The Christian Myth


When I refer to the Christian Myth, I mean the fable convenue one hears in church or reads in theological works. The myth may vary to some degree but in general is fairly uniform. The goal of this study is to examine the myth and determine what is Biblically sound and what is merely tradition.1

The Myth

Christianity began with the appearance of John the Baptist who heralded the coming of Jesus Christ the Savior.2 After John’s announcement, Jesus performed miracles and chose twelve disciples who preached the gospel to everyone, baptizing them, adding converts to the church. Jesus designated Peter as head of the disciples and the church. The Jewish leadership rejected Jesus’ claims and conspired with the Romans to crucify him. After his crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead and commanded his disciples to spread the gospel throughout the world. Following Jesus’ ascension the disciples preached the gospel of Jesus’ death and resurrection to Jews and Gentiles. One of the chief opponents to the disciples was a rabbi named Saul. In a dramatic confrontation, God saved Saul, who became Paul. Paul joined Peter and the other apostles (the Twelve) and preached the same gospel as they, baptized, and performed miracles.

The teaching above is a myth for one simple reason: the Scriptures do not support it. While it certainly contains elements of truth, its overall message is erroneous and has led to great confusion.

Analyzing the Myth

Christianity began with the appearance of John the Baptist who heralded the coming of Jesus Christ the Savior.

The first objection is technical. What we term “Christianity” did not begin until after Paul’s conversion. From Acts 11.26, we learn that it was in Antioch, not Jerusalem, that disciples were first called Christians. Those who believed Jesus was the promised Messiah were followers of “the way” or “this way” (Acts 9.2, 22.4). They were not known as “Christians.” John the Baptist was not a “Christian” but a Jewish prophet (Luke 7.28). He operated under the Mosaic Law and believed Jesus was the Messiah. John would have fulfilled the role of Elijah (Malachi 4.5-6) if the Jews had accepted him and his message (Matthew 11.14, 17.10-12; Mark 11.9-13; Luke 1.17). Therefore, John did not proclaim “Christianity.” He proclaimed a message of repentance to Jews in light of the nearness of the long prophesied kingdom (Matthew 3.1-12).

John understood Jesus was the Messiah Who would baptize with the Holy Spirit (unlike himself, who baptized with water) and with fire (Matthew 3.11). John’s statement about baptism by fire indicated he understood the prophecies of the Messiah in His role as judge (Matthew 3.12 cf. Malachi 4.1; Matthew 13.24-30). But even as great a man as John demonstrated he had doubts about Jesus as the Messiah (Matthew 11.2-3). In response to John’s questions, Jesus reassured him that He was indeed, the foretold Messiah (Matthew 11.4-6).

John declared Jesus was the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world (John 1.29). What John understood by this statement is unclear; the Scriptures do not provide that level of detail. We can conclude he did not know Jesus would die for the sins of the world and be raised from the dead. Not even the twelve apostles understood this (Luke 18.31-34). Only after Jesus’ resurrection did Peter and John understand Jesus would rise from the dead (John 20.8-9). Furthermore, they did not preach Jesus’ death and resurrection as their gospel–even after His resurrection (cf. Acts 2.22-38, 3.12-26). They continued to preach repentance to Israel and the kingdom of God.

After John’s announcement, Jesus performed miracles and chose twelve disciples who preached the gospel to everyone, baptizing them, adding converts to the church.

Jesus chose twelve disciples (Matthew 4.18-22, 10.1-4; Mark 3.16-19; Luke 6.13-16) who preached the gospel. Their gospel was the “gospel of the kingdom” (Matthew 4.23, 9.35, 24.14; Mark 1.14). Their gospel was in contrast to Paul, who preached the “gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20.24). The Twelve knew nothing Paul’s gospel that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15.1-4).

The myth is that Jesus and the Twelve preached to everyone–Jew and Gentile. The Scriptures indicate otherwise. Jesus commanded His disciples not to preach to Gentiles (Matthew 10.5-6). Jesus Himself ministered to no Gentiles with two exceptions: the Canaanite woman (Matthew 15.21-28) and the Roman centurion (Matthew 8.5-13; Luke 7.1-10). His mission and ministry was Jewish (Romans 15.8-9). The Twelve never had a ministry to Gentiles–even after Jesus’ resurrection. This may be shocking but it is true. Nowhere in the Bible can one find that the Twelve had an evangelistic ministry to Gentiles.

Jesus designated Peter as head of the disciples and the church. The Jewish leadership rejected Jesus’ claims and conspired with the Romans to crucify him. After his crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead and commanded his disciples to spread the gospel throughout the world. Following Jesus’ ascension the disciples preached the gospel of Jesus’ death and resurrection to Jews and Gentiles.

This part of the myth is mostly true. Jesus designated Peter as head of the disciples and church (Matthew 16.18-19) following Peter’s great declaration in which he identified Jesus as the Messiah (Matthew 16.16-17). But what did Jesus mean by “church?” Jesus designated Peter as the leader of the Jewish church or congregation (ἐκκλησία). This church was not the church of the body of Christ (Ephesians 1.22-23; Colossians 1.24). The church, the body of Christ, began with Paul (1 Corinthians 3.10-11; 1 Timothy 1.15-16) after the ascended Lord revealed to Paul, not Peter, the “body of Christ.” Only after the Lord had ascended did He reveal Jew and Gentile were equal in Him. Only Paul taught that the Church was the body of Christ. Peter had no idea of equality of Jew and Gentile and never mentioned the body of Christ. Peter addressed Jews only (Acts 2-3) and preached what he had learned during his three years with the Lord in His earthly ministry. Peter’s ministry was consistent with what he had learned from the Lord about not going to Gentiles and that the Jew had first  priority (cf. Acts 1.8; Romans 1.16-17).

After his resurrection, Jesus commanded his disciples to spread the gospel of the kingdom to all nations (Matthew 28.18-20; Mark 16.15-18; Luke 24.45-49; John 20.21-23).3 It was the same gospel, “the  gospel of the kingdom,” John the Baptizer, Jesus, and the Twelve had preached during Jesus’ earthly ministry. This gospel was distinct from Paul’s “gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20.24). Paul preached the cross–Christ crucified. Paul’s gospel was that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). For Paul, the preaching of the cross was good news. The cross was not good news as Peter proclaimed in his messages. For Peter, the cross represented a shameful deed from which Israel needed to repent (Acts 2.23, 36-38, 3.13-26). Hardly good news!

Since the Scriptures teach that the Twelve never had a ministry to Gentiles, they did not preach the gospel to the whole world. Why not? Had not the Lord commanded them to do so? In God’s revealed prophetic program, for the gospel to go to the nations, Israel had to repent and accept their Messiah. Jesus had commanded the Twelve to communicate the gospel in a specific geographical order: Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the earth (Acts 1.8). The twelve apostles understood this  command. They understood it so well that even under intense persecution they refused to leave Jerusalem (Acts 8.1). Peter had declared that the entire nation (“all the house of Israel” and “every one of you”) had to repent (Acts 2.36, 38). Until this happened they had determined to remain in Jerusalem. Even after Peter’s encounter with the Gentile Cornelius in Acts 10 where did he go? To more Gentiles? No, he returned to Jerusalem to minister to Jews.

Lastly, we learn from the Scriptures that the Twelve had no idea about the grace that Paul taught. The Twelve continued to operate under the Mosaic Law long after Pentecost. Peter, after he received the vision to go to the house of Cornelius (8-10 years after Pentecost), was still operating under the Law (Acts 10.28). At the Jerusalem Council (c. 51 AD), the Twelve still followed the Law. As such, they believed that Gentile believers had to keep the Law. Unless they did, they taught they were not saved (Acts 15.1, 5). Paul vehemently argued otherwise. The Council officially resolved the issue of Law-keeping with Peter’s remarkable statement in defense of Paul (Acts 15.7-11). But keep in mind how many years had passed. If Paul was saved in about 34 A.D. and the Council was in 51 A.D., 17 years had gone by. Paul may have been saved in 37 A.D. But the point is that anywhere from 14-17 years had passed. That’s a long time. During all this time Paul had been ministering to Gentiles and never taught that they were subject to the Mosaic Law (Romans 6.14). Even after the Council, James and those in the Jerusalem Church continued to maintain that the Mosaic Law was valid (Acts 21.19-20).

One of the chief opponents to the disciples was a rabbi named Saul. In a dramatic confrontation, God saved Saul, who became Paul. Paul joined Peter and the other apostles (the Twelve) and preached the same gospel as they, baptized, and performed miracles..

The first part of the above is consistent with the Scriptures. Saul, an ambitious rabbi, led the Sanhedrin’s persecution against the Jewish church with tremendous zeal. He left Jerusalem to go to Damascus to expand his reach in arresting those who believed Jesus was the Messiah. Nearing Damascus the ascended Lord confronted him. The rest is history. Saul, that raging bull, the enemy of Christ, became Paul, the Apostle of the Gentiles (Acts 9.1-22; 22.1-21, 26.1-23).

The most logical action for Paul to have taken following his conversion would have been to seek out and partner with the Twelve. That was exactly what did not happen. Instead of going to Jerusalem, Paul went to Arabia and later returned to Damascus. Not until after three years had passed did he go to Jerusalem. While in Jerusalem he saw only Peter and James (the half-brother of the Lord). His sojourn was brief–15 days (Galatians 1.16-19). Rather than partnering with the Twelve, God kept Paul separated from them. He told Paul to leave Jerusalem because the Jews would not listen to him (Acts 22.17-21).

Before dealing with the issue of Paul’s separation from the Twelve, let us examine Paul’s baptizing and performing miracles. Early in Paul’s ministry he baptized as had the Twelve. But as he received additional revelation from the ascended Lord he ceased that practice. Even in his early ministry Paul attached little importance to water baptism (1 Corinthians 1.14-17). For Paul, the preaching of the cross was everything (1 Corinthians 1.23). Instead of water baptism, Paul taught baptism by the Holy Spirit. By this baptism, all who believe Paul’s gospel (1 Corinthians 15.1-4) are baptized (identified) with Christ into His body (1 Corinthians 12.13; Titus 3.5-7). By the time Paul wrote the Ephesians (about 5 years after he wrote the Corinthians), he declared there was only one baptism (Ephesians 4.5). If but one baptism exists, is it baptism by the Holy Spirit or baptism by water? Clearly, baptism by the Holy Spirit is the “one baptism” Paul taught.

Paul performed miracles also, as did the Twelve. These miracles authenticated his ministry and served as a sign to the Jews (1 Corinthians 1.22). These miracles were necessary because Paul was always having to defend his apostleship. By the time of Paul’s later ministry (after the period of time covered by Acts) God had removed Paul’s ability to heal (Philippians 2.25-27; 1 Timothy 5.23; 2 Timothy 4.20) as He had earlier  with the Twelve (James 5.13-15). Paul had written the Corinthians that such gifts were temporary (1 Corinthians 13.8-13). They had ceased entirely by the time Paul wrote his last letters (62-67 AD).

Why did God keep Paul separated from the Twelve? Even more to the point, why did God choose Paul at all? Was he an afterthought? This is THE central question of Christian theology and New Testament studies. Luke made it clear in his account in Acts that Peter was the leader of the Jewish church who proclaimed that Jesus of Nazareth was the Messiah. Peter and members of the Jewish church are prominent in the first 12 chapters of Acts. After that, they disappear for the next 16 chapters.5 Why? Why did God need another apostle? He had twelve whom He had commissioned and who would reign with Him to rule Israel (Matthew 19.27-28).

The answer should be obvious. God needed a different apostle with a different ministry and different message in light of the Jews rejection of their Messiah and the gospel of the kingdom. Luke’s purpose in Acts was to demonstrate the fall of Israel. Because of their fall, i.e., rejection of the Messiah and the prophetic kingdom, God saved and commissioned a new apostle to minister to Gentiles. According to God’s prophetic timeline, the next event was the day of the Lord (Acts 2.16-21). Paul explained Israel’s fall in his great treatise on Israel in Romans 9-11. This fall, Israel’s “blindness” was a “secret” (μυστήριον, Romans 11.25), something no one knew until God revealed it to Paul.

Did Paul preach the same gospel as Peter and the Eleven? Not according to the Scriptures. Peter preached the gospel of the kingdom while Paul preached the gospel of the grace of God (Acts 20.24). Paul called the gospel he preached, my gospel (Romans 2.16, 16.25; 2 Timothy 2.8 cf. 1 Corinthians 1.18). Paul assumed ownership of his gospel (Galatians 1.11-12; 2.11), which was unknown to the Twelve, until they learned of it from Paul.


Much confusion has resulted from the Christian Myth. In lieu of the Myth, the Scriptures teach the following:

John the Baptist, a prophet of Israel, under the Law of Moses, heralded the coming of Jesus the Messiah. After John’s announcement, Jesus performed miracles and chose twelve disciples who preached the gospel of the kingdom to Jews only (with a couple of exceptions) baptizing, and adding converts to the Jewish church. Jesus designated Peter as head of the disciples and the Jewish church. The Jewish leadership rejected Jesus’ claims and conspired with the Romans to crucify him. After his crucifixion, Jesus rose from the dead and commanded his disciples to spread the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world beginning at Jerusalem. After Jesus’ ascension, the disciples continued to preach the gospel of the kingdom to Jews only and to keep the Mosaic Law. One of the chief opponents of the disciples was a rabbi named Saul. In a dramatic confrontation, God saved Saul, who became Paul, “the apostle to the Gentiles.” Paul did not join Peter and the other apostles (the Twelve). He did not preach the gospel of the kingdom. He preached the gospel of the grace of God: that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead. He declared believers were not under the Mosaic Law but under grace. Paul baptized and performed miracles but these activities ceased as the Word of God neared completion. Paul proclaimed a new gospel, the gospel of the grace of God, the preaching of the cross.

1  Tradition fares poorly in the Scriptures as does religion (Acts 26.5; Galatians 1.13-14; James 1.26-27). Jesus, Paul, and Peter had little use for it. Jesus equated tradition with hypocrisy, vanity, and blindness (Matthew 15.1-20; Mark 7.1-23). Paul called it philosophy and vain deceit (Colossians 2.8). Peter called it an empty manner of life or behavior (1 Pet. 1.18). Tradition is man’s viewpoint about God. Religion outwardly reveres God but does not reveal the condition of the heart.
Most teach the Church began at Pentecost with the coming of the Holy Spirit. As such, Pentecost is celebrated as “the birthday of the Church.” However, most view Christianity as having begun with John the Baptizer. Some even teach Christianity began with Adam! These teachings are easy to demonstrate as false for they are without Scriptural support. The Church of Christianity is the body of Christ composed of Jews and Gentiles that are equal in Him. We learn about the body of Christ only from Paul. Before Paul, no one preached the equality of  Jews and Gentiles in Christ. Paul was converted probably 5-7 years after Pentecost. Pentecost was a Jewish feast. When Peter preached on that day in Acts 2, he addressed Jews only. The Scriptures give no indication Peter thought Gentiles were equal with Jews. On the contrary, it is clear from Acts 10 that Peter was a Law-keeping Jew who wanted nothing to do with Gentiles. Peter and the Twelve had no knowledge of the body of Christ until after Paul’s conversion. They never wrote about the Church as the body of Christ in any of their epistles. What we know about the Church and equality of Jew and Gentile in Christ comes from Paul alone. Peter only knew of God’s prophetic plan in which Gentiles would be blessed through Israel. This blessing depended upon the nation’s acceptance of their Messiah. Not until Peter’s declaration in Acts 15.11 did he recognize that Paul’s ministry and teaching was wholly different and that it had supplanted the ministry of the Twelve.
This is commonly known as “the Great Commission.” See the author’s study of this topic to ascertain its audience, timetable, and fulfillment.
Some maintain the gospel has been preached to the world already. They cite Matthew 24.14; Mark 13.10, 15.15; Acts 1.8 as the command to preach the gospel and maintain that it was fulfilled in Romans 10.18, 16.25-26; Colossians 1.5-6, 23. Two major problems exist with this view. The first is confusion over the ministry of the Twelve with the ministry of Paul. Paul was commissioned as “apostle to the Gentiles” (Romans 11.13; 1 Timothy 2.7; 2 Timothy 1.11; Galatians 2.2). Peter and the Twelve were commissioned as apostles of Israel. Paul and they agreed to keep their ministries separate–Paul went to the Gentiles and Peter, etc., went to the Jews (Galatians 2.7-9). The second problem is that the Twelve preached the “gospel of the kingdom” (Matthew 24.14) whereas Paul preached the “gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20.24). Paul’s gospel was the preaching of the cross: that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). Faulty exegesis occurs in citing Jesus’ instructions to the Twelve and the claim that His command was fulfilled by Paul. The “gospel of the kingdom” cannot and will not be accomplished by the Church. The “gospel of the kingdom” will resume after God removes the Church, the body of Christ from the earth (the Rapture). At the present time, God has set aside (temporarily) the gospel of the kingdom (and national Israel) in light of Israel’s rejection of Peter and the Twelve’s message that Jesus was the Messiah. Other problems exist with the exegesis that the gospel has been preached to all the world but this will suffice. The point is made.
Peter and James (the half-brother of Jesus) appear in Acts 15. This was for one reason: to settle the dispute Paul had with them about whether Gentiles had to be circumcised and obey the law of Moses to be saved. Paul won the dispute, primarily because of Peter’s testimony concerning his preaching to the Gentile, Cornelius. In God’s providence and foreknowledge, He gave Peter the vision and specific mission to go to Cornelius so that 14 years later (Acts 15.7) he could come to Paul’s defense!

©2010 Don Samdahl. Anyone is free to reproduce this material and distribute it, but it may not be sold.

Updated, December 30, 2010


312 thoughts on “The Christian Myth

  1. Lavernior White

    Hello believer, you have gotton everything 100% correct. If only all of christianty could see the different dispensations as they appear in the Bible. I tell you the truth that many will not see what you and I see. However, do not be disappointed , apparently it must be this way. Remember that all through the bible God has only had the small remnant.

  2. J Jennings

    Thank you for putting it out plainly. I have been studying this subject area for about 6 months and you word it very straightforward so that it is easy to understand. I will probably show this and “preach” this as much as the Lord wills.
    It is good to find a website that lines up with your understanding of the Word of God.
    Thanks again,

      1. John Higgins


        You are a fine writer and I thank you for your conscientiousness.

        I would, however, like to point to one fundamental, yet monumental flaw: YHWH, Yeshua, and the Twelve never endorsed Saul of Tarsus. You were right by saying Paul preached his own gospel, which was different from Christ’s. It is also true that Saul of Tarsus wanted to destroy Christ’s ministry and had already played a hand in Stephen’s death and had attempted to murder St. James as well (leaving him for dead). Saul seemingly disappeared for a few years, then walked out of the desert with a story for the ages. Now, this story may have inspired the likes of Joseph Smith, Jr., but the “Christians” of Asia rejected him (2 Timothy 1:15), while the Christians of Judea, including the Twelve, received him not. The risen Christ then lauded the Church at Ephesus for rejecting these false apostles (Revelation 2:2).

        Make no mistake: Only “Paul” and Luke referred to Paul as an apostle, which was a lie because Paul had not seen Christ’s baptism, had not been chosen by Christ, had not been mentored by Christ, nor had he seen Christ’s ascension – all of which were necessary requirements for one to be a legitimate apostle. Since the Book of Revelations speaks of only Twelve Apostles, we can be sure Saul of Tarsus was either acting on his own impulses or at Satan’s behest.

        Do not be deceived – none of the Twelve received Saul, his new gospel, his new foundation, his self-proclaimed authority or the story of his miraculous conversion. All you have are the words of Luke, who was Saul’s disciple and right-hand man, not to mention the additions, revisions, ideas and delusions of Pauline revisionists down through the ages. Keep in mind that Almighty YHWH also had problems with revisionists and forgers, who claimed to be spokesmen for YHWH, yet lied with their mouths and with their pens.

        “Then YHWH said to me, ‘The prophets are prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false visions, divinations, idolatries and the delusions of their own minds.'” – Jeremiah 14:14


        “Do not listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not from the mouth of YHWH.” – Jeremiah 23:16

        The same spirit that guided the false prophets, lying scribes. wayward priests and false teachers in the days of Jeremiah, were still at work in the days of Christ.

        My advice to all those who believe the Bible is the inerrant word of God, please consider that if YHWH doesn’t call one, Christ doesn’t choose one and the Twelve don’t know one – then one’s words are not to be trusted and should not be considered gospel.

        Besides all that, it was Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, St. Tertulian, St. Jerome and St. Augustine, who did more to decide on the 27 books of the “New Testament” then anyone else…including the Holy Spirit. Even at that – they didn’t always agree on what was “inspired” from what was not.

        Moral of the story: Just because wayward men give you a book and say it’s the inspired word of God – you don’t have to believe them. Instead…be like the Bereans, who would have turned it upside down and inside and out, looking for truth. I assure you the Bereans would never have accepted the doctrines of Saul or any of his devotees or disciples. The fact that YHWH, Yeshua and the Twelve never spoke of him in conjunction with the new gospel and new foundation Saul was building – would have been enough for them to throw him out along with all those who doctored documents, forged names and revised history in order to promote Pauline doctrine throughout the world.

        1. doctrine Post author

          The problem with your theory is it does not have Biblical support. In my reply I demonstrated from the Scriptures Peter’s writings on Paul. He declared Paul’s gospel the only gospel at the Council of Jerusalem and stated shortly before he died that Paul’s writings were Scripture. We find over and over in the Scriptures that Paul was beloved of Luke, Silas, Barnabas, Timothy, etc. The greatest witness against what you have written, however, is the Lord Himself. He was the One who saved Saul of Tarsus and commissioned him to be the apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11.13; Acts 9.15). He not only told Paul, he told Ananias. Your complaint is against the Lord Himself. For your theory to work, you have to get rid of Mark, Luke, Acts, all Paul’s letters, Peter’s letters, and James’ letter. Your Bible only contains Matthew, John’s gospel and letters, Jude, and Revelation. I encourage you to stick with the NT and believe Paul’s gospel.

          1. John Higgins


            I do not believe Saul’s story of a miraculous conversion on the road to Damascus or accept his testimony that he received secret revelations from the risen Christ. I do, however, believe that he peddled his own gospel and built his own foundation apart from Christ’s.

            If you want to believe this snake-oil salesman – that’s your prerogative, but you will have to give an account on why you followed this man…instead of staying true to the One who never changes.

            1. Bobbi

              Romans 1:16-18
              16For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
              17For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
              18For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
              19Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
              Without Paul’s gospel, None have salvation in this age. He was given this from Jesus after He arose from the grave. Paul wrote 14 epistles. I say this to encourage you, to pray for help from the Lord. That you may discover Gods Good Grace.

            2. Keith Palmer

              I agree with you John and furthermore I think that Paul invented the Jesus to pursue his own religious agenda. Paul”s writings predate all the other writings of the NT by at least 2 decades and in it he never mentions anything about Jesus life before adulthood and Mark which was the first gospel after Paul”s also does not mention about Jesus earlier life and it is only in Matthew and Luke (and different accounts) where his earlier life is mentioned. Why I say Paul created Jesus is because his writings were from around 50CE and the others from around 70CE and later and in the later writings (read gospels) was written about Jesus birth and the circumstances surrounding it where it says that a son shall be born and he shall be named Jesus – but in the OT it specifically says that the son shall be called Immanuel and he has yet to come.

              1. doctrine Post author

                To reject Paul means one rejects Paul’s gospel which is that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead. This means one is not a Christian. In addition, it means one also rejects Peter, James, Mark, Luke, etc. for they all accepted Paul. Peter wrote that Paul’s letters were Scripture.

              2. Bobbi

                Keith Palmer,
                #1 the meaning of Immanuel is God with us, or with us is God. You might want to read Matt.1:20-25.

                I hope you will believe ALL of the scriptures. They are God’s words to us. 2 Tim. 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21.

            3. Scott Fisher

              You are deceived, my friend, and because of your deception you are wrong. By denouncing the apostleship of the greatest apostle, one who suffered for CHRIST more than you ever will, is rejecting half of the New Testament revelation, and hence, you cannot be saved. You profess to be wise, you have become a fool (Paul wrote those words). People like you also believe in modern “apostles” and “prophets” and will accept the Antichrist because you will not endure persecution and have no firm foundation upon which to stand. GOD bless.

            4. The Truth

              You’re not a Christian and have no idea what you’re talking about nor do you understand the scripture as it’s written. If you’re gonna throw out Paul’s writings based on your logic, you have to throw out Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, etc. I suggest you read what the Bible actually says rather than what you want it to say.

          2. Soldier

            First of all. Jesus is not his name. It is a pagan name that men made up. The messiah name is Yahshua. And the almighty fathers name is YHWH. Why do we not see those two names in any of our bibles? It is because they were taken out over the ages. And why was this done? I am sure you can figure that out. There is only one name given under heaven by which men are to be saved. Now given that, if those two very important names have been changed, then do you really believe other things have not been added or taken away in these bibles? There was a time in history where no one was allowed to have any “bible” or they were killed. Roman Catholisism ruled over people at that time. When bibles were finally allowed again, these people decided what would be contained as the Word of God. Who gave these people the authority?? They gave their own authority as if they were YHWH. In our day and time, you cannot understand what is true and what is not by only reading the bible. You have to study history, get a dictionary, learn some Hebrew and understand the times the Hebrews lived in. If you are truly seeking the TRUTH, YHWH will show you and lead you. Scripture does interpret scripture and you cannot let your own understanding guide you. Revelation speaks a couple of times about the patience of the saints which are those who keep the commandments of YHWH AND have the testimony of Yahshua. His commandments are the 10 commandments. Did you know also that in Daniel it says that he (the antichrist) will think to change times and law? There is only one time section in the commandments and it is the 4th commandment, the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the 7th day and it was not changed by Yhwh or Yahshua. Read your history on this change also. There are too many things that have been changed and confused throughout history. So much that this is why there is so much confusion in our day. It says that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived. So don’t think for one minute that any of us could not be deceived. All of us have always been taught not to question the bible, that it is God’s word and we would be severely punished for questioning it. To me that sounds like control over another… Our creator wants us to seek and study and know Him. How can you really know Him if you don’t ask questions? You believe a book because you are forced to by fear and fear does not come from YHWH. There is no fear in Love. Perfect Love casts out all fear. I believe in YHWH our father and I believe His son Yahshua the messiah and I do not question their existence in any way, but what I do question is a book written by men in this day and time. I see the world around me and I know how corrupt it is. And i also know the evil that is lurking around. The adversary only comes to steal kill and destroy and he sure is making a mess of our fathers creation. Hold on to what is good and what is right. Listen to what Yahshua has said and not just Paul. Every church I have been too focuses all their teachings on Paul, more than The Messiah. Paul talks an awful lot about himself, he says “my gospel”, none of the 12 apostles accepted him, Yahshua says to beware of the leaven of the pharisees, Yahshua came to preach the gospel of the kingdom and was crucified for our sins. Paul may have been true but it is very possible that his words have been twisted and changed throughout history just like some other parts of the New testament.

            1. doctrine Post author

              I do not where or from whom you get your information but it is not the Bible. The name “Jesus” was given to Mary by the angel (Matthew 1.21; Luke 1.31) and means “YHVH is salvation.” “Jesus” is simply the transliteration of Ἰησοῦς. The sabbath was always the 7th day, Saturday. Man was created on the 6th day, and God “rested” on the 7th day. The first day of the week is Sunday, the day the Lord arose from death. All of the apostles recognized Paul as a genuine apostle. If you don’t’ accept this fact you have to get rid of the gospels of Luke and John, Acts, James’ letter, John’s letters, Peter’s letters. So your NT consists only of Matthew, Mark, and Jude. Luke travelled extensively with Paul, Peter declared Paul’s letters were Scripture (2 Peter 3.16), Peter declared Pau was right and they were wrong at the Council of Jerusalem and all of the Twelve accepted Paul’s argument (Acts 15, Galatians 2). In addition, you have to dismiss Barnabas, Silas, Timothy, and many others who knew and worked with Paul. If you hold to your argument about the name of Christ, you also have to get rid of Matthew, Luke, and Jude since they all use the word Ἰησοῦς. So for you, there is no New Testament. Your arguments have obliterated it. No one can be saved apart from Paul’s gospel which is that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). Paul stated the Lord will judge men according to “my gospel” (Romans 2.16). I urge you to trust in Christ’s death and resurrection for you and that you will be saved. Apart from Christ’s work, no salvation exists.

        2. James

          The absolute truth if truth even matters today. The deceived Paul founded what we now call Christianity and it remains a royal mess devoid of christ’s Teachings in favor of Paul’s false doctrines. Follow JESUS for life, follow the self anointed Paul to eternal death.

          1. doctrine Post author

            Your statement reveals you are without Christ, without hope, without eternal life. Without Paul there is no Church, no Christianity, no salvation. See 1 Corinthians 15.1-4; Romans 2.16; Galatians 1.11-12. Time to wake up.

          2. Bobbi

            These days remind me of Is. 59:1-15. The Lord is speaking about Israel I think, but the lesson could be applied today. Truth has fallen in the streets today.
            When man will not believe what is written in the Bible, God’s book to us all, we know folks are in trouble.

            God says…Isaiah 34:16 KJV — Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: for my mouth it hath commanded, and his spirit it hath gathered them.
            Point being that the Bible is the “Book of the Lord”.

            Psalm 12:6 KJV — The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.

            Psalm 19:14 KJV — Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

            2 Peter 1:21 KJV — For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
            I encourage you to read and believe the word of God. Paul is appointed the apostle of the gentiles.
            Rom. 11:13, Gal. 1:1…etc..
            There is only one way to be saved today and that is God’s way, through Christ Jesus the RISEN LORD!
            1 Cor. 15:1-4
            I hope you will change your mind friend.

          1. Art Cominio

            Jesus spoke about Gehenna, not hell. Gehenna is a valley that exists today outside Jerusalem. It was once used as a garbage dump. In the Kingdom age it will again be used as a garbage dump, and the bodies of kingdom age sinners will be burned there.

            To translate “Gehenna” as “hell” is an error of translation driven by doctrine. We should base doctrine on the Bible, not allow doctrine to dictate our translations. No literal translation of the Bible has Jesus talking about “hell.”

            1. doctrine Post author

              The word γέεννα was the valley of Hinnom, south of Jerusalem where garbage and dead animals of the city were burned. Jesus was not warning people’s bodies would be thrown in a garbage dump and burned. Who cares about such a fate once one is dead? Such a warning would make Jesus an imbecile. Jesus was not a fool; His warning was serious. He used the word γέεννα as a symbol for eternal burning and punishment. Jesus made this clear with such passages as Matthew 25.41. Jesus said he was the door. He did mean He was a literal wooden door. He meant He was the way to life. So it is with γέεννα. If you do not believe in eternal punishment it is not possible to believe in eternal life for the same words are used for both.

              1. Don L Smith

                The choice has always been life or death. Hell is the grave. Believers receive eternal life, the rest perish (receive eternal death in the lake of fire). Death in the lake of fire is an eternal death. No one will sense anything after they die in the lake of fire. God is not a sadistic psychopath. God does not take pleasure in the suffering of anyone.
                Eternal punishment means eternal death in the lake of fire, and that means dead for all eternity. That is the second death where body and soul are utterly annihilated and forgotten forever. Eternal torment in a pagan underworld called hell is a false doctrine.

                1. doctrine Post author

                  Jesus taught that those who reject Him will suffer for eternity. Souls and spirits cannot cease to exist. Those who have rejected Christ are resurrected—given resurrection bodies. Those bodies suffer. The one who spoke most about Hell and eternal punishment was Jesus Himself. The reason we have the pagan stories of Hades, Tartarus, etc. is because the spirit world knows they exist and the fallen angels and demons communicated this knowledge. Death is not annihilation. It is eternal awareness of separation from God. See my article, Hell and Judgment.

      2. John Spragg

        Thank you …I will say that obviously being born again and knowing that I am saved is the greatest thing that has happened to me.
        Second greatest thing is being able to rightly divide the word of God.
        I’ve had years of confusion trying to put tge pieces together..I knew tradition had it wrong and there are so many voices out there pushing their particular view..
        It’s all very clear now and
        understanding what you have put together is the second best gift from God that I’ve recieved.
        Thanks for all the effort you went to .
        It’s all crystal clear now ..its just such a shame that most of the church don’t take the time to search the scriptures and find out what they actually say..
        Thank you very much ..cheers

          1. Joe

            Don, a seeming Christian friend of mine says he does not know for sure if he’s going to Heaven/saved. I can’t find may places where biblical characters said,”I know” when it comes to eternal security. 1 John 3 is one place but few others. why is that?

  3. DDon

    Thank you so much for putting up your site! I used to be in a “church of Christ” group. Your site has helped to clarify the Bible, especially regarding salvation, baptism, and assurance of salvation. This has dispelled frightening feelings of uncertainty and instability caused by a crumbling, works-based, false salvation theology. It is my hope and prayer that others who are in similar straits might also find your site, and be open minded enough to understand the Truth that sets us free!

    1. Peter2

      I am not so learned as some who post here. But I know the audible voice of Jesus saved my life from suicide. 1997. I am so thankful to Him and Father God and the Holy Spirit. Satan wanted me dead. I found this site in Sept 2018. I believe has it correct. Thank you for your site. Thank you for all your thorough cross references and for using Scripture to prove Scripture. May God help us to hear and to follow Him. Paul gives me hope in the risen Lord Jesus who died for my sins and rose from the dead. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In You I trust and move and have my being. May God guide us all in His love.

      1. Bobbi

        God is awesome, isn’t he! Thanks for sharing your testimony with all of us..;) Always sweet to hear of the glory of the Lord.?
        Paul’s epistles and letters and salvation are ever dear! They contain the gospel of our salvation and hope!

        PRAISE God and hello to brethren.?

  4. Patrick Narkinsky

    It is simply not true that the Twelve never preached the gospel to gentiles. In fact, we know that several of the twelve ended up in gentile territory, and preached to gentiles. For example Peter is well known to have ended up in Rome, where he was executed under Nero. This is the universal witness of the church fathers. Tradition tells us that Thomas went to India, and when the Portuguese arrived they did in fact encounter a group of Christians who claimed lineage from the Apostle Thomas. John went to Antioch, and eventually wound up on Patmos (assuming of course the author of Rev is the same John, which is sometimes debated.) In fact, the ONLY one who remained in Jerusalem was James, where he was executed around 62. Even in scripture, Paul tells us that Peter violated the law by eating with gentiles, the book of Acts describes at least two encounters between Peter and gentiles (the Ethiopian Eunuch and Cornelius), etc. In other words, the Twelve DID preach to Gentiles. Moreoever, they preached grace. See 1Peter 1:10.

    Nor can it be said that Paul failed to preach the kingdom. Again and again, Paul refers to the kingdom as something his gentile readers will inherit. One particularly telling verse is Col 4:11, where Paul refers to “fellow workers for the kingdom of God” who were clearly both gentile and Jew.

    Worse, you create an unwarranted distinction (without a difference!) between the “kingdom” and the “grace of God.” In Jewish expectation, the kingdom would come when God had forgiven Jews for their many sins against Him, and agreed once again to be their king, as he was during the time of the Judges. God’s giving of the kingdom was itself grace, and the good news was that God had forgiven the remnant who believed in Jesus (while condemning the rest.) Another set of OT prophecies made it clear that, when this happened, that self-same grace would be extended to the Gentiles, who would become part of God’s people. Paul and the Twelve may have been plowing different fields (but not entirely different, as both Peter and Paul worked in Rome and Antioch) but they were fields on the same farm. You make too much of the distinction. This seems, in part, driven by your failure to understand (or even really study) 1st century Judaism.

    Paul didn’t invent “Christianity”, nor did he invent gentile Christianity, nor was there a substantial difference between his gospel and that of the twelve.

    I’m sorry to speak so harshly, but I truly think that your account of the gospel here is badly in error, and could lead many astray.

    Respectfully yours in Christ,

    Patrick Narkinsky

    1. doctrine Post author

      Thank you for writing. I will address you comments paragraph by paragraph.
      1. When I say that the the Twelve had no ministry to Gentiles I mean we have no biblical record of it. Peter’s eating with Gentiles is different from having a ministry to them. In Paul’s account of the Council of Jerusalem he declared, “But from those who were of high reputation (what they were makes no difference to me; God shows no partiality)—well, those who were of reputation contributed nothing to me. But on the contrary, seeing that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been to the circumcised (for He who effectually worked for Peter in his apostleship to the circumcised effectually worked for me also to the Gentiles), and recognizing the grace that had been given to me, James and Cephas and John, who were reputed to be pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, so that we might go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised” (Galatians 2.6-9). They made a formal agreement that Paul would go to Gentiles and the rest to Jews. Philip, not Peter had the encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch and Peter’s encounter with Cornelius was a one-time event, not a ministry. Lastly, Peter’s letters were to Jews, not Gentiles. The quotation of 1 Peter 1.10 about the grace that come to them is the prophesied grace (the Messiah) that was to come to Israel. You must decide what you trust more: the Bible or extra-biblical sources.

      2. When Paul speaks about the kingdom of God he speaks of it as the overall realm of God in which He rules, not in the prophetic Jewish sense of the kingdom of God on earth. The Jews looked for an earthly kingdom and this is what John the Baptist, Jesus, and the Twelve proclaimed. See what Luke wrote in Luke 1.30-33 and 1.67-75. Paul taught that members of the body of Christ have heavenly citizenship, not earthly (Philippians 3.20 cf. Ephesian 1.3). The kingdom of God on earth has yet to be realized (Zechariah 14.9).

      3. The Scriptures make it quite plain that Paul’s ministry was distinct from the ministry of the Twelve. God separated Paul from them following his conversion. Throughout the course of his ministry he had almost no contact with them. Paul revealed doctrines the Twelve had no clue about: the body of Christ, the gospel of the grace of God, the temporary blinding of Israel, the resurrection of the body of Christ, a.k.a. the Rapture, the believer’s heavenly citizenship, the believer’s identification with Christ, etc. For a study of these things see my article on Paul’s “Mystery”. Paul received these doctrines from the RISEN Lord not the earthly Lord from whom the Twelve had received their doctrine. The Twelve knew nothing of these things. Search the Scriptures to see if any of these teachings are ever mentioned by anyone but Paul. Paul is the founder of Christianity. He expressly declared this in 1 Corinthians 3.10-11 and 1 Timothy 1.11-16. Paul was the apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11.13), not Peter, not the Twelve. And lastly, Paul’s gospel was completely different from that of Peter. Read Peter’s address at Pentecost. He doesn’t tell the Jews Christ died for their sins and rose from the dead. Christ’s death for him was not a triumph but something to be repented of (Acts 2.38). The believing Jews at the Council of Jerusalem’s gospel was faith AND works (Acts 15.1, 5). Paul’s gospel was therefore DIFFERENT from theirs. This is what precipitated the council. Paul’s gospel was faith ALONE.

      1. M.Greer

        In Acts 11:25-27 Paul is still Saul his Jewish name and it says the Prophets in vs 26-27 states
        11:26 And when he(Barnabas had found him(Saul), he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.
        11:27 And in these days came PROPHETS FROM JERUSALEM unto Antioch.
        what Church was there? A Jewish assembly..It says the disciples were called Christ-ians..
        You cannot find in the bible AKJV Bible where Paul calls the Body Of Christ Christian..Acts 11 says the disciples were first called Christian..In Acts 26 Agrippa said to Paul
        26:27 King Agrippa, believest thou the prophets? I know that thou believest.
        26:28 Then Agrippa said unto Paul, Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.
        26:29 And Paul said, I would to God, that not only thou, but also all that hear me this day, were both almost, and altogether such as I am, except these bonds.
        Paul does not say good I am gad you almost became a christian..What he did say is that he wants them to be such as I am…Paul was an Ambassador.. the 1st member of the Body of Christ..He is our head we are his Body and that has nothing to do With Christians Peter’s little Flock…The masses today believe they are christian’s..But this is a part of the lie program and a delusion from the god of this world satan..the amount of people that proclaim today they are christian like Catholics, Mormans and etc.. Right there should tell anyone satan is in charge because in these last days it will be as in the days of Lot and Noah..
        Lot and his wife and 2 daughter are all that made it out..and his wife looked back and became a pillar of salt..Noah only 8 made it…why because the majority were foolish and they believed in their own self righteousness.. all perished and it will not be different for the Rapture very few are listening to God and Rightly Dividing the word of Truth
        And Now 1st Peter 4(Peter is of the Circumcision)
        4:16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.
        4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us( Peters Little Flock Christians,) what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?
        THE EARLY MINISTRY OF JESUS. After his stay in the wilderness for forty days, Jesus entered Galilee preaching the ‘Gospel of God’
        The Body of Christ was a Mystery…What they the little flock Christians taught was not what was give by the Risen Christ to Our Apostle Paul..Remember Saul/Paul went to the Jew first..But in Galatians it states that the Peter and Paul in chapter 2:7-8
        2:7 But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me(Paul), as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter;
        2:8 (For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:)
        Paul is transitioning from Law to Grace..The Gospel Of Christ is
        I Cor 15:1-4
        The Gospel Of God is what Christ taught the Jews during his earthly Ministry..

        1. doctrine Post author

          M. Greer,
          I’m not quite sure I understand your point. Acts 11 records that it was after believers received Saul/Paul’s teaching that they began to be known as Christians. The Church at Antioch was predominately Gentile. Paul had received at least a good portion of the secrets so what he taught was Church, body of Christ doctrine.

          1. Rick

            I have read what you have written and how you have responded. You are trying to oversimplify these matters. You need to read more carefully the details of the bible. Your points overlook many details and stated without those details make it appear to be a working theory. However, careful reading of the chronological details will reveal that you are reading into things too much. You read too much into Paul’s rebuke of Peter in Gal. and read not enough of Acts. Luke, the companion of Paul gave us Acts and was certainly sympathetic towards Paul (as if that matters and as if there were some continual opposition in the church). Luke tells us what actually happened. When we slowly read Acts 9-15 we get a different picture than what “doctrine” says. We find Paul not in opposition to the apostles and not teaching them or even correcting them. Instead we find nothing inconsistent what Paul’s Epistles. We find assumed to be Pauline statements like “and put no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith. Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear? But we believe that through the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved, even as they.” Acts 15: 9-11. Again, we find the contention of Paul was later and situational. It should not be pressed beyond the words imply. We find in Acts the full picture of the grace of God taught properly. We find in Galatians a momentary failing that should not be pushed to some extreme as if Peter and all the apostles were always in hypocrisy or in the old system. Paul was actually in dispute with others who made themselves something. Peter he had to make an example because he knew he knew better and wanted to solidify this whole matter by rebuking in such. But in Acts we do not find that Paul started this ministry to the Gentiles and that the other apostles were totally influenced by Paul and merely men under the law, etc. as in portrayed in “doctrines” teaching on this page. Instead we find that God at the same time showed both Peter and Paul these things. We don’t see that Peter learned this from Paul. Nothing in Acts suggests this. Noting in Paul’s writings either. The Lord showed both of them. Acts tells us that they received that truth. Paul only points out that their specific ministry focus at least at that time was for Jews (Peter, James, John) and Paul the Gentiles. This does not mean it was exclusive of either. Paul did go to Jews everywhere as a foundation to work from. Then he went to Gentiles. Peter did go to Jews first as well but also obviously to Gentiles. These two different ministries did not mean they taught two different gospels or kindgoms. No doubt when Paul spoke to Jews, as probably Hebrews was an indication of (probably Luke wrote it with Paul or maybe oversaw it, but at least influenced it), he focused differently. But there is no need to make such a harsh distinction between Paul and the apostles. This is really stretching the matter. Something further to consider is the complex matter of the fact that while the temple still stood Jewish believers, including Paul, still practiced Jewish law to some extent or worshipped in the Temple, etc. Let each man remain in the state they were called and not seek to become circumsized or uncircumsized, etc. So these were unique temporary times. But once the temple fell the old covenant would finally pass away (Heb 8). So there was a transitional period that also pertains to this discussion. This is why some were more confused than others.

            1. doctrine Post author

              Your response indicates you have not read the Scriptures. We have NO Scriptural evidence Peter or any of the Twelve ever went to Gentiles. They were apostles of Israel. Paul was the apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11.13). He did go to Jews because of his love for them and which was part of his commission (Acts 9.15). After his Roman imprisonment we have not record of him going to them again. Read my article, Paul’s “Mystery”. The Twelve had no idea of these truths until they learned them from Paul. Paul received these “secrets” directly from the risen Lord. The Twelve had no knowledge of them. Unless you see the distinctive, unique ministry of Paul the Scriptures are full of contradictions and hopelessly confused: the state of Christendom today.

              1. Lisa

                Hi doctrine,
                I have found scriptural support that Peter did preach to the Gentiles. It is found in Acts 15:7: Peter rose up, and said unto them, Men and brethren, ye know how that a good while ago God made choice among us, that the Gentiles by my mouth should hear the word of the gospel, and believe.
                Now Peter is saying that God chose him to preach to the Gentiles the gospel and to believe. Paul claims that God chose him to go to Gentiles. What is up with this contradiction? Maybe they both were chosen to go to the Gentiles? It certainly cannot be that Peter did not preach to the Gentiles because the scripture very clearly says that he preached to Gentiles! Btw, there is no historical evidence for the existence of Paul apart from the church fathers. Just a fact to put here. I don’t know what to believe at this point, but all I have come across with studying Paul and the doctrine on this website is a bunch of contradictions.

                1. doctrine Post author

                  This is no contradiction. Peter’s going to Cornelius was a one time event, not a ministry. Peter went to no Gentiles after this. No historical evidence of Paul outside the Church Fathers? Do you reject Acts? If you reject Acts, how can you say Peter preached to Gentiles? Do you reject Peter? See 2 Peter 3.15-16.

    2. Jon

      There is without doubt, a difference in Paul teachings and the twelve. I can even agree of the posiblity, that Paul was’t even called by the Most High. Ever warning the Messiah gave, as a warning about someone bring another gosple and preaching another Messiah , it appear the warning the Messiah made was in reference to Paul not being a true Apostle of his, but this only my observation.

      1. doctrine Post author

        If this were true, you have to get rid of Peter, James, Luke, Barnabas, Silas, Timothy, etc. Peter wrote the fellow Jewish believers to follow Paul (2 Peter 3.16) and agreed with Paul at the Council (Acts 15).

      2. Faith

        Well one thing here- if we decided to get rid of Paul all together, as far, as learning from the Epistles we would all be in a heap of trouble as Gentiles- thats for sure. I guess we should all (Jews included) start learning those 613 commandments.

  5. Clough

    Aince the Apostles are a large part of the foundation of the church, it seems you are going too far with your distinctions between Paul and Peter, etc.
    Dennis Clough

    1. doctrine Post author

      Paul was the Apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11.13). Peter and the rest of the Twelve never had a ministry to Gentiles. This is not what is taught by 99% of Christendom but if you study your Bible this is what it teaches. Peter, James, John, Jude all wrote to Jews, not Gentiles, e.g., see James 1.1.

  6. Greg

    Just curious, if the gospel Paul preached was ‘DIFFERENT from theirs” How does one explain Romans 10? e.g. that Paul preached the same “word of faith” revealed in what he quotes from Deuteronomy?

    1. doctrine Post author

      I’m not quite sure I follow your question. In Romans 9-11 Paul’s subject is national Israel, not the Church, and the place of faith for salvation. Paul made a distinction between what Moses declared (Romans 10.5) and his gospel which is based upon faith alone (Romans 10.6, 8-9), that Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). Paul’s conclusion for national Israel was that they have been temporarily set aside “branches broken off” but that one day they will repent and God will save them (Romans 11.25-26). Paul’s hope was that in this intervening time Jews would become jealous of the blessings God was now applying to the Gentiles and be saved by believing his gospel.

  7. Sydney

    Just interested to know your thoughts? Why did Jesus need to be baptized? Could it be that at that very point in Jesus life and start of his ministry on earth he got baptized to fulfill all righteousness, and so starts to identify (John 1:29) and engage with taking upon himself our sin and the death that reigned from Adam?

    1. doctrine Post author

      You’ve hit right upon it. Clearly, Jesus did not need to repent and this is why John balked. The significance of Jesus’ baptism was to identify Himself with sinful man, in His role as the sin-bearer of the world.

      1. Dan Lynes

        Could the baptism have been a transfer of Aaron’s priestly role and authority , represented by John ,onto David’s kingship, represented by Jesus, creating in Jesus both king,and priest? I was taught this idea, didn’t come up with the thought on my own.

        1. doctrine Post author

          Jesus was of the tribe of Judah and ineligible for priestly functions under the Aaronic priesthood. Only members of the tribe of Levi were eligible. Therefore, Jesus was a priest after the order of Melchizedek to fulfill this role.

          1. Ernst Van Der merwe

            And after the deportation to Babylon: Jechoniah was the father of Shealtiel,d and Shealtiel the father of Zerubbabel, 13and Zerubbabel the father of Abiud, and Abiud the father of Eliakim, and Eliakim the father of Azor, 14and Azor the father of Zadok, and Zadok the father of Achim, and Achim the father of Eliud, 15and Eliud the father of Eleazar, and Eleazar the father of Matthan, and Matthan the father of Jacob, 16and Jacob the father of Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom Jesus was born, who is called Christ.
            According to this verse Jesus was from the tribe of Juda. Matthew 1:1-16. Christ had to come from this tribe. Joseph, Mary’s husband was from this tribe. My problem is that “before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit”. Joseph were thus not Jesus biological father and He had definitely no ancestral link to Juda. I just do not understand how anybody can claim Him to be from the tribe of Juda?



            1. doctrine Post author

              See my article, The Virgin Birth. Joseph and Mary were descendants of David but from different lines.

            2. Joe

              From somewhere on the internet:

              Mary’s father (who was of the tribe of Judah) married a woman who was of the tribe of Levi. This is how Mary could be Elizabeth’s cousin (Who was married to Zechariah; a Levite priest (A Levite priest could not marry anyone but a full blood levite woman See Luke 1:36 [Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)] ) This means that our Lord was half of the tribe of Judah (the King lineage) and half from the tribe of Levi (The lineage of the priesthood) this is also how Christ could be called “King Of Kings (Judah) and Lord Of Lords” (Levi)

  8. Christina

    I have studied the traditions of Jewish marriage and the parables. Both the bridegroom and the bride were required to be baptised with water, washed, during the betrothal time, before the consummation of the marriage. In my opinion, this has much to do with ‘why’ Jesus was baptised, as well as water baptism performed by John the Baptist and the 12. It is also in line with why Paul did not Baptise with water and why water baptism is not the baptism of Gentiles. We are not the bride. We are the body of Christ. It also supports the Holy Spirit’s decent on Christ at baptism and our baptism by the Holy Spirit at faith.

  9. James

    I’m confused by what your actually trying to get across. If the twelve & Paul were teaching different gospels one of them must be wrong.
    The twelve were ordained by Christ to teach the gospel. Paul was ordained by Christ to teach the gospel. The gospel is everything put together. Both the old & new testament. Both works & grace. If we don’t keep the commandments & aren’t repentant we can’t enter heaven. Faith is action. We can’t claim we have faith without showing it. That is works. Grace doesn’t save us in our sin. Grace saves us in our humility & repentance.
    In Acts 6 the twelve apostles ordain seven to assist them. In Acts 7 Stephen preaches the risen Christ on the right hand of God & is stoned for it. In Acts 8 Phillip preached Christ to the Ethiopian eunuch as the atoner for the world & the Son of God & then baptized him. Both these men preached the gospel. There is only one gospel. Faith. Repentance. Baptism for remission of sins. Receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. Enduring to the end.
    To say that they taught a different gospel is incorrect. Phillip, a Jew, ordained by the twelve baptized a gentile after preaching Christ. According to you he was off limits, out of bounds & going against Christ for preaching to even a single gentile. Once again incorrect. The gospel went from the Jew to the gentile. It started with the Jews & spread to the gentile.
    The twelve were eye witnesses to Christs bodily resurrection. The risen Lord also appeared to Paul. He appeared to all of them as the risen Lord, communed with them & taught them. Your claim that they didn’t know what each other knew is ridiculous. Peter received the keys to the Kingdom & the power to bind on earth what is bound in heaven, not Paul. Peter knew what he was talking about just as much as Paul. Put it all together.

    1. doctrine Post author

      The gospel for us is that Christ died for our sins and arose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). It by believing this gospel that we are saved. That was not the gospel John the Baptist, Jesus, or the Twelve proclaimed. They proclaimed that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. That was the gospel they believed for salvation. This is what Peter preached at Pentecost. He did not proclaim that to be saved one was to believe Christ died for your sins and arose from the dead. He did not know this gospel. The Scriptures explicitly declare that for a time (from Paul’s conversion to the Jerusalem Council) more than one gospel was valid (Galatians 2.7-9). The account in Acts 15 also reveals this clearly. The reason Paul went up to Jerusalem was to fight for his gospel. The Jerusalem leaders taught one could not be saved by believing Paul’s gospel of grace. One had to be circumcised and keep the Mosaic Law to be saved. But at the end of the Council Peter made a revolutionary statement (Acts 15.11). He declared that from that moment Jews as well as Gentiles could be saved only by Paul’s gospel, not by the gospel they had proclaimed. Philip did not baptize a Gentile. He baptized an Ethiopian Jew. None of the disciples ever had a ministry to Gentiles. Not one Scripture will support the idea that any of the Twelve ever had a ministry to Gentiles. Rather, God commissioned Paul as “the apostle of the Gentiles” not the Twelve or anyone that came out of the Jerusalem assembly. Today, we are save by faith alone. Paul’s gospel is a gospel of grace, of faith + 0. According to Paul, God accepts no works for salvation; salvation is based wholly on believing one thing: that Christ died for our sins and arose from the dead (Romans 4.4-5). So, the question is, will you believe what the Scriptures declare or a myth?

  10. Rosemarie C

    Thank you for sharing this truth. Since recognizing the difference in the gospels and what the churches teach, I’ve been sharing this truth everywhere I can; both online and off. I’m sharing this article and the one titled: ‘Jesus vs Paul’.

    God bless you,

  11. Karen F

    For the past year I have been studying the scriptures daily and finding lots of truth after realizing that what I have been taught for the past 25 years of my Chrisitan life has not all been correct. I found out about E. W. Bullinger who has an amazing book “How to Enjoy the Bible” that gave me a whole new respect for the written word of God.

    I thought I had learned a lot of truth over the past year and a lot of things were starting to make sense and then I came across your site and started reading about Paul vs Jesus and the gospel of the kingdom vs gospel of grace. What a profound and important piece to the puzzle that had been missing from what I had learned so far! It makes so much sense and now when I read the gospels or Hebrews and then Paul’s letters to the church, it all makes so much sense now! And it’s all so clear what Luke recorded in the book of Acts! Thank you and God bless you for writing and posting your articles. I am sharing these liberating truths with whoever I come across that have ears to hear.

    1. doctrine Post author

      May the Lord continue to bless your understanding (Ephesians 1.15-19). May I recommend Cornelius Stam’s volumes on Acts?

          1. Karen F

            Just finished V1 on Acts by C. Stam and now starting on V2. Excellent read as he explains section by section the (now obvious) gradual transition from the kingdom message to the grace message. What a great love for all people is shown in this transition that all may receive eternal life! He extended His grace and now has patience with us in this period of grace that we may come to know Him more and share His love and message of grace with more people. Thanks again for sharing what you have learned!

          2. Kenneth

            Les is excellent, a student of his, Matthew Mcgee, also has a wonderful “Mid Acts” website called “Wielding The Sword of The Spirit.”

              1. Michael Hardy

                Les is a great Bible teacher, but I can find no evidence of his ability to rightly divide. What and where am I missing this? Help please.8

  12. napoleon

    I have learn a lot of truth from your site,may God continue to bless you and strengthen you. Please I want you to recomend the best study Bible for me.

      1. Lori Eldridge

        I have been wishing I had a commentary that agreed with Paul’s teachings (Weirsbe and Wuest do not) so I found a site that had Cornelieus Stam’s Commentary on Acts (4 volumes, used). Thanks for the tip.

  13. KarenS

    Still very, very wrong. Paul doesnt ring right with my spirit. Jesus said to Peter that He (himself) would build his church on revelation of WHO he was from God in heaven. Jesus gave the parables about the banquet and those who were too busy yo come.The cove.ant of grace predates the dall of Adam. The tree of life was always an option prior to the fall.412 reasons why the Jews didnt have to keep the law.Paul is about as necessary as Joseph Smith and hi sd message is just the sam.e-a distraction. As for me, the evidense amd my spirit tell me that Paul was a wplf in sheeps clothing

    1. doctrine Post author

      Apart from Paul we have no salvation and no Christianity. It is by his gospel we are saved (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). Paul was the founder of Christianity (1 Corinthians 3.10-11; 1 Timothy 1.15-16). The “church” Jesus spoke of to Peter was not the Church, the body of Christ, for Peter never ministered to Gentiles. He was an apostle of the Jews. From Paul we learn of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12.13), in which Jew and Gentile are equal in Christ (Galatians 3.28).

  14. Greg

    Dear Doctrine (would like to know your real name pls)
    thank you so much for your cleat teaching. We believe the same thing.If fact i don’t just believe, i know that without Paul’s Gospel, no gentile van be saved.The Church has failed to rightly divide the word of truth. Consider me your supporter .Thanks again

  15. walumbinga-samuel

    Yes, if my understanding is good in all your books what I try to pick-up is that: Paul is the one contrary to OT , John the Baptist, Jesus and the twelve disciples to preach that <>. Not the one belong to the twelve tribes of Israel. Well it sounds good but I have trying to ask Catholic priest(father) about your teaching.
    He told me that protestants try to abuse Paul teaching by preaching it to commons Christians. The books of Paul are for body of Christ policy not for public or common people. I found catholic priest logic and reasonable. what do you say about it?

    1. doctrine Post author

      My response is to read the Bible for yourself. If what I have written agrees with the Bible, accept it. If it does not, reject it.

      1. Tavonda

        Thank you for your insight. It’s hard for some Christians to read the Bible in its context and not through their current understanding of Jesus Christ, or what they have been taught in church. I knew you had a theological education!?

  16. Matty

    I don’t even believe that Cornelius was a “gentile”. If you read the text in acts where it says that he feared God and was a monotheist and gave gifts to the israelites, you can clearly see that he was an outcast israelite. The israelites (and the apostles) never allowed non-israelites to be in the synagouges or to be converted (Paul was almost killed for being suspected of that), and the word translated as gentile for Cornelius is “allophulos” meaning “another of the same kind/tribe”.

    It’s also obvious that Paul only wrote to outcast israelites and converted them. He always used the ethnic words like brethren, talks about balaams doctrine and says that the promises were made to the israelite fathers.

    Read Galatians and see how wrong they have translated “Christos” to mean “Christ Jesus” and that those who are in “Christ” are the people who God has made the promises to. Jesus never made a promise unto himself (he has no seed and is no man), the promises were made unto Araham and his lineage. So the word “christos” should clearly be ascribed to the anointed people (which is Israel) that Paul spoke to.

    Joh 3:16 is another cracker that the universalists claim means “the whole world”. The word is “kosmos” and only refers to israel in this verse. The same word is used when Jesus says: “Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing.” (Joh 18:20).

    Read more here for information:

    Can it be any clearer? The world is Israel! Jesus also says in the conversation with Nicodemus that he must be lifted up like the serpent in the desert, and which people was the serpent lifted up on the pole for? Only Israel!

    And only those who are begotten from above (not born again) can enter the kingdom of heaven. The only people that are begotten from above and is of the spirit (israelites) can be saved.

    Revelation says the same, only those who are written in the book of life will enter heaven and there will be twelve gates for the israelite tribes, just like Jesus said:

    Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.”

    1. doctrine Post author

      Cornelius was a Gentile else Peter would not have had a problem with going to his house. Paul wrote to Gentiles not outcast Israelites. He was the “apostle of the Gentiles” and through Paul’s gospel (1 Corinthians 15.1-4) Gentiles are saved (Acts 9.15; Romans 3.29, 9.24, 30 11.13, 15.16; Ephesians 3.1).

  17. Matty

    I hope we can have a good debate about this and hopefully figure out when Christianity became universal and when non-israelites first started to believe in Jesus.

    1. doctrine Post author

      No debate is needed. Peter declared Cornelius was a Gentile in Acts 15.7. Acts records Paul’s going to Gentiles and Paul wrote he was the “apostle of the Gentiles” (Romans 11.13).

  18. Matty


    Cornelius was not a gentiles based on the word “alluphulos” and the fact that he already had a seat in the local synagogue. He was never a polytheist either. He was one of the remaining ten tribes God had divorced in Hosea and “scattered abroad” so that they would lose their identity as a punishment for their disobedience. But God said he would continue to love the House of Judah.

    1. doctrine Post author

      See for the meaning of ἀλλόφυλος. There is no doubt Cornelius was a Gentile based on the meaning of this word and based upon Peter’s testimony of Acts 15.7. As such, it was impossible for him to be a member of the synagogue. God has declared his love for all Israel, not just Judah. Read Ezekiel 37.15-17. The 10 tribes did not lose their identity. James wrote to all 12 tribes (James 1.1). They are all identified in Revelation 7 and Peter addressed all Israel on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2.36).

      1. Matty

        dear doctrine,

        1. No, the word literally means “another of the same kind/tribe”. I don’t know which concordance you are referring to, but I’m using Vine’s concordance. It is only used one time in the whole New Testament.

        Acts says Cornelius was reverent and feared the “God”, so he was definitely not a polytheist and A.T. Robertson says that they had seats in the local synagogue.

        1. doctrine Post author

          The entry in Vines for ἀλλόφυλος reads, “foreign, of another race” (allos, “another,” phulon, “a tribe”), is used in Act 10:28, “one of another nation.” This indicates he was not “another of the same kind/tribe” but exactly the opposite. He was of a different tribe or race. In other words, a Gentile. See also, As for A. T. Robertson, in his Word Pictures of the New Testament, commenting on Acts 10.35, he wrote, “On the great Day of Pentecost when he spoke of the promise “to all those afar off” (Colossians 2:39 ) Peter understood that they must first become Jews and then Christians. The new idea that now makes a revolution in Peter’s outlook is precisely this that Christ can and will save Gentiles like this Cornelius group without their becoming Jews at all.” Thus, Robertson wrote that Cornelius was a Gentile.

  19. james

    Hi Doctrine.

    I am still not sure what the main conclusion of all this is. Forgive me. Yes we are saved by Grace through faith but what is the real definition of works? As opposed to fruit of the spirit? I am concerned people use Grace and take advantage of it like it’s a free pass and God has no choice but to accept them now, even if these are false deciples who honor God with their mouths but their hearts are far away from him. Which the bible speaks of. The branches that don’t produce fruit are cut off and thrown in the fire and if God didn’t spare the original branches he will even less not spare the wild branches that were grafted in.

    There’s a difference to me between works and plain old abstaining. Yes we can’t earn salvation by works lest any man shall boast but that’s different than Just continuing to live in sin after confessing Christ. Aren’t we supposed to be born again and a new creation?

    My personal story is I was a slave to sexual immortality for years while I was still a Christian at the same time. Watch pornographic videos and then feel bad and repent and then the next day I’d make excuses and be right back where I was. This cycle continued for nearly 10 years up to my wedding day. Nearly 2 years ago now. After my wedding day, after years of prayer to God to set me free from my bondage to this overwhelming temptation cycle. By the GRACE of God on my wedding day that spirit of temptation left me. I know in my heart what God did for me otherwise I would have fell into adultery and grieved the spirit. Never since have I looked at another woman with lust. I did not have the strength to do this on my own. God by his Grace set me free from it. but that is a kind of sin that is very powerful and alluring. I believe it was because my despair was sincere about this sin in my life that God finally set me free from it. That once I got married I was not to continue in sexual immortality. This is not a issue of “works” it is about abstaining from the desires of the flesh. Let me be clear that I still sin all the time but I conduct myself with new eyes of the spirit now where I say “no” I’m not doing that or going there. I follow Jesus, not my impulses. But then sometimes I get caught up into telling a lie or lured into gambling or something. But the sexual immortality was different. It was more addictive and something I was continually being defeated in. That is why God dealt with me with that. So spiritual warfare is absolutely real.

    Can someone confess Christ and then go wallow over and over in drunkenness? How is that being a new creation? Or being salt of the earth?

    My point is you have to keep your shield up in this world, not drop it and do as you were because you are saved by Grace. I’m concerned people don’t resist sin cause they think they don’t need to cause we aren’t saved by works. There is a difference between resistance of sin and then works like, for example, giving money to the poor to impress people or acting religiously by dressing up in fancy garments. There’s false works and then there’s fruit of the spirit. One is the practice of wolves in sheep’s clothing, the other, the salt of the earth. Grace will surely not cover the wolves.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Paul revealed salvation by faith alone in his gospel (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). Before him, it did not exist. This tremendous grace was not to free us to sin but to free us from sin and Paul constantly exhorted believers to live godly lives. Each of us is different. We all have areas of weakness and areas of strength. How God deals with us and the degree to which we overcome sin is intensely individual. The proof of salvation is not that x is better than y but that x with Christ is better than x without Christ. Sometimes God gives immediate deliverance from a plaguing sin. Othertimes it is a life struggle. But God does change our “want to.” Every true believer wants to please Christ. We may fail a 1,000 times but God the Holy Spirit always directs the believer to be conformed to the image of Christ.

  20. Becky

    In Matt 28:19, why would Jesus tell the 12 to go and make disciples of the nations outside of the mystery of grace? I’m not making a connection between this verse and Acts 1:8.

    1. doctrine Post author

      According to prophecy, all blessing to the nations (Gentiles) would come through Israel. But these blessing presupposed a repentant Israel–an Israel who accepted her Messiah. So the order was Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, nations. But Israel refused to repent and accept her Messiah. So, according to prophecy, God could not bless the nations. But God in His mercy saved Saul/Paul and he became God’s agent to send blessings to the Gentiles. This was unrevealed for it occurred apart from Israel’s repentance.

        1. doctrine Post author

          Had they repented, the prophetic program, which Peter expected in Acts 2-3, would have gone forward. The tribulation would have occurred, the Lord would have returned, and the kingdom would have been set up. The OT prophecies and covenants would have been fulfilled and Gentiles would have been blessed through Israel. The Church, Paul’s apostleship, etc. would not have occurred.

  21. Noah

    I enjoyed your article. I agree that Paul was the apostle to the gentiles and that through his gospel we are saved . I have studied under a Oklahoma rancher layman who teaching are very close to yours. His name is Les Feldick and he has many things online .A good article called What gospel When by Paul R Van Gorder ,also teaches about how the Gospel changes from early in John the Baptist to the calling out of Paul. Keep the faith brother.

  22. christina sylva

    Hi Doctrine,
    praise God for the Holy Ghost that guides you in spirit and in truth in your studies! i had a quick question, So if someone accepts Jesus as their Lord & Savior, by faith, and still can live like the world, and take advantage of his grace (backslide), they’ll still go to heaven?

    1. doctrine Post author

      Thank you. One is saved by believing Paul’s gospel (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). Throughout Paul’s epistles he exhorted believers to live holy lives. God takes care of his own. Disobedient believers will lose rewards and sometimes, God will remove them (1 Corinthians 5). Sin has consequences (Galatians 6.7-8).

  23. christina

    Yes sin has consequences…Romans 6:23 (KJV) for the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life though Jesus Christ our Lord.
    What would you say this Scripture means…Galatians 5:19-21, Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleaness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, stride, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkeness, revellings, and such like: of which i tell you before, as i have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit it the kingdom of God.
    I believe God knows our hearts, yes we sin and fall short, but we are not purposely living unto sin. our hearts are truly trying to live righteously. But for those who are intentionally taking advantage of His grace, i do not believe they will inherit Gods kingdom. Its when our hearts are truly changed, which then our actions and lifestyle shows it! There is no way that we can just believe in their minds and then live exactly the same. to me, Believe is an action word! How are we gonna win people to Christ if we arent Peculiar people? Showing that a living a life for Christ is better than this world? sorry im not trying to argue or anything. thanks!

    1. doctrine Post author

      See what Paul wrote to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 6.9-11. The Scripture is the best commentary on itself.

  24. BBwyo

    If we are baptized into the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit and saved by grace is it possible to continue to sin? or.. Does this mean there are sinners in the Body of Christ?

    Does the “bride of Christ” then refer to the Israelites?

    Is the main function of the Gentile body of believers to provoke jealousy in the Israelites?

    Thank you for laying out so clearly the difference between the Apostles and Paul. This is a hard sell in a Bible Study group that is wrapped in traditional teaching…and also trying to justify/protect “the church” as it has been traditionally defined.

    I follow Les F. and the Berean and this was before I found your site. I will check your home page for the reference books you mentioned.

    1. doctrine Post author

      One can certainly sin as a believers. Paul wrote to correct believers in sin on several occasions in his letters. See my article, The Bride of Christ, for the identity of the bride of Christ. The jealousy aspect was valid so long as there was a possibility for Israel to repent. Jews who now believe the gospel become members of the body of Christ.

  25. Roger Spielmann

    I’m really enjoying the ongoing discussion. I do believe, however, that Paul was the Great Pretender; he hijacked the early Jesus movement and made himself the final arbiter of what Jesus “really meant.” He was arrogant and, at time, vitriolic and filled with hate for anyone who didn’t agree with him. An he is now supposed to be our “example” of what it means to be a Christian? I put my faith in the historical Jesus; a faithful Jew who was and is the Messiah according to Jewish prophecies and expectations. We miss a lot if we do not keep in mind at all times that Jesus was Jewish.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Well, Paul was Jewish and a faithful servant of the risen Lord. Apart from Paul we have no revelation from the Lord of salvation by faith alone, the equality of Jew and Gentile in Christ, identification with Christ, heavenly position and citizenship, joint-heirship with Christ, the administration of grace, not Law, the hope of resurrection (Rapture), and an explanation for the current state of national Israel and their future hope. In short, everything known as Christianity comes from the revelations the ascended Lord gave to Paul.

    2. Ken

      Interesting discussion. When my wife and I started studying the scriptures in early 80’s we agreed the bible rules the debate. So what have we learned?

      1. We are warned about the strong deception that will prevail

      2. Who did Jesus say he came for; the lost sheep of the House of Israel. For a long time we thought the house of Israel was the same as the nation of Israel that King David and Solomon reigned over. In truth we find that it is the northern 10 tribes that split from Judah after the reign of Solomon. They weren’t Judah (Jews), but they were the offspring of Jacob (Israel). They had already been driven out of most of their land and were now among the Gentiles.

      3. His Word (Torah) will not change until heaven and earth pass away. This is a hat hanger. Our Heaveny Father said this through His prophets and Jesus said it. To my understanding, nothing has passed away in regard to heaven and earth.

      4. In Acts, when you see the qualifications that had to be met to be the replacement Apostle for Judas, you had to be with our Savior since he started his ministry. Remember, the foundation of New Jerusalem is the 12 sons of Jacob and the judges are the 12 Apostles, not 13.

      5. Saul/Paul doesn’t line up. We think he is the great deception that we were promised. Remember, He sent His Deciples to to Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. Also, the House of Israel has been scattered all over the earth like sands of the sea. They have forgotten who they are.

      I could go on and on. It’s all in the Book. By the way, I consider th OT scripture and the NT commentary. I know who put it together.

      1. doctrine Post author

        Jews, Israel, meant all Jews in Jesus’ day. Jesus came to save all Israel, all 12 tribes, and they were all known (James 1.1; Acts 2.36). The word יְהוּדִי originally meant a Jew from the tribe of Judah but later came to mean any Jew. Pilate’s inscription over the cross was that Jesus was king of all Jews, not just Judah. Jesus’ ministry was to fulfill the promises to the fathers, i.e., God’s prophetic program and covenants (Romans 15.8). He had no dealings with Gentiles except the Roman centurion and Canaanite woman (see my article, Two Remarkable Healings). Saul/Paul did not qualify to be one of the Twelve and the Scripture states he was never one of them. They were apostles to Israel; Paul was the apostle to the Gentiles (Romans 11.13). His commission came not from the earthly Lord but from the risen, glorified Lord. This was a totally different program. The 12 never had a ministry to Gentiles, that was Paul’s domain. The risen Lord commissioned Paul to be the founder of the Church, the founder of Christianity. He revealed to him secrets He had not disclosed in His earthly ministry or to the 12. See my articles, Paul’s “Mystery”, Paul: Chief of Sinners?, etc. God knows all 12 tribes and will restore them into the land (Ezekiel 37; Revelation 7).

  26. Roger Spielmann

    Thank you for your response. You wrote, “…everything known as Christianity comes from the revelations the ascended Lord gave to Paul.” And that’s the problem. What people call “Christianity” today, in all but a few instances, is not based on what Jesus taught or how he lived. In fact, Paul rarely (if ever) writes about what Jesus taught or about his earthly ministry at all. Jesus allegedly appeared to Paul on the road to Damascus and Paul took it upon himself to become the new champion of Christ and the de facto sole interpreter of Jesus’ message. This idea is not new and is not mine, but it is, I believe, worth considering.

    The Kingdom of God that Jesus taught, and that was validated by his resurrection from the dead, is not free. To enter into God’s Kingdom, to receive eternal life, demands allegiance to that Kingdom, at least according to Jesus. It requires living a life primarily composed of caring for others, being compassion towards others and always forgiving others, the way God forgives us when we come short of God’s standard up in this life.

    But Paul’s religion was not what Jesus taught. His religion differed considerably in origin, beliefs and practices from Jesus’ movement. Paul’s movement wasn’t based on Jesus and what Jesus taught but on his alleged meeting with Christ in a spontaneous vision, followed by a series of other “visitations” over the next two decades. Looking back at the letters he wrote, which make up over two-thirds of the New Testament, he rarely refers to anything Jesus taught, only to what this mythical Christ-figure he saw in a vision had to say.

    What happened to the historical Jesus (who Paul never met) in the writings of Paul? I don’t mean to be contentious, and certainly this matter has been debated for decades, but I do believe it needs further attention. The implication is crucial: are we who call ourselves Christians following the teachings of Jesus or the teachings of Paul? They are mutually exclusive. Either we follow the teachings of Jesus or we put our faith in Paul’s teachings. I prefer to follow the teachings of Jesus over one who claims to have had a mystical experience with Christ and received exclusive revelations from that Christ for many years after. How would we respond today to one (and there have been many over the centuries) who claims to have “special revelations” from Jesus Christ?

    The main reason I’m writing is two-fold: (1) I just found this discussion site and I’m very excited to have done so, and (2) I believe Christians around the world can only benefit from such ongoing discussions. I bring no malice to this discussion. I think it’s pretty cool and I appreciate your scripture-based responses, whether or not I agree with them personally.

    1. doctrine Post author

      The problem with your analysis is that Jesus ministered to Jews only. He did not minister to Gentiles. He came to be Israel’s king and fulfill the covenantal promised. The only way Gentiles could be blessed according to the Abrahamic covenant (Genesis 12.1-3) was through the Jews. Israel could not be blessed apart from the Messiah. Therefore, when Israel rejected Christ God had no way to bless Gentiles. But in grace He called Paul to be the apostle of the Gentiles. To conform to the Abrahamic covenant Paul (a Jew) described himself as one being untimely born (1 Corinthians 15.8 cf. Zechariah 8.23). Through Paul God revealed secrets by which Gentiles could be blessed apart from national Israel. The result was the Church, the body of Christ, i.e., Christianity.

  27. christina

    Yes…1 Corinthians 6:9-11 is an encouragement and a reminder to not to go back to those ways. Hebrews 5:9 states, And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that OBEY HIM. And in James, there are many scriptures that talk about walking and doing the will of God and not being like the pharisee’s that love in word, but their hearts are far from Him. And Yes Jesus did only speak to the Jews, but now we all all adopted into that. In Ephesians 1:4-5 states, According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: Having predestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,. This Chapter talks to the faithful in Christ Jesus as well. 1 Corinthians 12:13-14, says For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. For the body is not one member, but many. There’s no denying that here. Not many can understand the bible and i thank God for His Spirit. There are many Scholars, that read the bible in their own understanding. etc, but without His Spirit, the we can interpret many scriptures wrong, etc. I know for a fact, that we need to live a life for Christ, Holy and acceptable unto Him and not just believe (with an exception of those on their death bed, like the one that was crucified next to Christ). I pray that the Holy Spirit continues to lead you in all that you do and that you are planted in a Church of truth that you can also be fed at, and plow in as well. God Bless.

  28. Abraham Animalla

    Hello Don,
    I see there is a clear distinction between 12 apostles gospel of kingdom(which is limited to Jews only) and Paul’s gospel of grace which is for gentile believers. But when we try to explain all the Christian myths to other christians, they blatantly deny that there was any such difference in what 12 apostle preached that from what Paul. I was having a conversation with a good friend who is a christian like I am, but on matters of rightly dividing the word of God (2 Tim 3:16) him and I are not on the same page. What was suppose to be a casual discussion, had snow balled and had become a burning issue in both our faith. He thinks that I critical examine scriptures too much from a different angle (not necessarily that was a compliment) when there was absolutely no need to do it at all that’s what he feels. Our discussion started when I told him that Christ/John the Baptist ministry on the earth was specifically limited to the Jews and Israel. They were both speaking to Israel and Jews in Jewish homeland and territory asking all of Israel and Jews to repent and turn their hearts for Kingdom of God was at hand. So my point was, they both preached gospel of Kingdom exclusively to Jews/Israel. And when I said that, my friend refused my theory outrightly and told me I was at error and he went on to say that both John the Baptist and Jesus did preach to other gentiles and that Jesus Christ came for both Jews and gentiles at the same time. Time and again he was forwarding the passages which show Christ healing the Cananite woman and the centurion who approaches Christ for his son’s healing and of course he thinks Samaritans are gentiles (which I don’t agree at all) to prove his point that Christ and John the Baptist did preach to gentiles. So I sent him your link yesterday I thought you did a great job and have made lots of points clear in your posts as well as answering other believer’s questions. This morning my friend provided couple of passages one from John and other from Matthew to prove his point that Jesus and Philip did preach to gentiles. Here are the references Matthew 4:15. In the land of Zebulum and of Naphtalia beside the sea, beyond the Jordan in Galilee where so many Gentiles live.
    16 the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light. And those who lived in the land where death cast its shadow, a light has shined.
    17 From then on Jesus began to preach….
    John 12:20 Now there were some Greeks among those who were going up to worship at the feast, these came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida of Galilee…
    I really appreciate if you can explain what the above passages mean? And myself have couple of questions to ask you 1) do you have any evidence to claim the Ethiopian Eunuch was a Jew?
    2) Thomas did end up in India preaching the word of God to Indians. In fact, we see his martyrdom took place in India. And also I believe Peter was killed not in Jerusalem but was in Rome under emperor Nero. So do you still agree that Peter was not witnessing gentiles at the time of his death?
    3)I am sure lots of other apostles died under gentile leader, If they were not witnessing gentiles then why would they be put to death by gentile rulers. I agree we are in the times of gentiles. You might say the majority of the apostles were put to death because they were under their power and rule of gentile kings. But that’s not my question, were not some of the 12 apostles witnessing gentiles and that was why they may have been martyred. I hope my questions are making sense. I enjoy reading your posts.
    God bless,
    Abraham Animalla.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Myths are powerful and difficult to overturn. The “Christian Myth” has been in place for 1900 years and people do not shed it easily. The Scriptures provide us with facts. Jesus commanded His disciples not to go to Gentiles (Matthew 10.5-). The Canaanite woman and centurion were exceptions He made in His ministry. God always has room for exceptions. Jesus’ initial response to the woman was rejection. Read Mattthew 15.24. If He was ministering to Gentiles how does one explain this? As for Galilee, it acquired the name “of the Gentiles” because of the Assyrian invasion when Shalmaneser and Sargon took the northern kingdom. Historically, it was the land of Naphtali, Zebulun, and Issachar. But Nazareth was in this region and Jesus was of the tribe of Judah. So this land includede representatives from several Jewish tribes. Matthew does not state Jesus preached to Gentiles while there. As for the John passage, these Gentiles had heard about Jesus and wanted to see Him. If this was normal, why did the apostles have such a to do over it? Furthermore, the Scripture does not say He saw them. It only states they wanted the see Him. The strong implication is He did not see them. He was focused upon His impending crucifixion. We know the Ethiopian eunuch was a Jew because what Gentile would come to Jerusalem to worship? Gentiles didn’t do that. What Gentile would read Isaiah? The Scriptures provide no evidence the Twelve had a ministry to Gentiles. Read Acts 11.19. Read Galatians 2.7-9. What most do not realize is that the gospels are Old Testament. They snap onto Malachi like a lego. Read Luke 1-2 and this will become clear. Jesus came to present Himself to Israel as the King of the Jews and offer them the kingdom of God. That offer required their repentance. That is the story of the Gospels. Nothing in them has to do with the Church or Christianity.

      1. Abraham Animalla

        Thanks for your reply. I have one other concern on bride of Christ. Almost all churches that teach on dispensationlism would agree that church is bride of Christ. Again your article on the subject is very interesting. I like the way you related Israel is bride, Christ the groom and John the Baptist as friend of groom basing on scriptures as evidence. However, I believe in Rev 22 we see Spirit and Bride inviting all who thirst to come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life. That means the bride is already in heaven, right?
        There is messianic ministry I believe teach Israel is wife of Yahweh and Church is bride of Christ. I believe in the OT Israel is often referred to as wife of God best example is the book of Hosea where Israel is depicted as unfaithful wife of God. So basing on what has been said, would there be a possibility that Church is indeed the bride of Christ?

        1. doctrine Post author

          I think not. If it were, Paul would have stated it explicity, as he stated the Church is the body of Christ. I do not understand Christendom’s fixation with the notion that the Church is the bride of Christ. The Biblical evidence is thin at best. Stick with what the Scriptures state. You may enjoy the excellent article by Paul Sadler:

  29. Devoted2Him

    I’m here to ask a fairly straightforward question: if Jesus was only speaking to the Jews about going out and spreading the gospel, does this mean that Gentiles who come to Christ by faith, and through grace, are not also called to spread the message of salvation? The way I have always understood the Great Commission in Mark 16:14-20 is that Jesus appeared to 11 of the disciples after his resurrection, rebuked them for their unbelief in his resurrection (sidebar question: why would he rebuke them if according to your teachings, Jesus knew they wouldn’t understand the resurrection?), and then commanded that they go out and preach the gospel to all of creation. I literally take that to mean all people, JEWS and GENTILES. Whoever believes and is baptized (by the Holy Spirit) will be saved. Whoever does not believe will be condemned… Vs 20, “Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.”
    What stands out to me here is that the Lord (Jesus) worked with them – meaning he was spiritually leading them and they were spiritually obedient to his leadership to spread the gospel, including the fact that he “rose again”. Aren’t we to follow in these footsteps, in the footsteps of Jesus himself even, to spread the gospel (the ENTIRE gospel of God’s love, grace and mercy), to bring people to Christ – despite the fact that we are not Jewish?

    Thank you.

    1. doctrine Post author

      The Gospels are Old Testament and Jesus addressed only Jews (with a couple exceptions). This was to fulfill the prophetic program given in the Old Testament (Romans 15.8). According to that program, Gentiles would be blessed through Israel. Israel would bring the good news to Gentiles (Zechariah 8.20-23). After Jesus arose, we see Peter in Acts 2-3 addressing Jews only with the same message of repentance proclaimed by John the Baptist and Jesus Himself. According to the prophetic program, the only way Gentiles could be blessed was through Israel. The only way Israel could be blessed was through their Messiah. But if they rejected the Messiah, neither they nor Gentiles could be blessed. Jews had to accept the Messiah for Him to bless Gentiles. The Lord gave the evangelistic order in Acts 1.8. This is why, even in the midst of intense persecution, the 12 stayed in Jerusalem (Acts 8.1). This was several years after Pentecost. But while the Jews rejected Christ, God in His mercy saved Paul, who became the apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11.13). Through Him Gentile evangelism began. Thus began the Church, and what we call Christianity. We are to evangelize, not on the basis of the Great Commission given in the Gospels but on the basis of a Greater Commission (2 Corinthians 5.11-21).

      1. Devoted2Him

        Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I know of a person who has shared with me the same perspective about the Christian Myth as you have shared, however, he has argued that Christians (Gentiles) do not commit sin, for we ARE sin, and because we are covered by Christ’s blood, are forgiven – without any need to repent to the Lord (aside from the moment we accept Christ as our Savior) when we know we have allowed out sinful ways to cause us to stumble. He stated that we are not called to evangelize because Jesus wasn’t speaking to us to go out to ALL of the nations.. He stated that if you are Christian and choose to live a homosexual lifestyle, for example, that so long as you believe Christ died for your sins, your salvation is secure and covered by His grace – so basically, a person who chooses to do so despite KNOWING God’s word and what his likes and dislikes are, doesn’t need to worry about that sin in their life because it’s already forgiven…In my opinion, if a person truly knows Christ, but doesn’t believe that their sin is something He can change, than maybe this person doesn’t really know Christ to begin with…
        I strongly disagree with the statement he made which is what brought me to your page – to better understand this split between Jesus and Paul, who they were preaching to and why. I can understand what you have shared and feel that even if Jesus wasn’t speaking to us “Gentiles” directly, His words shared in the bible DO speak to all who believe in Him as the son of God. Does my salvation rest on whether I turn my back from all sin and never sin again? No. But if the Holy Spirit lives in me, than the sin in my life will be revealed as I grow in relationship with God and read his Living Word. When a sin in my life is revealed, I turn towards God, apologize for my wrongdoing and pray that He would give me the strength, wisdom and courage to change my ways, and be more like Christ. In other words, I follow Christ’s teachings of the law because I WANT to, not because I HAVE to. My sins that I commit every single day are forgiven, but my relationship with the Lord is burdened when I choose sin over what pleases Him. Or when I refuse to believe that my ways are in fact, sinful.
        When I see the Lord, face to face, I want for Him to say, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.” I want to make my Father proud… And I am eternally grateful for the GRACE that He has given me, knowing that I will NEVER get it ALL right, as Jesus was able to do because, after all, he was God in human form. There’s my take on all of this.. :-)

        1. doctrine Post author

          The person who shared with you is mistaken. Believers continue to sin after salvation and must repent. This is what Paul taught. We are not under the administration of the Mosaic Law (Romans 6.14) but the Holy Spirit indwells us and we are to live holy lives because God is conforming us into the image of Christ (Romans 8.29). The Great Commission is not addressed to us, but our commission (2 Corinthians 5) is to all. Jesus’ early ministry was to Jews but in Jesus’ heavenly ministry He revealed doctrines He had not given the 12 (salvation by faith alone, equality of Jew and Gentile in Christ, the Rapture–which Paul referred to as secrets (See my article, Paul’s “Mystery” for more on this.

  30. Brian

    In “The Christian Myth” you said that The Twelve never had a ministry to the Gentiles. Acts 15:7 says otherwise. Please, please explain. Thank you.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Peter went to the house of Cornelius under the direct command of God. He never would have gone otherwise. We have no record Peter evangelized another Gentile. One incident does not constitute a ministry. Please read the account in Acts 10-11. As for the others, we have no record any of the Twelve had a ministry to Gentiles. After the Jerusalem Council this reality was formalized (Galatians 2.7-9).

  31. Bruce W


    It’s obvious Satan got a foothold into Christianity right at the very beginning for this myth to be so old, established and believed as scripturally pertinent for this Age of Grace.

    One has to wonder why this was never corrected by Godly scholarly men long ago. Where are all of the historical scholarly work correctly dividing the word of truth refuting this serious error? Why did Christiandom embrace the Kingdom message meant for jews considering it’s not applicable and much more difficult than Grace?

    What about the many so-called church fathers and great men of faith who obviously brought the wrong message to a dying world in need of Christ’s Grace? Who actually was saved then down through the past two millennium of this dispensation? What actually happened to the Gospel Paul preached?

    Considering all of these questions, one has to ponder the sad fact that the body of Christ is actually quite small in comparison to what walked this earth calling themselves Christians the past two millennia and is now and has never been more than a “remnant.”

    The quasi-Jewish Babylonian Roman Catholic system is probably the biggest single factor in all of this but the fact remains, true Christianity has always been present from the beginning of the body of Christ and will be here at the Rapture. We can only hope that the Lord comes sooner rather than later…

    1. doctrine Post author

      Yes. See 2 Timothy 1.13-15. Paul admonished Timothy to hold onto his doctrines. The great apostle lost Asia to the Law keepers even after spending so much time with them. This departure from Paul has resulted in an almost total blindness of Christendom. The Lord has delayed His return to give men time to awaken but that time is almost over.

  32. Sue

    Hi Don

    Thank you so much for all your wonderful work.

    So I’m clear, what do you mean when you say ‘awaken’?

    Awaken to what?
    So Christendom can benefit from Paul’s ministry?
    Saved by Grace not works
    Living in the Grace of God
    Free from the mixture of Law and Grace
    Being able to understand how everything fits together?

    I’m thinking that many will still be saved even if they are blind, but still have
    believed in Jesus.
    Maybe you mean they just won’t fully benefit from understanding Paul’s gospel.

    1. doctrine Post author

      I meant “awaken” in two senses. The first and most important is to Paul’s gospel, the only way men are saved, and the other is to understand the unique ministry of Paul as the apostle of the Gentiles. The Lord is about to wrap up the Church and the age of grace will end.

  33. Abberdeen

    By Abba Father providence I began studying with Les Feldick in May 2009. At which time I was attending bible school. Immediately this teaching rung true in my spirit and without a doubt I believe it was the Spirit of Christ who witnessed to my spirit.
    Certainly it is joyous in my spirit to have read this discourse and your manner of responding even to those who have not yet been persuaded. For five years prior to studying with Les I live my life working to remain save. But since I’ve heard the gospel according to the scripture in 1 Cor. 15; I’ve lived my life knowing I’m saved. Oh that believers would not hardened their hearts when they hear the teaching concerning God’s Grace according to the doctrine of grace given to the Apostle as Paul. Don; may the Lord give you grace the more to make known these truths which are apropos for salvation in this time of the gentile.

  34. courtney king

    Bro.Don, outstanding article, I wondered about where it all started but was troubled when reading the gospels I had difficulty with the “Great Commission” in its strictly Jewish program and forcing it into todays dispensation. What an eye opener.may God Bless You.

  35. clay greene

    Since when can a man die for another’s sin? Messiah came to fully teach the law, for it had been corrupted and made a burden to Israel. He commanded for us to follow him.. Not simply believe in the Greek mutilates. Its well known through the prophets and Torah..that gentiles could always convert.. Through repentance and willful obedience to the Torah. So how can Paul’s gospel add too what Yah said couldn’t be added to or took away. Yeshua never did.

    1. doctrine Post author

      The Bible teaches Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). This is what Isaiah 53 taught though the Jews did not understand it. Only after Christ’s death and resurrection did the risen Lord reveal this truth to Paul. The doctrines Paul taught he received from the risen Lord (Galatians 1.11-12). God reveals things in His own time (Deuteronomy 29.29). See my article, Paul’s “Mystery” for other truths God kept hidden until He revealed them to Paul.

  36. Saju Skaria

    Dear ‘Doctrine’ (sorry to call your pen name, as I don’t know your name).

    I was ‘Googling’ to find the difference between the two commissions Jesus gave to his disciples – the one we see in Matt 10 and Lk 9, and the Great Commission in Mtt 28:18, and that’s how I came across your page.

    Your thoughts are insightful – God bless you for the things He has revealed to you. But I must say that there are differences to it that I see from my reading of the Scripture.

    I see that Peter and other disciples have preached to the Gentiles, and I do not see any reason to believe that they did not go out of the Jesuralem-Judea-Samaria circle (where Jews were living) to go to the End of the Earth.

    I am from Kerala, Southern State of India (but currently living in Canada). There are historical evidences that Thomas, the disciple of Jesus, had come there in AD 52 and established churches. In fact, Kerala is the first place outside of the Palestine to be Christianised. We have had trade (especially spices and ivory) relations with the Arabs and Sumerians from time immemorial. So with all respect, I will have to reject your statement that none of Jesus’ disciples went out to preach to the Gentiles. You could search history to see what I say is correct or not.

    One another thing I do not agree with you is about the healing power that Paul had was ceased, based on the scripture you have quoted. After all, Jesus did not heal everyone he met, not His disciples. He did his miracles only to prove that He is God. After all, it is in the will of God that one should be healed or should not be healed. In the 3 example verses that you stated where Paul could not heal his fellow believers/disciples could be that God did not intend to heal them. After all, perfect healing comes when we are made perfect – in the resurrection. Prophecy, tongues and healing would be ceased to exist when the ‘perfect’ comes (and the partial will be done away), which is yet to come. Healing, tongues, prophecy are still existing in the church of God. But it is sad to state that some takes advantage of it and misuse it for their own benefits, but they are to give account to God what was given to them to trade.

    Your writings are interesting, and if time allows I would be reading those – because it gives lots of insights (thank you for that, and God bless you), but I have a quick question that I had when I was reading this article…… If Peter’s as well as other 10 apostles’ preaching is only about the Gospel Kingdom, and we are to follow the Gospel of Grace that Paul preached, do you say there is no need for following the Epistles of James, Jude, Peter, John, etc? I would like to hear your feedback on this.

    Even if you would reply to my query in the “Comments” section here, I would appreciate if you could provide a link and reply to my email, so I would not forget to read.

    Thank you and God bless you.


    Saju Skaria,
    Edmonton, AB Canada.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Thank you for your kind remarks. No Biblical evidence exists that Peter or the other Twelve had a ministry to Gentiles. Peter went to Cornelius’ house but we have no account he went to other Gentiles. After the Council of Jerusalem, it is unlikely he ministered to Gentiles based upon what Paul wrote in Galatians 2.7-9. The evidence that sign gifts have ceased is quite strong. The power of God is the gospel, not signs. All Scripture is FOR us but not all Scripture is TO us. Peter and James wrote to Jews (James 1.1; 1 Peter 1.1) as did John. These writings are profitable in the same way that Genesis or Isaiah is profitable. But Paul’s writings are TO us. They are exclusively for the Church, for our doctrine, as Paul is the apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11.13; Galatians 2.7-9).

  37. Robert Cardwell

    So paul kept torah all his life even among the gentiles according to his own testimony in Acts he also teaches them to keep feasts in corinthians etc, writing ti roman believers made up of jew and gentile he says not those that hear the law are justified in his sight, and by faith we establish the law ettc Rom 3v31 and you also claim they never heard of faith alone thats wrong too Habbakuk 2 the just shall live by faith was well known by serious bible bereans..why did he not tell the jews there that thier kingdom gospel had been suspended when he had the chance and was protected by rome…?

    1. doctrine Post author

      Paul declared that believers were not under the administration of Law but under Grace (Romans 6.14). He stated Christ crucified the Law on the cross (it died). Paul subjected himself to the Law because of his love for the Jews, not out of obligation (1 Corinthians 9). One only need to read Acts 15 to understand the Twelve had no comprehension of salvation by faith alone. Paul argued with the Jerusalem assembly till he was blue in the face and they would not accept salvation by faith alone. Finally, Peter remembered what had happened 20 years before with Cornelius and he recognized Cornelius had been saved by faith alone. We have no evidence of salvation by faith alone before Paul and, of course, Cornelius was saved after Paul.

  38. Joe

    Was it faith alone that saved the thief on the cross?

    ….I had a C of C preacher tell me ‘maybe’ the thief was baptized sometime earlier…..but that’s a different question.

    1. doctrine Post author

      The thief trusted in the identity of Christ and it was faith alone. He obviously had no opportunity for baptism. The Lord reserves the right for exceptions. He knows the hearts of men and wants them to be saved.

  39. Vernon

    Hi again Don,

    Please help me with Eph 3:5 “Which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit;”
    Who are the prophets here and which apostles are being referred to?



    1. doctrine Post author

      For prophets, I think Paul referred to those with the gift of prophecy (1 Corinthians 12.10, 28-29). Answering the apostles question is more difficult. The question is whether others were considered apostles besides the Twelve and Paul. Take a look at where Paul used the word apostle in his letters. Whatever conclusion one comes to one thing is clear: the Twelve learned the “secret of Christ,” the Church, the body of Christ from Paul.

  40. Vernon

    Come to think of it Don the prophets could not be OT prophets because there were no apostles in the OT. The prophets and apostles are in the same context here suggesting that this is for us and not an OT reference.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Correct. No apostles existed in the OT. Paul had in mind the gift of prophecy which prophets exercised in the Church while the Scriptures were being written (Ephesians 4.11). There are no more apostles or prophets. The gifts of prophecy, knowledge, healing, etc. ceased with the completion of the Scriptures.

  41. Vanessa

    Hi Don,
    For over a month we have been speaking to a group of collegues separately sharing the Gosepl of Grace with them. We have been met with such resistance at every turn. We do not regard ourselves as Spritual Giants as we have gone back on Milk. This is more of an observation question than a question question. This group of people regard themselves saved and all speak in tongues yet when speaking to them they have spiritual blindness just as the Jews do. They dont even go and check out for themselves in what we say and are really happy to go on their merry way. If they are serious about their walk with the Lord surely they would want the truth or are we beginning to see first hand the apostasy amongst the people. We are so aware that we must walk in love and always be ready in and out of season to anyone who asks but they dont ask as they argue with vicious anger. We pray for them but I am sure they are accursed as they don’t understand. We know that when people offer us another approach to a situation in the word we check them out and then go back to them with our reply as we MUST know the truth at all costs. One wonders.!!!!!

    1. doctrine Post author

      Indeed. Religion is one of Satan’s greatest tools in deception. Satan will do anything to keep men and women from understanding the Scriptures.

  42. Ronnie

    Can you please explain the passage below?

    45 And they of the circumcision which BELIEVED were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.
    46 For they heard them SPEAK IN TONGUES, and magnify God. Then answered Peter,
    47 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?
    48 And he COMMANDED them TO BE BAPTIZED in the name of the Lord.
    Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.” (Acts 10:45-48)

    Please explain these :
    1. the “speaking in tongues” was for the unbelievers.(1 Cor. 14:22)
    2.why did they have to speak in tongues, as a sign for the BELIEVERS?
    3. I thought they (tongues) were intelligible…. so WHY and to WHOM did Cornelius and his household speak in tongues? Didn’t they speak the same language… they seemed to have had interactions long before Cornelius’ conversion.

    Thank you for your time.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Confusion comes when one reads Paul’s letters back into the kingdom program. One has to keep the kingdom program separate from God’s grace (Church) program.The purpose of tongues in the case of Peter and Cornelius was to demonstrate to Peter the salvation of the Gentile Cornelius. Jewish believers had received the Holy Spirit and spoke in languages at Pentecost. This is what happened with Cornelius, again, to demonstrate to Peter and the six Jews with him that Gentiles could be saved. Notice, however, that they were baptized afterwards, not as a requirement for salvation as in Acts 2.36-38. God used this event to allow Peter to come to Paul’s defense at the Council of Jerusalem–see my article, The Great Hinge.

      1. Ronnie

        Thank you for your answer. I did read it your other article as well.
        Your answers are very helpful. Once in a while, an unclear question pops up in my mind and I cannot seem to “nail” it with a clear answer… and this makes me want to ask for it.
        I love to know more about the WORD of GOD and … sadly, there is not much hope from the pulpits, these days.

  43. Lesley

    What about the supper where Jesus states, “this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins?” I’m not sure what you mean by saying that the gospel for the Jews was different than the one for the Gentiles.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Jesus’ words anticipated his death for the forgiveness of sins. He knew the significance of His death but the Bible provides no evidence the Twelve understood His words until later, i.e., not until after Paul was commissioned. About the gospel, please see my articles, The Gospel and The Gospel of the Kingdom.

  44. Joe

    The myth remains everywhere in Christendom. Some people remember exactly where they were at JFK’s shooting, Twin towers, etc. I remember exactly where I was when the Holy Spirit revealed to me the fact of the two gospels. Since that time the New Testament has been opened to me and like the analogy of the puzzle, the pieces fit. My only questions why was it kept hidden from me for so many years? Today when I explain this Christians many look at me like a calf looking at a new gate.

    I remember a Sunday school teacher telling me the Apostles were anticipating the crucifixion….I guess he hadn’t read Luke 18 either.

    1. Vanessa

      Hello Joe, Your question echoes what he have often asked. Why was the 2 Gospels hid from us for so many years. Hubby and I have deep discussions on what if we had died before the revelation of the 2 gospels. We knew we were saved before as it can only be the Holy Spirit who revealed it to us so we did have the Holy Spirit living in us before hand as the truth has now be revealed. Then we ask what about all those millions of Christians who will never come to know the truth of the 2 Gospels. What becomes of them. I am reminded of what Paul said about the truth being hid from the lost. 2 Cor 4 verse 3. It tears us up when we see share the 2 Gospels with others but they shun us assuming me are falling away. A friend even called us at home saying we need to be burnt at the stake and boy did he mean it. So yes we dont know why we have been so very blessed to have been shown the truth and we have hearts full of love and gratitude. Never do we wish to become full of pride.

      1. Joe


        I cannot understand why someone cannot understand the following…….but so many do!

        Luke 9. vs 6. The apostles were teaching their (“a”) gospel.

        Luke 18 vs 30+ The Crucifixion (death and resurrection) was ‘hidden’ from them. (see John chapter 20)…”They didn’t know”

        I Cor. 15:1-4 The gospel is believing in the Resurrection

        Obviously the Apostles didn’t have the Resurrection as part of their gospel.

        1. Vanessa

          Hi Joe, Sorry for my late response. Indeed we cannot also understand why so many just dont see that there are 2 very different Gospels. We use to be one of those many. All the signs were pointing to the 2 gospels but we never saw it till I was given through the Holy Spirit my own spiritual GPS as I asked for the truth. We are new to the 2 Gospels but going back on my bookmarks I saved a word document in 2011 on the 2 Gospels but never got to read it. Its really amazing. We have discovered that people have faith in their traditions and are afraid of letting go. They prefer to be where they are. Dont confuse them with the facts. Sad.

  45. Lesley

    Thank you for your answer. I’ve been reading this and the comments with great interest. I guess my pastor and my own readings have made it clear to me that I am saved by faith alone, so I don’t question that Paul’s message was different from the 12’s. I have noticed 2 different messages from others about Thomas having a ministry in India. I’m interested in this also. You haven’t commented on this as far as I can see. Please tell us your thoughts on this.

    1. doctrine Post author

      The Biblical record does not reveal this. The Scriptures provide no evidence the Twelve traveled beyond the borders of Israel (John was on Patmos). We know from what Paul wrote in Galatians 2.7-9 that the Twelve were to continue to limit their evangelism to Jews. Tradition states Thomas went to India and ministered to Jews. I will not say this did not happen, only we have no Biblical record of it. I prefer to stay within the confines of what the Scriptures have revealed about evangelism. One question should be obvious. God has given us a detailed account of Paul’s evangelistic ministry. We know where he went and have a fairly good idea of when. We have no record of evangelism of the Twelve. Why? If the Twelve traveled beyond Israel why do we have no record of it in the Scriptures?

  46. Joe

    Paul wanted to go to Spain. There are traditions that he did between his first and second imprisonment at Rome. I believe that if journeys and writings are inspired then God has preserved them for us.

  47. Becky

    Hi Don, i came across this passage this morning. Can you explain this in light of Him being sent only to the Jews?

    Mat 12:14 Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.
    Mat 12:15 But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from thence: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all;
    Mat 12:16 And charged them that they should not make him known:
    Mat 12:17 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,
    Mat 12:18 Behold my servant, whom I have chosen; my beloved, in whom my soul is well pleased: I will put my spirit upon him, and he shall shew judgment to the Gentiles.
    Mat 12:19 He shall not strive, nor cry; neither shall any man hear his voice in the streets.
    Mat 12:20 A bruised reed shall he not break, and smoking flax shall he not quench, till he send forth judgment unto victory.
    Mat 12:21 And in his name shall the Gentiles trust.

    1. doctrine Post author

      This was fulfillment of prophecy. David wrote of it (Psalm 2.8). Christ will rule the nations (Gentiles). The OT contains several passages in which Gentiles will be blessed through Israel and ultimately Christ (Galatians 3.16). At this point, the die was cast. The Jews had decided to reject their Messiah. Because of this the prophecy could not be fulfilled at this time. The Lord will fulfill it in the Messianic Kingdom (the Millennium) after Israel repents (Matthew 23.37-39).

    1. doctrine Post author

      No. They were Jews. The multitudes were Jews who wanted His healing but many were not in the frame of mind to accept Him as King. Every single Jew had to repent (Acts 2.36-38). That will happen (Romans 11.26)–but in a future day.

  48. Paul

    This article is right on. I have taught the Word rightly divided for many years and have also written articles that line up with this article, but from a little different perspective. I would recommend people, including the writer of this article (for feedback, if nothing else), go to “” and read the two articles in the “blog” section entitled, “Did Jesus and Paul Preach the Same Gospel?” and “Acts 2-The Beginning of the Body of Christ?”.

    Great job Don!


  49. mark

    Don, scripture clearly states that the 12 had no understanding of Christ’s death, burial and resurrection(Lk 18.31-34), but can you please explain mat 24.3. If they had no understanding of his coming death and res. what was meant by his “coming”? Thank you.

    1. doctrine Post author

      In Matthew 24.3 their question concerning His coming to rule and reign as King. Peter, James, and John had witnessed his glory. Essentially, they were asking when He was going to establish the kingdom of God on earth.

  50. Nick


    Can I assume from your article that you are a mid to late acts dispensationalist (around Acts 20 or later)? I’m also assuming that you believe that sometime during one of Paul’s sojourns in the wilderness that the Holy Spirit, or an Angel, or Jesus Himself laid out the gospel of grace to Paul. Would that be correct as this seems to be the basis of this type of theology?

    Actually I should probably assume your a late acts dispensationalist because in mid acts (acts 20:21) Paul says “Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” This clearly goes against your theology so I guess you believe that the gospel of grace is a late acts thing.

    The reason I am assuming late acts is because Hyper or Ultra Dispensationalism, which is what your site promotes, i.e Grace alone, no repentance needed, once saved always saved etc, is a type of Hyper Dispensationalism teaching 2 gospels. 1 to the Jew and 1 to the gentile. That Paul says God command everyone Jew and Greek to repent in acts 20 must point to later date when Paul preached the gospel of grace only?

    You no doubt from my comments can deduce that I don’t agree with your doctrine but can you confirm the 2 questions for me? That Paul was instructed by one of the 3 I listed in my question and at what time using the chronology in Acts (i.e. acts 17?, acts 20? acts 28?) did this likely take place. I am aware that Paul is said to have spent 2 periods in the wilderness or approx 3 and 10 years. Acts is useful for this purpose because its at the core of most dispensationalist belief about Paul’s supposed gospel. That John the baptist, Jesus and His disciples preached a different gospel to Paul.

    Kind regards,


    1. doctrine Post author

      I hold a mid-Acts position. Paul’s statement in Acts 20 has no effect on a mid-Acts position. Acts is a transitional book written from a Jewish perspective. Luke wrote Acts to explain Israel’s fall from its position of blessing Paul outlined in Romans 11. Paul used “repentance” once in his letters (Romans 2.4) with respect to unbelievers. Repentance was a word he normally reserved for believers. Paul’s focus was faith, not repentance. The message of John the Baptist, Jesus, and Peter towards Israel was repentance.

  51. Scott

    I have been asking the Lord for guidance in the TRUTH, lately because I , like many others have been feeling as if there was no hope for salvation because of the seemingly inconsistant writings throughout the new testament, and my experiences growing up in the lutheran church. One minute I read all are saved by grace, the next minute, works are a pre requisite, and the next, if I dont live a sinless life, I am just doomed anyways. I have asked the lord to guide me in my search for the truth of his message, and to help me, disregard the falasies of false doctrine. I even for a while beleived the holy bible may have been muttled by men and may not be infallable as we are supposed to beleive. In all the things I have read, nothing has “rung the bell”, like the truth that you have been stating. Not only does this truth reinforce there are no inconsistency’s in the bible, showing that the bible is infallable, because I never completely understood who was talking to who, and what was actually being said. To all that say this is incorect, I point the one simple proof that is glaring people in the face. Jesus forgave the robber on the cross, simply because he said he believed, jesus was the son of god. Proof Perfect, as far as I am concerned. The Holy Spirit brought me to this site, I fully beleive this, in an answer to my prayers., I thank you for, ” openning the vail”, for me. Your witnessing has lifted my spirit in a way that makes me feel joyous. I hope and pray that many, many more lost sheep make it to this conclusion, before the book of life is closed. May the Creator of all things bless and keep you.

  52. Catherine

    What is your understanding of hell? Is it literal or figurative? What about the everlasting fire used on Sodom and Gomorrah?

    1. doctrine Post author

      A normal reading of the texts indicates hell is literal. I’m not sure what you mean by everlasting fire on Sodom and Gomorrah.

      1. Grace Receiver

        If the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah is an ensample of the fate of the ungodly, why are Sodom and Gomorrah not still burning with everlasting fire? They were consumed, until only ashes were left.
        I’m assuming this is what Catherine is asking. If not, sorry Catherine! Either way, it’s something to be addressed.

        1. doctrine Post author

          Grace Receiver,
          I’m afraid I’m not following this. Sodom and Gomorrah are not still burning because God destroyed them (Luke 17.29). I do not see a relation between God’s judgment on Sodom and unbelievers. One was corporate, the other is individual.

  53. Bruce Borden

    All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughl furnished unto all good works. In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. Don’t glory in the men, holy Spirit wrote the book. Be careful when you start to dismiss God’s word.

    1. doctrine Post author

      My intent in the article was to elevate God’s word. All scripture is God-breathed and profitable. All Scripture is FOR us but all Scripture is not TO us (Romans 15.4; 1 Corinthians 10.11). Those who teach Paul taught the same as the Twelve and no difference exists between Christ’s earthly ministry and the teachings of the Twelve and Paul’s ministry elevate man’s word above God’s word. Jesus and the Twelve ministered to Jews under the Law. Paul ministered primarily to Gentiles under grace. These two ministries were different. To conflate them elevates man’s word above God’s word. God kept these two program separate and so should we. That is the point.

  54. Roger Spielmann

    I read this article more than once and still I wonder. Do the teachings and life-style of Jesus of Nazareth apply at all to Christians today? If one lives one’s life by The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), Matthew 25:34-36 and by everything Jesus taught that one can be fairly certain he actually said, wouldn’t such a life be pleasing to God?

    Or are Christians obliged to pay no attention to his teachings, as Paul did, and merely believe?

    1. doctrine Post author

      There are some principles in the Sermon that can apply. But the conditions surrounding the Sermon do not exist in today’s world. The Sermon is the charter for the earthly kingdom when the Lord rules the earth. The meek do not inherit the earth today. It does not apply the Christians today any more than the Mosaic Law (the 613 commands Rambam cataloged). Our operating rules come from Paul. He is the apostle to the Gentiles, the apostle of the grace of God, the founder of the Church. Christians obey Christ through Paul, just as the Jews obeyed God through Moses.

  55. T. Sonofold

    I really am searching the truth about Jesus, salvation, and Truth……….
    So understanding your opinion and writing leaves me with a few questions.

    1. Was the Holy Spirit given to the disciples when Jesus breathed on them in the book of John(written by a disciple and eyewitness of Jesus), or in acts during Pentecost?(written by Luke a disciple of Paul)

    2. Paul taught that the law only proves to be death to him, yet Jesus said not to change one dot or one tittle of the law, not the mosaic law but Gods law(10 commandments)?

    3. did the law the psalmist called perfect not provide life and truth?

    4. Did the change in belief about Jesus only occur because Paul believed his dream that no one else even saw, only him? Also, in acts Luke gave 3 of Paul’s conversion stories that don’t align with each other..

    5. In Deuteronmy is the test spoken of to be given by the Lord in alignment with Paul’s message. Test to see if you really love the lord your God…..?

    6. In Ephesians, Paul claimed to have a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan, yet he said also he was the true messenger of Jesus to the world, can both be true? is it in your opinion that the holy perfect Lord can be represented in this way and do Jesus’ words support this?

    7. When Jesus said he would return and every eye would see, does this align with Paul’s private visitation with Jesus.

    8. Was Paul ok with lying to share the gospel, As long as Christ is preached. Do you agree?

    9. Are we who call ourselves Christians really to follow Jesus, who was or the Jesus who Paul preached?

    10. Does Gentile mean pagan, in the dictionary? And did Jesus not warn his disciples not to go the way of the pagans?

    I’m not trying to be offensive, I am seeking the truth. I love Jesus and see these issues as a problem, until I see how the things work together in harmony pointing to God I won’t be able to believe Paul. And his words conflict with most of the Old Testament and Jesus as far as I can tell.

    1. doctrine Post author

      T. Sonofold,
      Please see my article, Paul and the Law, for Law questions. Yes, the disciples received the Holy Spirit when Christ breathed on them. Paul’s thorn in the flesh was an ailment God allowed to keep Paul humble (since he had witnessed more of God and glory than anyone). Paul did not lie. Paul received direct revelation from the risen Christ. Everything Paul taught he received from the risen Christ. One cannot follow Christ and reject Paul. One rejects Christ when one rejects Paul. Paul is the founder of Christianity and the Church and apart from him Christianity does not exist. Gentile means anyone who is not a Jew. Synonyms for Gentiles are nations and heathen. My “conversation” articles–Peter and Paul–may be helpful.

  56. Angel hubeny

    So, when Peter was on the roof waiting for dinner, he had thrice a vision to teach the gentiles. And the spirit spoke and told him to go with the gentiles that had come, because the spirit sent them to Peter. It’s in acts 10.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Yes. I dealt with the Acts 10 account in the article. The significance is Acts 10 is the only record of Peter evangelizing Gentiles. That does not constitute a ministry. God gave Peter this experience to prepare him to defend Paul many years later at the Jerusalem Council (see may article, The Great Hinge). We have no Biblical record the Twelve had a ministry to Gentiles. What was different about Peter’s interaction with Cornelius and family was there was no mention of repentance and baptism to receive the Holy Spirit. They received Him and then were baptized. This was different from what Peter had proclaimed in Acts 2.36-38. In the Acts 10 account, as soon as Peter mentioned the word “believe,” the household of Cornelius received the Holy Spirit. This was Peter’s introduction to Gentile salvation. It was faith alone–which he remembered many years later at the Jerusalem Council.

        1. doctrine Post author

          The “other sheep” will be the Jews of the Tribulation who will believe Jesus is the Christ and will repent (Matthew 23.37-39; Romans 11.25-27). Gentiles are never referred to as sheep, nor is the Church.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Please read Matthew 23.37-39; Romans 11.25-27. The “other sheep” will be Jews who repent in the Tribulation. Jesus was addressing Jews in John 10.

  57. Angel hubeny

    Until the gentiles come in. Hmmm.
    No one can claim to know who Christ was speaking about because he never clarified. I guess you can assume, but so did the lds. Do you also know where he was during his absence? Whom he was teaching?
    How about Malachi 2:10? Because it says, covenant of our fathers, it can’t mean all? I feel like you are interpreting, which is good, for personal revelation. But a relationship with Christ is very personal, it is not my place to tell you what it can be. Or to whom it is for. If I follow Christ, then I am obligated only to love and give all I have, until all I have is love to give.

    1. doctrine Post author

      We know exactly of whom Jesus was speaking. He ministered to Jews. He never ministered to Gentiles except on two noteworthy occasions (See my article, Two Remarkable Healings) and commanded His disciples not to minister to Gentiles (Matthew 10.5-6). Paul confirmed this in Romans 15.8. Malachi wrote to Jews. He had nothing to do with Gentiles. Read what Peter told Cornelius in Acts 10.28. Jews did not associate with Gentiles. Read Acts 22.21-22 for the Jews attitude towards Gentiles.

  58. Angel hubeny

    Um, Acts 10:28 is Peter telling the other desciples about his vision and instruction to minister to the gentiles. Paul also ministered to the gentiles, Romans. And Jesus did as well. It doesn’t matter if it was only written of two occasions. That’s all that was needed to make the point. He healed gentiles too.
    He had his reasons for telling his disciples not to in those moments. We don’t always understand our instruction at first.
    Again, Malachi 2:10.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Malachi 2.10 proves my point. Malachi wrote to Jews, not Gentiles. Only Jews are in view. Please provide an example of Peter evangelizing Gentiles beyond Acts 10. Please provide an example of any of the 12 evangelizing Gentiles. We know why Jesus did not minister to Gentiles. He told the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15.24 and Paul stated the same thing in Romans 15.8. There are some things we do not understand in the Bible. But other things have been revealed. This is one of them.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Christ is Savior of all. See my article, For Whom Did Christ Die? But we learn this from Paul. We have no hint of this before him. Isaiah wrote, “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.” The “we” were Jews. The “all” were Jews. It is through Paul that we learn of the significance of Christ’s death on the cross and His resurrection in terms of salvation of all men. Peter addressed only Jews at Pentecost. He did not tell them to believe Christ died for their sins and rose from the dead. Why not? He didn’t know it. For Peter, Christ’s resurrection meant He could return as King to establish the promised earthly kingdom (Matthew 6.10). Thus, he told them to repent and be baptized. Salvation in the gospels was based upon believing Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, not that He would die for our sins and rise from the dead (Read Luke 18.31-34). Salvation today is based upon believing Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead, Paul’s gospel (1 Corinthians 15.1-4), not in believing Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God (Matthew 16.15-17; John 1.49, 11.25-27, 20.31). God’s program for Israel and what He revealed to them is different from His program of the Church and what He revealed through Paul.

      1. john

        “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.

        1.Don, with that verse you quote, wouldn’t the Jews, after Christ’s crucifixion, see that Christ’s death was to pay for their sins?

        2. Philip preached to the Ethiopian eunuch using these words from Isiah, “HE WAS LED AS A SHEEP TO SLAUGHTER;

        He wouldn’t have understood at all of the death of Christ for sins, but from these words, Philip preached that Christ was the Messiah. Correct? And it wouldn’t have even mattered if, in reading Isaiah 53, anyone would have realized that Christ indeed did die for their sins, but it just wasn’t their message. Correct Don?

        1. doctrine Post author

          Yes. The salvation message of the gospel of the kingdom was to believe Jesus was he Messiah. This is what believing in His name meant. This is why the letters of John, James, and even Peter sound so different from Paul.

            1. doctrine Post author

              They should have but the text does not say they did. They should have understood Jesus was the Messiah but they didn’t. What is the first witness outside of Paul they understood this. 1 Peter 1.18 says so. 1 John 2.1 says so. Is there anything before Acts 15 when Paul explained his gospel to them?

  59. Joe

    Doctrine, I’m not a TULIP Calvinist but it appears to me that sometimes biblical doctrines are ‘hidden’ from some of us, at least for a while, until we are capable of understanding or allowed to comprehend. I studied for years (over 30), bought the books, listened to the tapes etc. and then one day the Lord pulled back the curtain and I comprehended the relevance of Paul. Looking back I was all over the map in my understanding. In my mind (limited as it is) I could have been so much farther ahead in my understanding if I had learned Paul as a young man but I’ll default to what the Lord has planned for me.

    Thank you, Joe

  60. Elona

    Dear Writer
    Doctrine ,

    Thank you so much for your article
    It sat me free !
    However I have a question that bothers me .
    Why do you say that God took the ability to heal from Paul and the Twelve, and miracles ceased to happen, after all Bible says that

    “For God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable. [He never withdraws them when once they are given, and He does not change His mind about those to whom He gives His grace or to whom He sends His call.]”
    ‭‭Romans‬ ‭11:29‬ ‭AMP‬‬

    Do I not believe those ministries that practice healing by putting their hands on the sick so they will recover?
    Thank you for your answer .

    1. doctrine Post author

      In the passage you cited, Paul was writing about Israel. The gifts and calling he had reference to were God’s promises to the Jews. These have nothing to do with the Church or with the gifts of healing, tongues, etc. God still heals but the gift of healing has ceased. We know this because Paul could not heal at the latter part of his ministry.

  61. Jacob


    I was curious having a conversation with a fellow believer, I was asked, “if Jesus had 12 apostles why are 15 names given”?

    Simon Peter
    James son of Zebedee
    John son of Zebedee
    James son of Alphaeus
    Simon the Canane
    Judas Iscariot
    Judas son of James


    1. doctrine Post author

      Matthew 10.2-4 gives the following: Now the names of the twelve apostles are these: The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; and James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot, the one who betrayed Him. That’s 12. Acts 1.13 gives the following: When they had entered the city, they went up to the upper room where they were staying; that is, Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of James. That’s 11 minus Judas Iscariot. See

  62. Steve


    This Paul only approach is new to me. Before I get involved in referencing many verses, please allow me to first clear the way with a couple of quick questions.

    Are you saying that Jesus never uttered a word during either his earthly ministry or his resurrected, pre-ascension life that would apply to all of human kind? Secondly, how do you see the ritual of communion?

    Thank you

    1. doctrine Post author

      Jesus ministered to Israel in His earthly ministry. He came to fulfill the covenant promises made to the Jews (Romans 15.8). He did not minister to Gentiles with a couple exceptions. See my article, Two Remakable Healings. In His heavenly ministry He commissioned Paul to be the apostle of the Gentiles and through him formed the Church, the Body of Christ. See my article, Paul: Chief of Sinners? Communion is what Paul said it was in 1 Corinthians 11.23-26.

      1. Steve

        Thank you for your reply. You answered my second question well and I understand it. However, you failed to answer my first question at all. I’m not questioning that Jesus was sent to the lost sheep of Israel. Please read my question again and try to be more direct in your answer.

        1. doctrine Post author

          I answered that Jesus ministered to Jews in His earthly ministry and before He commissioned Paul. Interpretively, what Jesus said during this time applied only to Israel. However, we can apply some of these things to us. Interpretation and application are entirely different. All Church doctrine comes from Paul. All Scripture is FOR us but not TO us. We can apply things God told Moses to ourselves but it is not TO us.

  63. Jonathan Howell

    Note: You wrote a comment that said “Read the Bible for yourself. If what I have written agrees with the Bible, accept it. If it does not, reject it.”

    “Doctrine,” it truly disappoints me that you are saying a lot of these things and even moreso, that people are agreeing with you. I’m not sure what your intents are here, but it’s very clear you’re putting Paul on a pedestal here that even he would reject being put on.

    Paul did not found my religion and Paul himself was against people making claims that he did. Paul stated that it was wrong to divide God’s people like this and wrote “Some of you are saying, “I am a follower of Paul.” Others are saying, “I follow Apollos,” or “I follow Peter,” or “I follow only Christ.” Has Christ been divided into factions? Was I, Paul, crucified for you? Were any of you baptized in the name of Paul? Of course not! I thank God that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius, for now no one can say they were baptized in my name. (Oh yes, I also baptized the household of Stephanas, but I don’t remember baptizing anyone else.) For Christ didn’t send me to baptize, but to preach the Good News—and not with clever speech, for fear that the cross of Christ would lose its power.”
    1 Corinthians 1:12‭-‬17 NLT

    Notice how he explicitly states, “was I, Paul, crucified for you?”

    Doctrine, you said, “Apart from Paul we have no salvation and no Christianity. It is by his gospel we are saved (1 Corinthians 15.1-4). Paul was the founder of Christianity (1 Corinthians 3.10-11; 1 Timothy 1.15-16).”

    Who was crucified for us? Jesus Christ, and He is the one above ALL of us, and Peter very much knew this too, and said the same thing! “Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” -Matthew 16:15‭-‬16 NLT

    John affirms this as well: “All who declare that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God. We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.”-1 John 4:15‭-‬16 NLT An interesting thing to note here is that John did not say all Jews, and it’s clear he is preaching about grace as well! We have put our trust in His love, not in ourselves.

    I’d like to mention Isaiah 49:6 as well for those who are disbelieving in Paul’s message. “He says, “You will do more than restore the people of Israel to me. I will make you a light to the Gentiles, and you will bring my salvation to the ends of the earth.” God had already planned “salvation to all the ends of the earth”.

    It is not by “Paul’s gospel that we are saved.” Saying this entirely contradicts not only Jesus’s own words: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life” (John 14:6) but Paul’s as well. Paul was very clear that he could save no one, only God can.
    Paul was merely an example for use by God, a living sign pointing to the One who actually saves–Jesus.
    “This is a trustworthy saying, and everyone should accept it: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners”—and I am the worst of them all. But God had mercy on me so that Christ Jesus could use me as a prime example of his great patience with even the worst sinners. Then others will realize that they, too, can believe in him and receive eternal life.”
    1 Timothy 1:15‭-‬16 NLT

    You cited this as an example of Paul saying he founded Christianity, but instead it’s the opposite: Paul affirms that “Christ Jesus came into the world” and He is the only one who founded our faith.

    Furthermore, Paul was not preaching a different gospel! Paul may have shared his perspective and may have taught to a different group but even He himself said that “There is one Lord, one faith” (Ephesians 4:4). Peter indeed taught God’s gospel and that is this: “There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.”-Acts of the Apostles 4:12 NLT These were said by Peter, not from Paul as you continue to imply, but from God. It was no more “Paul’s gospel” then it is the Gospel of every follower of Christ Jesus–that is, it is ours to share! But it is GOD’S gospel– no man is worthy to claim this as their own, save Christ Jesus! Paul states that he is the least worthy of all of us, so much that he referred to himself as a “slave” of Jesus Christ.

    “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 (NASB) JESUS is the author of our faith, not Paul, and Paul would tell you the exact same thing.

    In fact in Paul’s very own words, He acknowledges that they are ALL preaching the Good News, the news of the same God, even if to different groups. He’s not talking about different Gospels, just different people! “Instead, they saw that God had given me the responsibility of preaching the gospel to the Gentiles, just as he had given Peter the responsibility of preaching to the Jews. For the same God who worked through Peter as the apostle to the Jews also worked through me as the apostle to the Gentiles.” -Galatians 2:7‭-‬8 NLT

    Please stop fixing your eyes on Paul who is just as human and unworthy as you and me. There is only one author and perfector of our faith and that is Jesus Christ, God incarnate.

    1. doctrine Post author

      God put him on a pedestal, not me. God called Paul. God commissioned Paul as the apostle of the Gentiles. God revealed secrets to Paul He did not reveal to anyone. Do you have the same complaint over Abraham? Do you complain about Moses? Your objection is not with me or with what I have written but with the Scriptures and with God Himself. For a believer to reject Paul is the same as a Jew to reject Moses. See my article, Follow Paul? If you do not believe we are saved by believing Christ died for our sins and rose from the dead, how do you think people are saved? That is Paul’s gospel. You do not find it proclaimed by Peter, James, John, Jude, etc. Paul said Jesus would judge the world through his (Paul’s gospel, Romans 2.16). If you think the 12 were proclaiming the same gospel as Paul, you have never read the gospels, Acts 2-3, or Acts 15. Had they been proclaiming the same thing, there would have never been an argument at the Council. See my article, The Great Hinge. I would encourage you to read the Scriptures and follow Paul as he commanded believers to do. This is the only path of obedience. To do otherwise is to disobey Christ.

  64. Vanessa

    Dear Don, What you said about the people rejecting Moses and believers rejecting Paul hit home with Vernon and I. It was an oh yes wow moment. Loved it. Take care.

  65. Jacob

    Hi Don,

    I was wondering what Paul instructed the body of Christ on the subject of praying for the forgiveness of sins? Is this a necessary work after we commit sins? Or is this really in vain, since the Lord died for the sins of believers? Just wondering if praying to be foregiven of our daily sins is still required.

    Also on the subject of monetary offerings? Is this still a requirement?

    God bless,

    1. doctrine Post author

      Paul stated forgiveness is a past condition (Ephesians 1.7, 4.32; Colossians 1.14). We are never to pray for forgiveness. We are to thank God for forgiveness. You may enjoy my article, The Lord’s Prayer, in which I discuss this question. With regard to sin, Paul’s teaching is we are to repent. Paul’s teaching on giving is 2 Corinthians 9.7. Grace and peace.

      1. Jacob

        Thank you, Don.

        I hope this doesn’t sound too elementary, but how does one go about properly repenting according to Paul’s teachings?


        1. doctrine Post author

          The essential meaning of repentance is to change the mind. When we sin, we are to repent, acknowledge we have done wrong, are going in the wrong direction, and go in the right direction. Grace and peace.

    1. doctrine Post author

      The faith portion of the gospel of the kingdom was to believe Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God. Peter made this declaration in Matthew 16. The “following” of Jesus indicated belief in Him as Messiah. See John 1.43-51. The 12 did not understand Jesus would rise from the dead (Luke 18.31-34; John 20.6-9). Martha gave her testimony of faith in John 11. Peter did not preach Christ’s resurrection as the gospel at Pentecost because he did not not understand its significance in terms of salvation. For him, Jesus’ resurrection mean He could return and reign as Israel’s King. The gospel of the kingdom (not Paul’s gospel) will be proclaimed for salvation during the Tribulation (Matthew 24.14). The choice will be to believe the Beast is the Messiah or the Lord Jesus Christ is the Messiah. This is the warning Jesus’ gave the Jewish assemblies of Revelation 2-3 (cf. Matthew 24.13).

  66. Grace Receiver

    In light of that question, can you please explain Luke 22:32? I use the KJV and am wondering if “converted” is an improper translation.

    1. doctrine Post author

      The Lord was not speaking of Peter’s salvation but his denial. The word “converted” is ἐπιστρέφω and means to return. Thus, when Peter returned to faith, repented from his denial, the Lord encouraged him to strengthen his fellow believers. This was a bitter failure for Peter which he never forgot. But the Lord used it to make him great. This is the wonder of our God. He can turn failure into success, loss into gain, regret into joy.

  67. Vanessa

    So in other words they did not need the cross to be saved. I was asked that question by my Husband and I was stumped. Thank you for your reply.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Think about it this way: How was David saved? How was Daniel saved? Christ’s death and resurrection was required to solve the problem of sin and death. But no one in the OT knew this. For them, animal sacrifices were the reality. The 12 did not understand the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection for salvation. God only requires one to believe what He has revealed at the time. What He revealed in His earthly ministry was that He was Israel’s Messiah. That was the content of faith. The 12 believed it.

  68. Vanessa

    Yes, I now understand. Just a quick report. One of our friends who has come to accept Pauls Gospel is so thirsty for the truth. Its exciting to watch him and hear him as he unlearns so much to relearn all that God is showing him. Isnt that so exciting. Oh how wonderful the Lord has been. He phones Vernon almost daily with new questions. He does not have internet so he has to reply on us giving him reading material which we get from you amongst others. What a blessing your writings have been to us and now for him.
    Thank you Don.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Thanks for the wonderful report. God always has a remnant. I’m glad you have this fellowship and encouragement. In spiritual things, in a fallen world, the majority is never right.

  69. Jerry Shaw

    Mat 3:10 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

    Mat 3:11 I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire:

    Act 11:16 Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost

    The first two verses use the word fire, somewhat differently. Then Acts 11:16 adds the baptism of water and Holy Ghost leaving out “fire”. Is their some subtle connection between “fire ” and the Holy Spirit?

    1. doctrine Post author

      Yes. Fire spoke of judgment, specifically, the Day of the Lord, the Tribulation. By the time Peter spoke in Acts 11, to Gentiles, God had saved Paul, and delayed the Day of the Lord. The age of grace had begun. So the Holy Spirit, who controls the Scriptures, does not not have Peter take about “fire” or “judgment.” The day of the Gentile, the creation of the Church, had begun. Israel’s prophetic program, the Day of the Lord, had been set aside. Peter did not understand this, however.

  70. Ian Neilson

    Dear brother,
    Since I last wrote to you I have had a heart attack but I’m still able to enjoy your teaching. My own experiences have been much on my heart and if you have the time I would like to pass them on. I was saved as a boy of 8. Brought up in a Christian home and taken to an ‘open brethren church and taught the Bible’. The one regret I had over many years was while I was told I must read it I was never taught how to study it. I was given many books to read which in hind sight did me more harm than good.
    Once I found that the Bible taught things different to the books I had been given I quickly learned to use the Bible for my studies and used a concordance, bible dictionary and a note book I found the Spirit of God began to lead me into understanding of the things you have been writing about.
    It was hard to give up what I had been taught for many years and accept what the scriptures were actually saying. To accept what Paul had to say that there is the Jew, the Gentile & the Church God. However I have since come across the Kingdom of God and when we understand these and the teaching that relates to each we begin to have light on the “rightly dividing” of the truth.
    I would like to write a lot more but while the mind is willing the flesh is weak and I can’t do it but I want to encourage you to go on studying the way you are, the Lord will give light on His Word and will bless your ministry.

  71. Jonathan

    Note: Humbly, first I just please ask you to stop telling those who disagree with you that they have not read the Bible, on the basis they’ve disagreed with you. I have provided plenty of Scripture in support (actually as the point) of my previous post, so that isn’t the case and with respect, I would appreciate if you would not tell me what I have or haven’t read.

    If I were to use this same argument however, I would ask yourself to read Paul’s words as well. Here’s what Paul said about the Gospel he was preaching:

    “But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me—and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace. So it makes no difference whether I preach or they preach, for we all preach the same message you have already believed.”
    1 Corinthians 15:10‭-‬11 NLT

    Paul himself calls the message he is preaching “the same message” as the one the other apostles are preaching. You previously made a comment to reject or accept what you have said based on whether the Bible supports it. Because Paul directly stated that the message he was preaching was the same as the other apostles, that’s what I will accept, and I kindly suggest that you do too, or at least examine a little more what the Bible actually has to say. He was chosen by God for a mission, and to help spread the Gospel, but the Gospel was God’s, not his, and similarly, he here gives all the glory for the work to God, not himself. Simply put, this is what I got from the Bible and the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and by reading Paul’s own words.

    I do believe we are saved by believing in Christ, and I never said I did not. In fact, this is the point I’m trying to make: believing in Christ is the ONLY way we can be saved, and this was the message preached throughout the New Testament (not just by Paul). Take Jesus’s own words for example: “For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” – Luke 19:10 NLT “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; and this bread, which I will offer so the world may live, is my flesh.” – John 6:51 NLT

    Also, in John: “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.” – John 3:17 NIV. John the Baptist affirmed it as well: “The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, ‘Look! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!'” – John 1:29 NLT

    The Gospel I believe fits beautifully together and Jesus said that He was the Living Bread, the Way for us to have eternal life and be risen by Him “at the last day” (John 6:54 NLT). Jesus Himself preached this Gospel and that’s enough for me. People did not understand it at the time, but now can understand after He was crucified (gave up His flesh and His blood) and then rose after staying in the Earth (Matthew 12:14) what he was talking about.

    Furthermore, please stop implying/telling people that to reject Paul is to reject salvation. God did not say “you must accept Paul or go to Hell”, He said you must accept my Son. Paul is not Jesus Christ and therefore he is not the name by which we are to be saved. Paul himself affirmed this (one instance is 1 Corinthians 1:13)! Paul was not crucified for us but was merely a man– and he described himself as a slave of God, an example for all of us to see, and yes, a speaker for God to use to proclaim God’s message. But it was not Paul’s message and Paul was also not the only one to proclaim it. Paul helped preach it to a much wider audience, and Paul may have helped finally make things clear, but all four of the Gospel writers agree that believing in Jesus is the only way to be saved and the only way to be given life. Jesus Himself mentioned this before Paul, and the disciples agreed, with Peter even declaring that Jesus was the Son of God, and Jesus affirming it was God who revealed this to him. Jesus said: “The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.”
    John 6:63 NLT

    Again, you continue to make salvation dependent upon accepting Paul. Salvation comes through one name — Jesus, and that’s what the Word actually says.

    “There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.”
    Acts of the Apostles 4:12 NLT

    1. doctrine Post author

      What I have written is there is no salvation apart from Paul’s gospel (1 Corinthans 15.1-4). Paul’s gospel was not the same the Twelve proclaimed. This is clear from many Scriptures. Paul repeatedly wrote, “my gospel” (Romans 2.16, 16.25; 2 Timothy 2.8). Romans 16.25 clearly states his gospel was a “secret” unknown before the risen Lord revealed it to him (Galatians 1.11-12). Acts 15 clearly reveals Paul’s gospel was different from what the Twelve were preaching. Had those in Jerusalem been proclaiming the same message, there would have been no argument. The believers in Jerusalem said Paul’s converts could NOT be save apart from circumcision and keeping the Mosaic Law. That was an entirely different gospel from Paul’s. Paul declared one is saved by believing Christ died for one’s sins and rose from the dead. It is faith + 0 (Ephesians 2.8-9; Romans 4.5). No circumcision, no Law keeping is present in Paul’s gospel. That was NOT what the Twelve proclaimed. Hence the argument. Peter settled this issued after much arguing with regard to the Jewish assembly in Acts 15.11. He stated Paul was right and they were wrong. He proclaimed that only through Paul’s gospel can one be saved. The gospel John the Baptist, Jesus in His earthly ministry, and the Twelve proclaimed was the gospel of the kingdom. According to this gospel, one was saved by believing Jesus was the Christ, not that He died for our sins and rose from the dead. Water baptism was required, keeping the Law was required. Can you not see the difference? I urge you to believe Christ died for your sins and rose from the dead, Paul’s gospel, and accept that the Lord chose Paul as His instrument to be the apostle of the Gentiles, the founder of the Church (Acts 9.15; Romans 11.13; 1 Corinthians 3.10-11; Ephesians 3.1-7), which is that organism composed of all who believe Paul’s gospel of grace.

  72. Vanessa

    Good Morning Jonathan,
    I so enjoy reading other peoples messages as it helps me to study the word. I read your reply to Doctrine and noted you quoted from the NLT. What the NLT says would appear that your argument is solid. If this is the case (So it makes no difference whether I preach or they preach, for we all preach the same message you have already believed.”) reading from the NLT I have been wrong in just following Pauls Gospel but because of my walk with the Lord I knew that something did not add up. I went back to the word and read it from KJV. Here is what it says.
    1 Corinthians 15: 10-11
    But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.
    Therefore whether it were I(Pauls Gospel) or they,(12 Kingdom) so we preach, and so ye believed.
    Do you see how very different the second part of the reading was. So different is it that one would have thought that Paul and the 12 were preaching the same Gospel opposed to what the KJV said. The argument could now be what version is correct. I have studied the different versions of the bible and for safety reasons I read only from KJV. The NLT is a bad translation and perhaps you need to look at studying from the KJV. Do a Google research and find out why I say that.
    I hope I am not barking up the wrong tree but thought it may help you to understand. Once you see this then Doctrines reply will fall into place. Take care.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Thank you. The translators of the NLT added the words, “the same message.” A literal translation reads, “whether I or they, we preached and thus, you believed.”

  73. Mikkey

    I read some works that claim that Yeshua Hamashiah never appeared to Saul, Saul hijacked the Nazarene way and created together with Sadducee priest a counterfeit religion. First they needed to kill all the original students and followers of Jesus so they murdered Stephan and James the Just etc.

    1. doctrine Post author

      One has to wonder if these people have ever opened a Bible to read it. Luke, James, Mark, John, Peter, Barnabas, Silas, Timothy, etc. all attested to and recognized Paul’s apostleship. Peter wrote his Jewish readers shortly before his death that Paul’s letters were Scripture (2 Peter 3.15-16). If these critics of Paul are to be believed one must get rid of Mark, Luke, John, Acts, James’ letter, Peter’s letters, John’s letters and Revelation. What is left is Matthew and Jude. If Paul is what these critics think, then these writers were false because they accepted Paul and did not warn believers about him. We know false teachers existed in the early Church. Paul named several of them by name. So if Paul was this master henchman, does it make sense no one would have identified him by name?

      1. Bobbi

        Another thing to think about with that false teaching is that if I note correctly, the Sadduccees did not believe in the resurrection.

        Acts 23:8 For the Sadduccees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel,, nor spirit: but the Pharisees confess both.” KJV

        Paul preaches totally the resurrection, so those two, would never have worked together. There is a wash of false teaching coming out against Paul lately. Just want to encourage you to stick to the Bible.
        Anything else can not be trusted.
        Have a nice day.

      2. Mikkey

        There were 12 Apostles.
        And Each one of the Names of the 12 Apostles are written on the Gates of the New Jerusalem.
        Paul’s Name is NOT one of them! Acts 1:26 And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles. 1. Peter 2. James 3. John 4. Andrew 5. Philip 6. Thomas 7. Bartholomew 8. Matthew 9. James the son of Alphaeus 10. Simon 11. and Judas the brother of James (not the Judas Iscariot who betrayed Yahushua). 12. Matthias

        1. doctrine Post author

          Correct. Why would Paul’s name be here? He was the apostle of the Gentiles (Romans 11.13). The Twelve were apostles of Israel (Matthew 19.28). John wrote Revelation to Jews, not to members of the Church, the body of Christ. Jerusalem, the New Jerusalem, is Jewish. There is no mention of the Church in Revelation.

  74. Richard Rosario

    Christianity is indeed a myth. There is no evidence the bible is true. There is no evidence Jesus ever lived neither archaeological nor historical. The bible has been co-opted by Christians from the Jews with very little knowledge by Christians, even theologians of the “Old Testament.” And vast ignorance of Jewish understandings far more credible than their own. But alas, Judaism is a myth too…as are all religions…just attempts to explain what small minds could never hope to conceived to control others and inflate one’s own ego.

    1. doctrine Post author

      I take your comment as a statement from ignorance. The Bible has been proven by prophecy, history, and archaeology many times. The entire NT attests to Jesus of Nazareth. So do secular writers such as Josephus, Pliny, Tacitus, Suetonius, etc. The resurrection of Christ has more historical evidence that Caesar’s crossing the Rubicon.

  75. Peter

    Judaism is truly racist and xenophobic and has no basis in reality in the 21st century. Evangelicals that support Israel are truly deplorable.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Your words reveal the god of this world, Satan, has blinded you (2 Corinthians 4.4). God told Abraham that those who bless the Jews He will bless and the one who curse the Jews, God will curse. The “him” is Satan. Anti-Semitism is Satanic. You are allied with him. Open your eyes! Wake up!

  76. R

    I still have alot of questions about Paul like:
    Why does he has 2 stories about Jesus apearance in the desert on his way to damascus? First he says, the men who was with him heard Jesus voice but dident see nothing.Acts 9:7 KJV
    Then in another verse he says, the men did see a light but dident hear nothing. Acts 22:9 KJV
    Was it paul that Jesus warned about?;
    ‘Wherefore if they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth……Matthew 24:26-27 KJV
    Why did paul preach the(/his)gospel of grace, telling ppl that jesus came to abolish the law:Ephesians 2:15 KJV,
    While jesus said;
    ‘For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life:’
    Proverbs 6:23 KJV
    ‘Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.’
    Matthew 5:17-18 KJV
    Paul has deliver someone to satan, is this normal for someone send by Jesus to do? The reason he did this is because they where blaspheming but that doesent give him the autority to do this. Just remember where he(paul/saul) came from:
    ‘Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.’
    1 Timothy 1:20 KJV
    Isent it strange that Jesus teached the 12 for 3 years and trained Paul in a blink of an eye ?Y did Jesus not flashed the 12 ?
    Jesus revealed alot from his time till the end of times but, why dident he reveal to us that this man who is the enemy of the followers of Christ will come someday and change everything? I would say that Jesus would had prepared us for someone like paul because 2 very different gospels would be very confusing for many many ppl and as we all know, our god is not a god of confusion. *maybe jesus DID warned us about paul but using a different name other then paul, think about it*
    These are a few questions out of the many questions i have and with no doubt many ppl has about paul.

    1. doctrine Post author

      For the Acts accounts, see:
      Why would Jesus warn about the one He chose to bring salvation to Gentiles?
      The Law was given to Jews, not Gentiles, not the Church. The Church began with Paul, a whole new program. Every jot and tittle was or will be kept regarding God’s program with Israel.
      Paul received his authority from the risen Christ. So he had authority to deliver Hymenaeus and Alexander as well as the man in 1 Corinthians 5 to Satan.
      Jesus trained Paul for three years also. Read Galatians 1.15-18. Paul most likely spent much of this time at Mt. Sinai, where Moses received the Law.
      God retains the right to keep secrets. He did not reveal Paul because had Israel responded there would have been no need to create the Church, of which Paul was the founder. Had Israel responded, God would have used Israel as the channel of blessing to Gentiles according to the revealed prophetic plan.

  77. Jon

    Did Jesus, every once proclaim himself as (Chistian) or his followers as such? No he did not. Should we use a derogatory term, jesus did not use?

    Does Christianity, mean to be Christ like or Paul like? Who should we follow, Jesus Paul like?

  78. Robert Donaldson

    However God knew from the get go that the Jewish people would not accept their messiah as a suffering servant so whilst the outsider would say so God went to plan B that is Paul
    However God needs no plans only plan A
    So it was always going to be Paul anyway praise the Lord

    1. doctrine Post author

      God in His foreknowledge knew the Jewish nation would respond as they did but they were given a free choice. It was possible they could have accepted Jesus as the Messiah (Matthew 23.37-39). God also had in His foreknowledge the salvation of Paul and his becoming the apostle of the Gentiles. The genius of God is that He is able to give His creatures free will and still accomplish His will.

  79. Prince

    thank you for what you’ve shared. They are true and sure. If what really happened in the garden in the beginning was understood, all would know you are right.

    I don’t blame the critics, How can you understand the truth when you don’t even know why and how it all began and what it was really all about and why man (Adam) missed it. Why the law came as a school master, like Paul called it, until eventually Christ who was the end of the law… So I understand people who don’t see the bigger picture so they think this gospel is flawed. No it’s not! Let him that has ear, let him hear what the spirit teaches not what the limitation of human wisdom morality spells out.

    Salvation is by Grace thru faith. 0 works. If u think it by ur good lifestyle and works then Christ is of no effect to you and you have fallen from grace just like the rich young ruler.

  80. t.c. burke

    I am very thankful for your ministry and those like yours. I have for for the past 29 yrs. tried to open the eyes of church members to the truth. As you know it is very difficult, after they have listened to the denominational preachers, to change their minds. I think this article is excellent but I have one problem with what you wrote. Jesus didn’t declare Peter the rock the church would be built on but called Peter a little stone and was declaring himself the rock the church would be built upon. Matt.16:18-19. In Acts 15:13-21 we see that James is head of the church at Jerusalem.(emphasis on v.19) In 1Pe.2:4-9 Peter lets us know, without question, that Christ is the chief corner stone, living stone, stone of stumbling and rock of offence. Please keep working for the truth for it is being hidden from so many by the teachings of men. Please correct me if I’m off base here.

  81. Majo

    Please explain the position of the Jews who believed as a result of Peter’s preaching at Pentecost. They received the Holy Spirit. Do they not belong to the body of Christ on this account?

    1. doctrine Post author

      No. The promise of the Holy Spirit was a promise of the New Covenant given to Israel. The first member of the Church, the body of Christ, was Paul. See my article, Paul: Chief of Sinners?

      1. Don Queen

        I have been reading this with a lot of interest due to the fact that I have never heard this before. I am a little confused about Paul being the first member of the church. Act 2:47 says that “Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” I don’t understand how the Lord added to the church daily if the church wasn’t founded until Paul became the first member. I hope you can clarify this.

        1. doctrine Post author

          The word ἐκκλησία, translated here “church” means a group of people. How it is rendered depends upon context. In Acts 19, Luke used the word three times. There, the KJV renders it “assembly” but if you read the account, better renderings would be “mob,” “court,” and “crowd.” In Acts 2, Peter was speaking to Jews. The “church” here are Jews who believe Jesus is the Messiah. This is the “church” Jesus spoke of in Matthew 16.18. This is not the Church, the body of Christ. See my articles, The Church (the Body of Christ) and Paul: Chief of Sinners? They may offer more clarity.

  82. Majo

    So this is the first time I have considered there being two ‘families’ of believers between the time of Pentecost and the Rapture. But perhaps it agrees with something I read about the ‘city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem’ being a reference to Peter’s church, and ‘the assembly of the firstborn who are enregistered in heaven’ being a reference to Paul’s church, Hebrews 12:22,23. Is that intelligent?

    1. doctrine Post author

      Both of these refer to Jewish believers. The context of Hebrews 12 is Jewish. Paul was addressing Jews who had believed the gospel of the kingdom or who were wavering concerning Christ. Everything concerning the Church, the body of Christ, is contained in Paul’s 13 letters of Romans-Philemon.

  83. Chuck Fyock

    Hi Don,

    Excellent article, and…you have done a fabulous job fielding the many responses both for and against your writing.

    I have been wading through the comments tonight and reading just about every single one of them. There is one thing I don’t believe has been addressed, and this could perhaps strengthen our position on the Pauline Christianity point of view. It is the fact that God gave Israel numerous warnings throughout the OT and the 4 gospels. He stated over and over again that if they (Israel) didn’t get with the program, He would cut them off and turn to another nation to fulfill His plan of redemption for the human race.

    In Matthew 5:13 Jesus told Israel they were the salt of the earth. But…He also said, if salt should lose its saltiness, it would be good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. This is exactly what happened to Israel? People often take Jesus words in the gospels as allegory, and sometimes it is, but in this case, He was obviously speaking prophetically…it literally happened as per the words of Christ Himself.

    Then, in Matthew 21:33-43 there is the parable of the vineyard tenants where Jesus says in no uncertain terms that the wicked servants (the leaders of the Jewish religious system) will lose the vineyard. It will be taken from them and given to a nation which will bear much fruit. HELLO???!!!

    Paul declares In Romans 11 that God has made good on His warnings and He has temporally cut Israel off and is now dealing with the BOC in such a way as to “provoke them to Jealousy”. What blows me away is that God foretold this scenario all the way back at the golden calf debacle (Deut. 32-21). God knew Israel would ultimately blow it, yet He was faithful to them for 1600 more years, saving as many as possible along the way.

    All of my life I have been hounding people with this one question to just about everything…WHY???

    If the detractors of Pauline Christianity/mid-Acts dispensationalism would simply ask the question -why would God turn to Paul when He already had 12 other apostles- and then take into account the multitude of warnings given to Israel, the 2 gospels and Paul’s unique ministry to “a foolish nation” makes perfect sense.

    The entire bible easily falls into place and it can be understood from cover to cover.

    Again…bravo on both the article and the responses!!!

    I hope my observations and comments will help someone.

    God bless…!

    1. doctrine Post author

      Yes, thank you. As early as Deuteronomy 28-32, Moses warned the nation about God’s judgment if they failed to obey. Yet God always declared that Israel, true Israel, would survive and be blessed. Those who deny that God is through with national Israel have not read their Bibles. Or they have read them and twisted the meaning out of context. I deal with the “why” question some in my article, Why Paul?

      1. Chuck Fyock

        Hi Don,

        The prophetic writings are indeed somewhat of a paradox.

        There are words of great blessing, coupled with the foretelling of death and destruction, so obviously both scenarios must have been part of Israel’s future. God proved His omniscience by telling the people in advance which way they would choose to go.

        They have experienced the death and destruction part over the last 1900 years and I believe we are now seeing the preparation of the time of the blessing promises coming into view.

        The lack of OT knowledge is the missing piece of the puzzle in the minds of the detractors of Pauline Christianity. They have not read the OT enough, therefore they have failed to take into account the numerous warnings God gave to Israel. He essentially gave them the choice between door #1, or door #2. Blessing, or cursing.

        They killed the prophets, they killed John the Baptist, they killed Jesus their prophesied Messiah, they blasphemed the prophesied Holy Spirit when He came, they killed the apostle James, and they killed Stephen the deacon. Apparently…that is when God said; “That’s it!!! I’m done with you for now! I have always wanted gentiles to partake in fellowship with Me, but since you (Israel) won’t have fellowship with Me yourselves, I’ll bring the gentile nations in a different way”. (“”paraphrased, of course)

        This is the essence of true “Christianity”. We are not Israel and we do not have to adhere to “Judaism”, which is their program.

        There are in fact “universal truths” within both Judaism and Christianity because it is the same God who instituted both programs. This is where I believe the naysayers get things all mixed up. They see a few similarities between the OT, the gospels, and the writings of Paul, so they blend them all together and claim they are the same gospel. They completely ignore the verses which stand in stark contrast. For God’s word to be true, every word, and every statement within it must also be true as well.

        2Co 5:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.


        I have to say, it is so refreshing to be able to write to someone who understands what I’m talking about. Sometimes I feel very alone. There are so few of us who truly understand the scriptures the way they were originally written and intended to be applied to our lives.

  84. Isaac

    Hi Don,

    Do you think that its Jesus blood that cleanses us for sins, or the fact that he died and rose up again (excluding the blood)?

    1. doctrine Post author

      See Romans 3.25, 5.9; 1 Corinthians 10.16; Ephesians 1.7, 2.13; Colossians 1.14, 20 regarding Christ’s blood. It’s all of it together, His shed blood, He died for us and rose from the dead.

    2. Pat

      All are required as Christ atoning work at the Cross is for our salvation. You certainly cannot exclude the blood. “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.” Hebrews 9:22

      1. Brian Kelley

        Amen! But sadly, ‘teachers’ such as John MacArthur have tried to diminish the critical importance of Christ’s literal physical atoning blood. MacArthur has said that it was just liquid that ran into the ground below the Cross. Instead, MacArthur, Hank Hanegraaff, and others have tried to assert that when we read about Christ’s blood, it’s just synonymous with His ‘death.’ Another reason why I don’t trust calvinist fools.

  85. Ed Smith

    In a strict sense the term Christian is not officially noted in written form until after Paul visited Antioch, and it was used to describe the followers of Jesus. How long it exited before then, nobody knows. Note that the word Nazarenes was first used to describe the followers of Jesus while Jesus was alive, as well as Jesus being from Nazareth, and this is well documented. Some claim that the Nazarenes were all Jewish at the time, but that isn’t the point, nor is it true. The point is they were followers of Jesus, and in John 4:39-42 NASB we see, “39 From that city many of the Samaritans believed in Him because of the word of the woman who testified, “He told me all the things that I have done.” 40 So when the Samaritans came to Jesus, they were asking Him to stay with them; and He stayed there two days. 41 Many more believed because of His word; 42 and they were saying to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Savior of the world.” Here we see Jesus did preach to Gentiles. And the Samaritans were clearly gentiles because John 4:9 states, “Therefore the Samaritan woman said to Him, “How is it that You, being a Jew, ask me for a drink since I am a Samaritan woman?” (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.)” You left this out. It is also highly likely there were some Gentiles among the 5000 and the 4000. Christianity did exist during the time of Jesus, you just aren’t able to recognize it. Perhaps you are too busy concentrating on the technical aspects to notice? Nazarene or Christian or some other name that describes a follower of Jesus, they all mean the same thing…a follower of Jesus be it Jew or Gentile. But, since the word of God officially adopted Christian as the name for followers of Jesus, you can bet everyone in Heaven does the same. God Bless

  86. john

    2Co 5:16 Wherefore henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we him no more.

    What’s that mean

    1. doctrine Post author

      For us, it means we see a person as new, a member of the Church. For Christ, it means our focus in not upon His earthly ministry, i.e, the Gospels, but upon His heavenly ministry, i.e., what He revealed to Paul which is in Paul’s letters.

  87. john

    Did Paul preach the gospel of the Kingdom immediately after his conversion before further revelation of the gospel of the grace of God

    1. doctrine Post author

      We know that immediately following his conversion he proclaimed that Jesus was the Son of God (Acts 9.20). He then went to Arabia, probably after Acts 9.21 and then returned to Damascus. So he likely began to receive his revelations from the Lord in Arabia.

  88. John

    So, Paul God saved under the Kingdom program (since that’s all that was functioning at that time) and Immediately proclaimed Jesus as son of God (since this was common ground and he had a heart for the Jews and they would have first needed to believe Christ as their Messiah). Then, next, he could have explained how Jesus died for them. Obviously Christ would have told Paul this in his revelations. Plus, Paul being a savvy Jew would have probably put it all together from the OT prophecies at this point. However, even in the Synagogues, in Acts 17 preaching that Jesus was the Christ, was AFTER Paul’s conversion and AFTER the Council in Jerusalem, SO.. Paul must have had as his intent to explain the entire gospel – further than Jesus was the Christ – that Jesus was also the sacrifice for sin – so any Jew and the many God fearing gentiles could come into the Body of Christ BY FAITH ALONE. The decision had been made at the Council that Peter would go to the Jew and Paul’s ministry would be to the Gentile. So I guess all this about Paul going into the Synagogues was during the transitional time of Acts? Thoughts Don.

    1. doctrine Post author

      The difficulty with all this is that we are never given the details of Paul’s messages in the synagogues. The issue of the gospel was settled at the Council. But both programs were still in play. They all thought the Lord was going to return in their lifetime. Paul thought the Lord would return in his lifetime and take out the Church and then the Day of the Lord would ensue with the Beast, etc. Then the Lord would return at His 2nd Advent. They all thought this would happen soon. This is why Jesus said that he that endures to the end (end of Tribulation) would be saved and what He said to the Jewish assemblies in Revelation 2-3 about overcoming. The “unforgivable sin” is to take the mark of the Beast—that is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. The book of Hebrews keeps encouraging Jewish believers to remain faithful and not fail as their fathers at Kadesh-Barnes. It was written to prepare them for the Beast.

  89. Mark

    You have gone into great detail to create a distinction between Pauls message and that of the 12. My question is what is the objective? Is there some practical problem in the modern church resulting from ignorance of this distinction? If so what is it? You do not say. You fail to articulate the value of one over the other and what problems a synthesis of the two has created?
    It was Paul who asked, Is Christ divided? One says I follow Paul and another says I follow Peter and another says Apollos. But all are one in Christ. And all things are yours in Christ.
    I think you are getting tangles up in the letter and losing touch with the spirit of the early church history

    1. doctrine Post author

      All Church doctrine comes from Paul. Most of Christendom does not recognize this. Most churches spend most of their time in the gospels. Many churches think that what happened in early Acts should be the model for churches today. This is wrong. The gospels are Old Testament. Nothing in them is to the Church, the body of Christ. Everything in early Acts is to Israel, not the Church. The OT and Gospels are for us but not to us. To live the Christian life requires one to follow Paul’s doctrines even as to be a Jew required one to follow Moses. That is the point of the article.

    2. Neill Calabro

      I gave up on Christianity because i finally was able to come to the conclusion that the Bible indeed contradicts itself. I knew in my heart there couldn’t be two gospels (because for 40 years, including Bible college, I was indoctrinated to this “fact”). So, on that day I threw my Gideon against the wall, I shouted “either there’s another gospel or the Bible contradicts.”

      The next morning, I turned on my TV for background noise, and soon my attention was given to a less-than comely man standing behind an old wood podium positioned in front of a chalk board. Whoever he was, the only information visual was a phone number written on a piece of paper adhered to the podium by scotch tape (now yellowing). I eventually discovered the man was E.C. Moore (r.i.p.), and everything he spoke of was a head-slapper. So much of the confusion, the fear, the contradictions, the human divisiveness, etc., started being resolved within as I learned (as I refer to it) the “plug-in” gospel; how Paul was chosen to be the sole bearer of the Gentile good news/evangelism; how he taught us everything and left nothing out that we needed to know. Acts 20:20

      You ask if there is a problem “resulting from ignorance of this distinction?” Well … people, like me (slightly OCD) who demand divinity over sloppiness, have trouble watering down beauty (grace) with vanity (works). Why the heck is Paul pounding it in my head how God did it all, and how *Jesus* is my righteousness, only to have (coincidentally?) all the other teachers arguing the opposite?

      For years and years and years I have known believers to be disparaging of their faith, because cramming a square Bible into a round gospel didn’t work. And when watching religious shows and hearing questions from viewers who know they’ve committed the Unpardonable, or can’t stop sinning, or have for the umpteenth time asked forgiveness … I know how their burden would be lifted (at Calvary) if they wouldn’t be bullied by tradition.

      We, who have seen this “distinction,” are not satisfied, but are depressed, with the hundreds of verses that just make Paul out to be wrong — issues like, James saying faith without works is dead (yes … yes … we have heard all the spin; all the attempts to tether the two). And because of these “problems a synthesis of the two has created,” it is of the utmost spiritual necessity to hear the “value of one over the other .”

      For 4 decades I appeased myself saying, how could everybody else be wrong
      (I can still hear Martin Luther laughing at me).

  90. Pat Brown

    As with the progressive revelation of his salvation plan, the Lord spends a lot of time showing us what doesn’t work. As humans we learn more from our failures than our successes.

    This site has made things snap into focus for me. It only took 40 years.

  91. Peter Mein

    Hi Doctrine:

    I cling to 1Cor 15: 1-4. On this point of truth I shall never move. Yet, as I believe all of scripture is the inspired Word of God. I also fully acknowledge the truth of Jesus being the promised Messiah as Peter and the others believed. I realize i’m not double cover for my salvation. It’s more of marvelling at the glory of God, how He has moved through time (dispensations) to bring salvation to the largest group of people possible. Praise be to God our Father and His Son, our Lord and Saviour.

  92. Curtis

    The key to your whole teaching was found in the last words of your post, before the conclusion, which says, “until they learned of it from Paul.”

    It is clear by your teaching that everything you stated was true in regards to the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom by the 12, etc., except for the fact that “they” too, (the 12 disciples) eventually learned of the of Gospel of Grace from Paul and embraced (believed) it.

    Do you actually think that they are not of the same Church as Paul and all those of the Gospel of Grace?
    We know because of Acts 28, that Israel finally rejected to Kingdom Gospel, and that the Gospel of Grace was only what was preached thereafter.

    What is required for regeneration? To believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, which is to believe the Gospel message. We should let God be the judge of who is regenerated and who is not for He alone knows the heart of man.

    1. doctrine Post author

      See my article, The Great Hinge. The Twelve were apostles of Israel, not of the Church, the body of Christ. Their destiny is earthly, to rule with Christ over the 12 tribes of Israel (Matthew 19.28). Members of the Church have a heavenly destiny and will rule angels (1 Corinthians 6.3).

  93. Curtis


    I would like to also add the fact that because all the books of the NT were supposedly written sometime after 49 AD is evident that all the Apostles (by that time frame) would have already embraced the Gospel of Grace message that was first given to Paul. In other words, they all would have written about it and taught it to others in their later years, even though they didn’t preach it in their early years.


  94. cigmd

    Before learning of your site, I was always confused with the simplest of questions, “Why was Paul even needed?”

    If the 12 were teaching grace, church, body of christ, then what use did God have to even call Paul.

    Was Peter not up to converting the gentiles?

    Did the apostles make a mistake when they chose the 12th by casting lots instead of waiting for Paul to show up?

    If he was supposed to be the 12th, why didn’t Jesus make an effort to find Paul during his time on earth?

    There were never any good answers given:
    “Paul was chosen because he was a Roman and was educated in Greek and Latin.” Thats really a lonely of looking at the 12. Tbey seem to be highly educated as evidenced by their writings.

    Then you get those who hate Paul. They understand that there is a different message and so they go the route of calling Paul a heretic:
    This makes Gospel of Luke and Acts false teaching. It also makes the letters of Peter false teaching as he writes that Pauls writings are scripture.

    I thank you for your writing as you have provided the clearest explanation as to ghe dichotomy of the two.gospels with two different messages for 2 different peoples.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Exactly. Many theological problems and contradictions exist if one does not understand the difference between the gospel of the kingdom and the gospel of the grace of God, between the ministry of the Twelve and that of Paul, between Israel and the Church, etc. I get comments from Paul-haters all the time as these people only recognize what Jesus said in His earthly ministry. They seem to be unaware He spoke through the prophets and that after He ascended He spoke to Paul. May God continue to enlighten you.

    2. Bobbi

      Hi brethren! 🌺

      Am thinking… what is missed about Paul… is that God began a HEAVENLY calling when He saved Paul. This is much more apparent in Eph. and Col.. but this calling is an UPWARD CALL, Heavenly. Whereas
      the 12 are the “new nation” of Israel… AN HOLY NATION, a royal priesthood Peter tells them. This calling regards EARTH.


      1 Tim.1:15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am CHEIF.
      16 Howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me FIRST Jesus Christ might shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting.

      In the greek …FIRST = PROTOS…1. either in time or place, in any succession of things or of persons;
      He was first to be A PATTERN …for us!

      This is according to God’s eternal purpose in Christ, which was revealed to Paul …

      Eph.1:10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in HEAVEN, and which are on EARTH; even in him:

      Hope this may help someone… Amen!👑

  95. phillip

    Well, this shoots down the notion of Landmarkism.

    About 20 years ago, I moved out into the country and, eventually visited a small congregation at Landmark Baptist Church. Initially, I thought the word “landmark” referred to the building which was built in the early 1900s. Then, one day, I googled the phrase “Landmark Baptist” and *poof* all kinds of stuff came up. Some of the stuff I read on-line was the same stuff I was hearing from the pulpit.

    According to them, John the Baptist was the first Baptist. When Jesus was baptized by John, He, too, became a Baptist having been baptized by the first Baptist, John (seriously, folks, I am not making this up). They provided me a little booklet entitled “The Trail of Blood” which proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that only they could trace their roots to the 12 apostles and John the Baptist. If you wanted to be a member of Christ’s true church, you had to be “scripturally” baptized by another Landmark Baptist member. People could still be saved and not be a member of the one true church, but they would be guests at the wedding and not part of the bride.

    What a hoot.

    Anyway, I remember back then that I thought the body of Christ originated with the apostle Paul and that the term “Christian” was first used at Antioch, not Jerusalem. I pointed out, way back then, that Jesus and the 12 preached the gospel of the kingdom and that it wasn’t until Paul that the Lord revealed His gospel of grace (the death, burial, and resurrection).

    After a short period of time I left. It was a painful decision because they were a small, friendly, and godly congregation. But I had already left another congregation that thought that they, too, were the one true church. I knew I wasn’t going to change them and I wasn’t going to allow them to change me. So it was just easier to move on.

    Anyone interested in learning more about this, just do a google search on “Landmarkism” or “The Trail of Blood”.

  96. phillip


    Forgive me if you have addressed this somewhere else, but I would like to get your thoughts on tithing and the church.

    This is posted on some churches’ websites under “what we believe”.

    Giving: We believe that every Christian, as a steward of that portion of God’s wealth entrusted to him, is obligated to support his church financially. We believe that God has established the tithe as a basis for giving but that every Christian should also give other offerings sacrificially and cheerfully to the support of the Church, the relief of those in need, and the spread of the gospel. We believe that a Christian relinquishes all rights to direct the use of the tithe or offering once the gift has been made. (Genesis 14:20; Proverbs 3:9-10; Acts 4:34-37; Malachi 3; I Corinthians 16:2; II Corinthians 9:6-7; Galatians 6:6)

    1. doctrine Post author

      The standard for Christian giving is found in 2 Corinthians 9. Tithing has no place in a Christian church. Tithing, first found in Genesis 14.20 was incorporated into the Mosaic Law to support the Levitical priesthood and the poor. Paul wrote that members of the Church are not under the Law but under grace (Romans 6.14). Giving should be on that basis—freely without compulsion. God loves a cheerful giver. We have God’s promise to bless who give in such manner.

      1. phillip


        Agreed. Nowhere in Paul’s writings is there even a hint of tithing. Tithing was/is a form of taxation and, as you point out, and the scriptures show, was directed towards Israel and the Mosaic Law.

        Congregations, churches, and denominations who preach their membership should tithe, plus give additionally, should be ashamed of themselves.

        My “gut” told me this was your stance, I just wanted others to read it as well.

        Blessings, brother.

  97. amponsah peprah

    i just came across this site and i must confess, i am highly enlightened. the scriptures are better understood more than before. i however have difficulty reconciling the thought that Christianity began with Paul since Peter also addressed his audience as christians in 1st Peter 4:14-16
    Are the 12 apostles in the body of Christ ?; they accepted Paul’s gospel in Acts 15?

    1. doctrine Post author

      Thank you. By the time Peter wrote 1 Peter the term likely included all who believed in Christ. Those who believed in Jesus under the gospel of the kingdom were formerly known as followers of “the Way.” Jesus called the 12 apostles as apostle of Israel. Their destiny is to rule the 12 tribes (Matthew 19.29), not the Church. The issue of the gospel was settled in Acts 15 (see my article, The Great Hinge), but the gospel of the kingdom program continued. When James met Paul in Jerusalem in Acts 21, he talked about Jewish believers being zealous for the Mosaic Law. Paul taught that members of the Church are free from the Law. That is what the entire book of Galatians is about (cf. Romans 6.14). You might want to also read Paul: Chief of Sinners?

  98. Amponsah

    Thank you very much for the clarification.
    i infer from your response that the 12 Apostles and the followers of the kingdom programme are not in the body of Christ. if so, will they experience the rapture and what will be their final destination?
    I will very much appreciate your thoughts.

    1. doctrine Post author

      See my article on Resurrection. Old Testament believers will be resurrected after the Tribulation, not at the Rapture. The destiny of Israel is earth. That is where Christ will reign (Zechariah 14.9). Everything pertaining to Israel is on earth and the location of Christ’s kingdom and where the 12 will rule (Matthew 19.28).

  99. annie

    Hello Don,
    Happy New Year and many blessings to you for 2022.
    Thank you for your commitment to this website.
    I see you are “pro-Israel” but I worry about how we can know the people who have settled modern day Israel are actually Jews/Israelites. A lot of intermarrying must have taken place since the expulsion of 70AD and most modern Israelis are not religious Jews at all.?

    1. doctrine Post author

      Thank you. There is a lot of false teaching that Jews today are not Jews. While much intermarrying has occurred most of those in Israel are Jews, sons and daughters of Jacob. Most have no idea of their tribal identity but God does as is evident from Revelation 7. God will bring all that He has declared to pass. And yes, most modern Jews are not religious, just like most Gentiles are not religious. There is great corruption in the Israeli government just as corruption is rife in our government. But God has promised that “all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11.26).

  100. Craig

    Don, a friend of mine said that in Acts 21:25 the little flock were then Christians. Is this true? I thought the little flock were Jews who believed Jesus was their King and kept the law

  101. Daniel J Stanton

    Peter James and John only agreed that they troubled not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God. They never agreed to drop their gospel. In truth, Paul later had to jump up in Peter’s grill, because fear of the Circumcision caused Peter to pervert the gospel Jesus revealed to Paul. This is not a moot point, today the everlasting gospel is still viable, even though you personally have cancelled it. God committed two separate gospels, we should not willy nilly erase one. Peter was not a Christian, he was what we describe today as a Messianic Jew.

    1. doctrine Post author

      Peter suspended the gospel of the kingdom at the Council of Jerusalem. That gospel is eternal, who Christ is, but is not the message of salvation today. It returns after God removes the Church and will be the message of salvation during the Tribulation. See my article, The Great Hinge. The only gospel that saves today is Paul’s gospel, believing Christ died for one’s sins and rose for our justification. Paul wrote that anyone who proclaimed a gospel different from his was cursed (Galatians 1.6-9). He could not have written this before the Council of Jerusalem. Paul did not rebuke Peter for perverting the gospel, only for his hypocrisy in eating with Gentiles, and then separating from them due to the circumcision party. The issue was not salvation but how one was to live, under grace or under law.

  102. Daniel J Stanton

    Peter’s hypocrisy amounted to the perversion Paul was pointing out in the previous chapter. The perversion that Paul wrote about came from the other gospel that was not another, it was the Uncircumcision gospel committed to Peter. These two gospels are linked by the words Jesus told His disciples in John 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. These two folds will not be joined together until He brings both folds to heaven at the Rapture. The other fold Jesus spoke of are Christians, the little flock still exists, in fact they are thriving. Messianic Jews definitely combine the two gospels, but Christians do not enjoy this freedom. They were directly informed by Jesus that He would come and bring them to Himself, we rely on what was revealed to Paul. These separate gatherings will occur on the same day.

    1. doctrine Post author

      The text indicates nothing more than Peter began withdrawing from Gentiles after he was eating with them. The designation “sheep” always and only is used of Israel, Jews, never Gentiles, never the Church. The other “fold” are Jews who believe the gospel of the kingdom during the Tribulation. Today, one gospel exists–Paul’s gospel. A Jew who believes Paul’s gospel becomes “Church.” A Gentile who believes Paul’s gospel becomes “Church.” This is clear from 1 Corinthians 10.32. One who comes to know Christ today is neither Jew or Gentile but a new, third theological race, Church.

  103. Daniel J Stanton

    You state that Peter suspended the gospel of the kingdom at the Jerusalem Council. If Peter never followed Paul’s gospel, and scripture does show this, how can you make such a statement?

    1. doctrine Post author

      Peter proclaimed the gospel of the kingdom. Paul was saved under the gospel of the kingdom. Paul’s gospel was a secret the ascended Lord revealed to him (Galatians 1.11-12; Ephesians 6.19; Romans 16.25). See The Great Hinge.

  104. Daniel J Stanton

    How does Peter suspend the gospel of the kingdom in Scripture? Sorry I have to ask again, but you did not answer my question last time. It makes a huge difference today; Has the everlasting gospel somehow been terminated? are there still two gospels? I must share my thoughts, there are still two viable gospels.

  105. Jerry Shaw

    Don, I have recently come across an argument that Jesus ministry was only 70 weeks. The explanation seems to have weight. I have always understood and taught the Jesus ministry was 3 1/2 years. Surprisingly, I find no scripture to support that. Can you help?

  106. Joe


    What are your thoughts on the feet washing commercial that ‘He Gets Us’ paid for and placed on TV during the Super Bowl of ’24. I suppose it teaches humility, but something didn’t set well with me and I can’t put my finger on it. I’m not aware of Jesus, willy nilly, washing people’s feet. My understanding is this feet washing event only took place once and Judas must have been included… this happened the night before Jesus was arrested and only applied to the 12. I know there is a passage where Mary washes the feet of Jesus. Thoughts?

    1. doctrine Post author

      I certainly have no criticism of what Jesus did, but the commercial is another example of Christendom’s failure to understand the difference between Jesus’ earthly ministry to Israel and the truths the ascended Lord revealed to Paul. Paul commands believers to imitate him. For us in the Church, Paul is our example. These commercials say nothing about life in the Spirit, our position in Christ, eternal life, not to mention forgiveness of sins. That is why it doesn’t “set well” with you.

  107. Brian Kelley

    Don, in addition to what you’ve stated, some of these commercials are deceptive and meant to draw naive desperate people into cults like the mormons, jehovah’s witnesses, seventh day adventists, etc. Thus, they will always initially give a very broad general appeal for Christ’s love as a baiting method. And then the false doctrine and money grubbing comes later. Unfortunately, P.T. Barnum was right in a sense that ‘A sucker is born every minute.’ Satannic deception is often very subtle and insidious.

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