
Understanding Romans: An Examination

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Description: Romans reveals the foundational truths of Christianity, the doctrines of the Church, the body of Christ. While it does not contain everything Paul wrote about the Church, it is Paul’s great, systematic revelation of the faith. As such, it has received the most attention of Paul’s letters. Thousands of commentaries have been written on it. Why another? Many good commentaries exist on Romans, but the author hopes this work will enlighten and clarify Paul’s message and theology others have overlooked or misunderstood. Available in hardback and paperback. Latest version: 2nd printing.



Understanding 1-2 Thessalonians: An Examination

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Description: 1-2 Thessalonians were Paul’s first letters, written shortly after the Jerusalem Council, which settled the question of the gospel and salvation. The Pre-Tribulation Rapture and the advent of the man of the lawlessness, the Beast of Revelation, are the primary subjects of the letters. They were the first subjects Paul taught and wrote about to the Thessalonians after they believed the gospel. The letters also reveal Paul, with the rest of the apostles, thought the Lord would return soon—in their lifetime. These letters assure members of the Church that they will not undergo the Tribulation. Available in paperback. Latest version: 2nd printing.



Understanding the Jewish Writings: An Examination of Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude, and Revelation

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Description: Hebrews, James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude, and Revelation comprise the Jewish writings that follow the Gospels. Addressed to Jews who believed the gospel of the kingdom, that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God, they continue the message of the Gospels and expand on God’s prophetic program revealed by the prophets of God’s wrath and earthy kingdom. Particular attention is given to Jesus’ warning that the one who endured to the end would be saved and overcoming, what He meant by the unforgivable sin of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, and difficult passages such as Hebrews 6. Apparent contradictions of these writings when compared to Paul’s letters are also resolved. Available in paperback and hardback. Latest version: 3rd printing.


The New Testament Study Bible (BDV)

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Description: Perhaps no joy in this life is greater than having a sound understanding of God’s Word. The goal of the New Testament Study Bible (BDV) is to provide an accurate translation with helpful explanatory notes for readers to understand the text, especially difficult or confusing passages. Also included are insights into the Greek text, variant readings, cross references to Old Testament passages, introductions to the Gospels, Paul’s Letters, and the Jewish Letters, and a comment on reading the New Testament. The New Testament Study Bible (BDV) is a dynamic work, This is the second edition and includes the corrections and notes of earlier printings and adds new corrections and notes to give the reader the best possible text and notes to date. Available in paperback and hardback. Latest version: 2nd Edition, 2nd printing.

Paul: Apostle of Secrets

Available at Amazon.

Description: Paul is widely known as “the apostle of the Gentiles” and “the apostle of the grace of God.” Few, however, recognize him as “the apostle of secrets.” Yet this title is his most defining description. Paul: Apostle of Secrets, examines Paul’s life and teachings and how the risen Christ commissioned him as His “secret agent” to found the Church, the body of Christ, and reveal all its doctrines. Through Paul’s unique apostleship, God disclosed secrets He had kept hidden for thousands of years that every Christian should know and understand. Available in paperback and hardback. Latest version: 5th printing.


God’s Programs: An Introduction to Understanding the Bible

Available at Amazon.

Description: God’s Programs starts at the beginning, in Genesis, and takes the reader through the Scriptures. The Bible is not difficult to comprehend when one understands how it is organized, what is written, and to whom it is written. God has given the Scriptures to reveal Himself, His plan for mankind, to show why things are the way they are, and to reveal what lies ahead. Most of Christendom does not recognize God has created five great programs: Mankind, Israel, Church, Kingdom, and Eternity and that each program must be recognized and understood to reveal the meaning of God’s plan. When the Bible is allowed to speak for itself, the light of understanding will shine. The goal of this book is to open the Scriptures and guide the reader to see what God has revealed. Available in paperback and hardback. Latest version: 5th printing.