
The following resources are excellent tools for Bible study:

Bible GatewayRead or search multiple versions of the Bible
BibleHubGreek and Hebrew text, translations, and commentaries
Blue Letter BibleBible versions, lexical resources, commentaries, etc.
BibleWebAppGreek-Hebrew parallel text with parsing
Greek New Testament | ComparatorVariant textual readings
Greek New Testament Variant ReadingsTerry Bruce’s NT Textual Variants
Greek-English Interlinear Bible
Greek-English Interlinear LXX
Greek-English Interlinear LXX
Greek LexiconLiddell-Scott
Liddell-Scott-Jones LexiconLSJ
Academic-Bible.comOriginal texts, NA 28, UBS5, LXX, BHS
Hebrew-English Interlinear Bible
Hebrew BibleHebrew and English Bible
Bible BrowseLexical tools, commentaries, map tools
LexilogosType Greek, Hebrew, etc., and other lexical tools
English-Greek DictionaryS. C. Woodhouse, M.A. 1910
STEP BibleMany Greek and Hebrew lexical tools, resources
Biblical Studies BlogLots or commentaries, other excellent resources