesis 6 is an area in which I disagree with Les. The Biblical evidence that these were fallen angels is strong. I am in the process of writing an article on this. I think the Gap theory has merit. About all I want to say about lapsarianism I cover in my article on Predestination.
Dear Don,
Would you please explain “the Book of the Law of Moses” (Joshua 23:6) and the Book of the Law of God” (Joshua 24:26). What are they? and is there any difference?
Does not the book of the law of Moses recorded in Exodus chapters 20, 21, 22 and 23? I am not sure. Thank you.
The former refers to what Moses wrote, the first five books, the Pentateuch. The latter refers to that same book to which Joshua added to. This indicates Joshua was an authorized writer of Scripture.
I have read many of your writings and find them very wonderful. It has helped me in my learning and open my eyes on how to read the Bible. Keep up the good work that you are doing and thank you for shareing your works with us..
Thank you for your kind words. Grace and peace to you.
Hi Don,
Being curious, I looked up Bob Thieme. He died in 2009. His website is still in business at:
Yes, most if not all of Thieme’s materials are available. I think his son, Bobby, is pastor at Berachah.
Over the years I have witnessed attacks on God’s divine institutions but lately the attacks seem to be coming more and more frequent…..marriage, look at the recent attacks and victories by the ‘progressives’. Plato, Aristotle and Aquinas’ philosophy of ‘realism’ both equated homosexual activity to ‘eating dirt’.
Look at the borders and the attacks by the ‘do gooders’ (Catholic church for one example) who proclaim ‘no borders’ suggesting nationalism is bad. The family, and even free will itself are both under attack. (Skinner and M. Meade just in the last hundred years) Naturalism, materialism, secularism, progressivism all anti God.
I think we all know where this is leading. I would never have expected this country to have abandoned Israel as it has. I feel we are metaphorically in a downward speeding roller coaster approaching maximum velocity with things happening fast and completely out of control. I don’t think I’m alone in thinking that there is a change of direction coming soon.
When a nation abandons the basic principles of marriage, nationalism, and kindness to the Jews (the Abrahamic covenant remains in effect) its days are numbered.
Genesis 6
4 The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
My question concerning this verse is the portion which says “also afterward”.
If we accept that the flood’s primary purpose was to destroy the Nephilim (or the polluted portion of the race) … how do we align it with “also afterward”. Either 1) not all were destroyed during the Flood or 2) More were produced after the flood.
If it is option two, than what prevents more being produced during this time?
Option 2 is correct. More came into being. Giants continued until the days of David (he slew Goliath) and later others. Jesus said that before He returns the days will be like those of Noah (Matthew 24.37). This includes the possibility of Nephilim and giants.
This was a great read. Your site is filled with such a will explained and demonstrated knowledge of scripture thank you for sharing it.
Thank you.
Hi again Don,
I listened to Les Feldick today, and he said that we are kings and priests because we are the body of Christ. Can you clarify Rev. 1:6 and 5:10 for me. Thank you for your previous answers.
God bless,
The Church, the body of Christ, is not present in Revelation. John did not minister to Gentiles but to Jews. John wrote to seven Jewish assemblies which the Lord addressed in Revelation 2-3, not members of the body of Christ. Israel was promised kingship and priesthood (Exodus 19.6; 1 Peter 2.9) not us. Our blessings will be extraordinary but this is not for us. Grace and peace.
Phew! Thank you. I think what I heard was a few years old, and it kinda threw me off balance for a while.
What you say makes perfect sense.
I’m not sure Les would now hold to what you heard. We learn and have to change positions when they do not fall in line with the Scriptures.
Dear Don,
I’m from Brazil and I’ve been translating some of your articles to portuguese so I can show them to my family! You can’t imagine how helpful it has been! Thank you so much!
I’m wondering what’s your thoughts concerning the issue about the rejection of the Messiah and His murder.
I mean, could it be that jews were not suppose to reject and kill Him, but to recognize and accept Him, and then to offer Him as a sacrifice like Isaac was offered by Abrahan, once Isaac could be a type of Jesus Christ?
I know that Jesus should have died and that God knew that Israel could reject Him, but not necessarily that they would certainly reject Him. It doesn’t make sense to me that God would cause them to reject Jesus and murder Him (just because Jesus came to die), then make them “fall” as consequence, so He could reveal a more glorious plan: the body of Christ.
What the OT says about that issue?
What I understand is that Satan caused them (Israel) to crucified Jesus, and that’s the reason: “1 Corinthians 2:7-8 KJV
[7] But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory: [8] Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
If the princes of this world (Satan and the fallen angels followers of him) knew about the body of Christ, who’s destiny is to rule and reign in heaven, like taking the command they used to have before the rebelion, they would not have crucified the Lord. In another words, they would let Israel accept Jesus, and God would not have revealed the body of Christ, and the program would remain the same: kingdom of heaven on earth, saints having Christ as their King on earth and etc. Nothing about going to heaven.
But if they had accepted Christ, how should He have died? Murdered by gentiles? As a sacrifice by jews? He would never die due to aging, once He never sinned.
What was expected of the jews to do?
Thank you. Jesus had to die to pay for the sins of the world. Prophecy foretold Jew and Gentile would work in concert in His rejection (Psalm 2.2). The Jews should have recognized their Messiah. They could have accepted Him. At the hypothetical level, had they, Rome would have taken the lead in the crucifixion. As it was, the Jews took that lead. They demanded Pilate crucify Him even when he wished to release Him. So the primary blame rested upon the Jews. But Gentiles acceded to the Jew’s demands and were culpable also. The only real variable was who would have the greater blame–Jew or Gentile. But in the end, we are all guilty and God will wipe away all tears for those who put their trust in Him. Grace and peace.
Why did God have to send Adam and Eve out of the garden to prevent them from eating from the tree of life? What would have happened if they had?
The text states that God drove them from Eden lest they eat from the tree and live forever.
Why was that a merciful act of God, you stated in a previous response.
I don’t know what “merciful act” you mean.
In your article above, under Creation of Man, you write. “The Scriptures reveal we are “in Adam” and that his sin imposed a death sentence upon us (1 Corinthians 15.22). God was merciful, however, and drove Adam and Eve from Eden to prevent them from eating from the Tree of Life, which had the ability to restore and rejuvenate. Without this Tree their bodies weakened and decayed until they died physically.”
God was merciful, however… – I was wondering what you meant
Paul wrote in Romans 7.24, “O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” Without death, Adam and Eve would have lived forever in this condition.
Seven Spirits of God?? Please explain
Some see this as pointing to Isaiah 11.1-2. Others as seven spirits, i.e., angels. I tend to think the latter (Revelation 1.4, 3.1, 4.5, 5.6).
Another nicely written article. I appreciate that your writing is concise.
Do you ever do speaking engagements or have videos of your presentations?
I would be interested if you do.
Thanks for all you do.
Thank you. I have no videos and the only place I speak currently is in the church I attend.
The seven spirits of God? Can u explain? I am blown away by this summary! Praise God!
It’s impossible to be dogmatic. The activity and the beings surrounding the Lord and ministering to Him are beyond comprehension. I think they are seven special ministering spirits. Some think they are the Holy Spirit. Other that they are the spirits named in Isaiah 11.2.
Will those in heaven be aware of those who are missing? Those they loved in their life?
I suspect so.
Are you saying at the Lords return we may have Giants??
The world described in Revelation will be vastly different from our own. Miracles will again occur. God’s servants will perform them as will the powers of darkness. Jesus said it will be like the days of Noah (Luke 17.26). In those days there were giants–the offspring of women and fallen angels (Genesis 6.1-7). We don’t know what all may go on except that Satan will pull out all the stops to regain rule of the earth which he lost to man (Ezekiel 28.11-19). It will be a a period of deceit, tyranny, and war that is incomprehensible.
A local popular preacher who has his own radio show demonstrated by using percentages that over time Christianity has grown from just a few believers in the first century to 1 in 3 in the world today. His point is that given enough time Christianity will cover the world and bring in the Kingdom. This preacher even promotes Christ as ‘our King’.
Are things on earth going to get better and better and bring in the Kingdom or worse and worse? Sure seems like things are getting worse to me.
It is tragic when those who purport to teach the Bible are so deluded. Such statements do not conform with reality and deny the Biblical record. The Biblical record is things will continue to worsen as we approach the end of the age. This man evidently is a post-millennialist. This theology died out with the outbreak of WW1 and WW2 but has revived because men refuse to believe the Scriptures. It is deception. The world is getting worse, not better, and will reach the pinnacle of evil during the time of the Beast.
Great article! I like the format.
I was wondering about your comment on the Kingdom being a time of unprecedented happiness, though. Doesn’t Jesus rule with a rod of iron? I was wondering if maybe the Kingdom will be blissful for those in resurrected bodies, but not so much for the unbelievers? Jesus says that if someone even has a bad thought, he’s in danger of hellfire.
Also, when people “get saved” during the Kingdom Age, when do they receive their resurrection bodies? Or do they, too, have to “endure to the end?”
Grace Receiver,
The Messianic kingdom will be a golden age for all. There will be no war, almost no crime, the animal kingdom at peace, virtually no disease, economic prosperity, and extremely long lives. Christ will rule with a “rod of iron” so that crime and corruption do no rule society as now. Resurrection bodies for kingdom believers will await the end of the kingdom. See my article on The Resurrection.
For many years I studied the teachings of a man who taught the concept of “Rebound”. I think you know who this person is. It’s the belief that a Christian lives a Spirit filled life only when he keeps up with continual use of 1 John 1:9. Once saved always saved but confessed sin in a believer’s life makes him carnal, Spiritually unproductive. What are you thoughts on this.
Thanks, Joe
Yes, I’m quite familiar with this. John’s ministry was to Jewish believers, not the Church. Paul’s never mentions confession of sin. He told sinning believers to repent. While confession is acknowledgement of sin, I do not think the Church, the body of Christ falls under 1 John 1.9. Paul also emphasized that forgiveness is a past act. He has forgiven us. We do not ask for it. It has been accomplished.
Yes, after many years of his teachings this was one of the points that led me away from him though I admit I learned much solid doctrine from his tapes and books.
Do you believe the seminary in “Dallas” has moved away from Chafer to some degree? I see a movement there for the Chruch toward a more direct connection to the New Covenant rather than toward the Mediator of the New Covenant. Is the Everlasting Covenant for the Church? Thoughts?
DTS had moved away from Chafer when I was there. My observation based on their website and materials I receive from them is almost no dispensationalism remains. It is difficult to find the word “dispensation” on the website and appears to be an embarrassment. It appears they want to be part of the “club” and have become just another aimless seminary. The everlasting covenant means the work of Christ on the cross. It transcends and applies to all God’s programs.
Brother, apart from the bible this article is refernce material !. Greatly appreciated. PEACE and GRACE
Thank you for this beautiful story of The Story! It’s so fun to re-read these. These articles have helped many to get on the right track. Am sending this one to my brother who is asking questions:) (with a Bible)
Blessings to all believers in Christ!
Hi Don thank you so much for you labour In the truth ,nevertheless I am a little puzzled. In theses Jewish epistles 1st Peter 1:2. and 1:19 1St John 1:7 Rev 1:5. Theses scriptures among others mention the cleansing of sin by the Blood which acknowledges the atoning sacrifice of Jesus.
While I understand the progressive revelation given to Paul and the beginning of the body of Christ the church is with Paul and faith + 0 in the Jewish epistles., how do we reconcile these type of statements is this not the Gospel in that understanding and faith in the atoning sacrifice the blood of Jesus is necessary and all sufficient for salvation.
Ron in Ireland,
You’ve stated it with the progressive revelation. Peter at Pentecost knew nothing of Christ’s atoning blood. For Peter, Christ’s death was a crime committed by Israel for which they had to repent. Even as late as Acts 15, no mention is made of Christ’s blood. The issue of the gospel was settled at the Council. See my article, The Great Hinge. Before this time, two gospels were valid: the gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of grace (Paul’s gospel). After this, only Paul’s. The Twelve learned the significance of Christ’s death on the cross (his shed blood) and resurrection from Paul. Paul’s letters were written after the Council. The other letters were too, with the probable exception of James.
I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, if not please accept my apology. I’m wondering about a passage in Acts 9:22 where it states that Saul increased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is very Christ. Could you please explain the meaning of ‘very Christ’ ?
The word “very” is not in the text. It was added by the KJV translators. The text reads, συμβιβάζων ὅτι οὗτός ἐστιν ὁ Χριστός (proving that this one is the Christ). In other words, Paul was proving from the Scriptures that Jesus of Nazareth was the promised Messiah. The present tense of the verb, “is” emphasizes the drama of Paul’s statement–“He is the Christ!”
Interesting and substantiatable from Scripture in large measure. The challenge l have is the suggestion of nations existing in Rev 22:27 and some that are maketh abomination and a lie and things that defile not admitted into the City. I am surprised that there could be any such people or things AFTER new heavens and new earth and judgement of Satan his posse and those humans who followed them. Any light on that?
The new heavens and new earth extend the 1,000 kingdom. In the kingdom, evil did arise, despite the Lord reigning as King of the earth. In the NHNE, God gives the assurance this can not occur again. Satan will no more be loosed to deceive the nations.
Don, can you direct me to what you’ve written about the Judgment Seat of Christ? It’s a subject that I need to get a better understanding on.
I can’t recall that I’ve written on this. Basically, the judgment seat of Christ for members of the Church is a judgment of works for rewards (Romans 14.10; 2 Corinthians 5.10). The judgment seat of Christ for unbelivers is also a judgment of works but the result is condemnation, not reward. Their works are judged to determine their degree of punishment (Revelation 20.11-15; John 5.22, 26-29; Matthew 10.15, 11.22, 24). This judgment occurs for those whose names are not in the book of life. The works of unbelievers are the only things they have with which to commend themselves. Believers have their trust in the work of Christ for their approval.
Don, thank you for answering my questions. I apologize if this may be ‘left field’ but what’s your take on the ‘serpent seed’ teaching? Where Satan is alleged to have sexually seduced Eve? Despite my lack of Hebrew, I don’t see how it’s derived from the text. I do believe that the fallen angels intermingled with human women and produced the nephilim.
I find no Scriptural support for such a view.
I tried to find a heading to ask this question. I couldn’t. I chose “Summary of the Plan of God”….
My brother ask this question. Can you give me some guidance as to how to reply ? Thanks
I had a question that kept floating around in my mind about what the Bible would teach us to do in the event we observed a helpless person being intentionally harmed, e.g., an elderly woman who is being attacked by a thug trying to take her purse? Do Christians have any obligation or responsibility to get involved ???
Yes. Protecting others from evil is the responsibility of the righteous. The degree to which one can help another often depends on the confidence one has to be successful. That is why weapons are important. An elderly woman with a gun can be formidable and able to save her life from a thug. The disciples were armed and Jesus told them if they didn’t have a sword to buy one. It should be illegal to vote unless one can demonstrate he owns a weapon.
Don, I’m not disputing your point, as I’m a gun owner myself, but why is there nothing scriptural about Paul, Silas, Luke, etc., not resisting or trying to resist with physical force the Jews, Romans, etc., who unjustly imprisoned/tortured/persecuted/martyred them? Yes, there’s the the scripture denoting Christ’s instruction for the apostles to arm themselves for self defense, and then Peter foolishly slicing the ear off of an enforcer.
That’s a different question/issue from going to the aid of another. Paul did exercise his rights as a Roman citizen on occasion. The thing about rights is they can be exercised or not. He and Silas probably allowed themselves to be whipped by the Romans in Philippi so they could use this against the magistrates later and so they would be more careful about dealing with believers later.
“God became man to turn creatures into sons: not simply to produce better men of the old kind but to produce a new kind of man.” (C.S. Lewis, ‘Mere Christianity,’ 1952, pg. 216)
Don, did Lucifer fall before God created the earth and Adam?
Yes. He is fallen when he tempts Eve.
I read about the body of Christ(the church) as not being covered by John in Revelation. What about the message of seven lamp posts or seven church ages that took place in Asiaminor?I am still learning and getting fairly confused along the way.
John is addressing Jewish congregations who believed the gospel of the kingdom, that Jesus was the Christ. John, along with the Eleven, when they wrote what they did, thought they would experience the Tribulation and Christ’s return. The message was the same Jesus gave in Matthew 24.13, to endure to the end to be saved in the Tribulation.
Can you help me distinguish between when the Great Commission took place and when the 144,000 went out?
I don’t think it the same event.
Many Thanks
Jesus gave the Great Commission but it has yet to be fulfilled. It will begin again with the 144,000 and the two witnesses and be fulfilled in the millennial kingdom.
You say Israel will possess the Land ‘ from the Nile to the Mediterranean to the Euphrates. Is this ‘ the Kingdom? It will be made up of peace and righteousness.
What then happens in the rest of the world during Christ’s reign?
Many thanks
After Christ returns at His 2nd Advent, He will set up His kingdom. Israel will occupy the land God promised them. Jesus will reign from Jerusalem but will be King over the entire world. Believing Gentiles who survived the Tribulation will enter the kingdom and likely occupy their own lands and begin to repopulate the earth. Read Isaiah 2 and 11 for a picture of the kingdom. See also Zechariah 8.20-23.
Don…Your teaching is amazing!! My wife and I are Messianic Jews and we have learned so much from your blog. Thank you so much for all the wisdom you share. I particularly like how you respond to each of the questioners after the blogs. Thank you, dear brother!!
Thank you for your kind comment. May God continue to bless you as you grow in His grace. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
“ Anti-Semitism is Satanic.”
So, is anti-Christianity and its easy to look around and see Jews involved in that.
Of course. But my fight is against people like supersessionists who maintain the Jews have no divine right to the land and who maintain the Church has replaced Israel. They are they source of a great deal of anti-Semitism. An example is Knox Theological Seminary’s “Open Letter.”
Hi Doctrine,
I asked you to differentiate heaven for gentile believers and Kingdom of God for the Jews in another piece. I genuinely want to know. If God puts heaven on earth, then where do we go and they go? I tend to think we are all together but I could be wrong. I do know they will be looked at a little differently that the body of Christ. I study one of your articles each morning. Thx
Heaven is the realm of members of the Church, the body of Christ, which includes Jews and Gentiles, all who believe Paul’s gospel. Earth is the realm for everyone else, those who were saved before Paul’s gospel and those who are saved during the Tribulation. We may be all together. We are not told. What we do see is that throughout eternity, heaven and earth remain separate places. What I find amazing is that in the Millennial kingdom, immortals are present with mortals. It it reasonable to believe that in eternity travel between heaven and earth will occur. In Revelation, we read that the New Jerusalem will descend from heaven onto earth. There is much we do not know. All we can say for certain it that it defies imagination and will be glorious.
The unknown is what excites the imagination. I can certainly see that there seems to be a distinction between these two groups but what it is exactly is up to God I guess.
What is certain is that no one is going to be disappointed and that we will all be amazed at the glory we have inherited (1 Corinthians 2.9).
It is amazing how all the nations of the worlds must agree that Israel is God’s chosen nation, out of all the peoples of the earth. It must take faith in the God of the Bible for the nations to accept such Israel’s positional favor given by Almighty God. It is something so tough that it must end in war with nations of the world. Of course as of now, America as a nation, to some degree, seems to stands firm in agreement to Israel’s position. This, however, also infuriates most other nations such that their rage against Israel rises as they align together as Israel’s enemies. And, as situations stand, many enemies of Israel are essentially enemies of the US. In short, the world is now politically divided into two: Israel’s friends and Israel’s enemies.
Such situations can only show that the times are very near because together with all other bad conditions the world is operating under, with the rising rage amongst nations of the entire world, something worse than never before is very eminent.
The only people that know what is happening, are those that understand the Bible correctly: Those who study the Bible from the dispensational perspective, by rightly dividing the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15).
Is it possible that America’s reason to exist is to protect Israel? Where would the Jews be today if there was no United States of America?
Would the state of Israel exist, would Jews exist today without the United States of America’s support over the last century? As support from the US appears to be waning and worldwide pressure mounts on the state of Israel and its people where are we headed? It appears to me that God established the US for one purpose….to establish, maintain and protect Israel for a time. Is that time ending?
First off, it was very noticeable to my wife and I how our “Biblical” respect for “Israel” greatly increased when we identified the “replacement” teaching that we had for many years been taught. Imagine that? Also, our disgust for the amount of “corruption” that there is in Washington has fueled the attention that we are now giving to Jerusalem. We find ourselves in an interesting position when praying or opinionating “political”/”governmental” issues. There is a part of us (see 2 Thess. 2.6-7) that refuses to give in to the massive amount of unrighteousness that has been in our faces. There has always been that question of where the USA fits into the Scriptures. Could it be possible that the USA is being positioned for the place that IT DOES appear in the Scriptures. “For I will gather ALL nations against Jerusalem…” (Zec. 14.1). ALL means ALL.
God has blessed the US because, for the most part, we have kept the Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 12.1-3). The current administration is anti-Israel as was the Obama administration. To a large degree one’s theology and one’s political view align, a fact that is becoming sharper every day. How long the US will remain a friend of Israel is unknown. What is known is that in the Tribulation, all nations will ally against Israel.
Joe, it’s unsettling to think about… but maybe the time’s almost up. Unless something like a Trump administration, of course with God’s help, could begin to reverse things.
Don, would it be fair to say that there are basically five different classes/types of created spiritual beings: Angels (Good), regenerate/saved humans; fallen (bad) Angels, demons/nephilim, and unregenerate/unsaved humans. Of course only two of these types will spend a blissful eternity with God. It’s a very basic delineation, but it could be as helpful as the dispensational division is to people.
I think these are the basic categories.
Don, I’m currently reading Michael Heiser’s ‘The Unseen Realm.’ I know that he didn’t fully grasp the Pauline teaching, as he primarily excelled in the Old Testament and ancient semitic languages, but this footnote disturbs me somewhat. It reads: “Some interpreters imagine a prefall rebellion of angels that might fit with 2 Peter. The Bible records no such event. The closest one that comes to it is Rev. 12:7-9. Not only is Revelation the last book of the Bible written, which means it cannot be the referent of 2 Peter, but Rev 12:7-9 associates the war in heaven with the first coming of the messiah, not events before the flood. There is no Biblical evidence for a prefall angelic rebellion. The idea comes from Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’; not the Bible.
2 Peter 2.4 refers to angels who left heaven and cohabited with women to produce giants. The last book of the Bible written is 2 Timothy. Paul wrote God gave him the task of finishing the Scriptures (Colossians 1.25). Revelation 12.7-9 occurs at the midpoint of the Tribulation and corresponds with Revelation 9.1-2 (same timeframe). Satan is removed from heaven and occupies earth where he indwells the Beast and causes the world to worship him.
Don, you’ve briefly mentioned 1 Enoch in some of your articles and replies, but have you considered doing an article on it? The reason being is how you, Dr. MIchael Heiser, and a few other reputable scholars have noted the book’s importance when addressing the background influences of the Biblical writers. Or is the subject maybe too ancillary? Just curious as I’ve noticed how popular and even sensationalized 1 Enoch has become among many legitimate scholars, pseudo-scgolars, and lay people.
Maybe at some point. Too busy now working on commentaries. Thanks for the suggestion.
“I’ll be referring to the “divine council worldview” of the biblical writers. This phrase and others like it refer to God’s rule over all things, visible or invisible, through His intelligent agents – His imagers- both human and nonhuman. Since, as we will discover, it was God’s original intention for humanity (and thus humanity’s original destiny) that they rule and reign with Him as part of His heavenly nonhuman household, human affairs are encompassed in the divine council worldview. In biblical theology, there is a symbiosis of both realms, whether in loyal service to God, or in spiritual conflict in the wake of divine and human rebellion.” (‘The Unseen Realm,’ Michael S. Heiser, 2015, pg. 27)